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Created March 18, 2024 15:15
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  • Save rmhrisk/39f266d7b0fc3a7ec62047828b98964f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rmhrisk/39f266d7b0fc3a7ec62047828b98964f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rank Certificate Authority Unexpired Precertificates Percentage Cumulative %
1 Internet Security Research Group 338,978,164 47.928% 47.928%
2 DigiCert 81,481,742 11.521% 59.449%
3 Sectigo 71,963,799 10.175% 69.624%
4 GoDaddy 69,771,281 9.865% 79.489%
5 Amazon Trust Services 56,893,730 8.044% 87.533%
6 Google Trust Services LLC 56,021,094 7.921% 95.454%
7 Microsoft Corporation 23,484,401 3.320% 98.774%
8 IdenTrust Services, LLC 4,385,571 0.620% 99.394%
9 GlobalSign nv-sa 1,460,274 0.206% 99.601%
10 Actalis 802,313 0.113% 99.714%
11 Entrust 536,517 0.076% 99.790%
12 Asseco Data Systems S.A. (previously Unizeto Certum) 469,826 0.066% 99.856%
13 Buypass 228,402 0.032% 99.889%
14 SECOM Trust Systems CO., LTD. 209,764 0.030% 99.918%
15 177,890 0.025% 99.944%
16 Certainly LLC 118,103 0.017% 99.960%
17 Taiwan-CA Inc. (TWCA) 50,049 0.007% 99.967%
18 QuoVadis 48,498 0.007% 99.974%
19 SwissSign AG 27,290 0.004% 99.978%
20 ? 22,291 0.003% 99.981%
21 Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH 18,025 0.003% 99.984%
22 Chunghwa Telecom 16,632 0.002% 99.986%
23 Telia Company 13,353 0.002% 99.988%
24 D-TRUST 11,745 0.002% 99.990%
25 Viking Cloud, Inc. 9,355 0.001% 99.991%
26 Certigna 7,715 0.001% 99.992%
27 eMudhra Technologies Limited 5,722 0.001% 99.993%
28 Shanghai Electronic Certification Authority Co., Ltd. 5,532 0.001% 99.994%
29 China Financial Certification Authority (CFCA) 4,223 0.001% 99.994%
30 HARICA 3,901 0.001% 99.995%
- Total for all considered CAs - 99.995% 99.995%
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def fetch_data(url):
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
data = []
table = soup.find("table")
rows = table.find_all("tr")[2:] # Skip header rows
for row in rows:
cols = row.find_all("td")
if cols:
owner = cols[0].text.strip()
unexpired_precerts = int(cols[4].text.strip().replace(',', ''))
data.append([owner, unexpired_precerts])
return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Owner', 'Unexpired Precertificates'])
root_owner_url = ''
ca_owner_url = ''
root_owner_data = fetch_data(root_owner_url)
ca_owner_data = fetch_data(ca_owner_url)
# Adjust Certainly LLC and GoDaddy data
certainly_data = ca_owner_data[ca_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('Certainly LLC', case=False)]['Unexpired Precertificates'].sum()
godaddy_indices = root_owner_data[root_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('GoDaddy', case=False)].index
if not godaddy_indices.empty:
for idx in godaddy_indices:[idx, 'Unexpired Precertificates'] -= certainly_data
# Now add Certainly LLC as a separate row
new_row = pd.DataFrame({'Owner': 'Certainly LLC', 'Unexpired Precertificates': certainly_data}, index=[0])
root_owner_data = pd.concat([root_owner_data, new_row], ignore_index=True)
# Combine Quovadis data with DigiCert
quovadis_total = root_owner_data[root_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('Quovadis')]['Unexpired Precertificates'].sum()
root_owner_data.loc[root_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('DigiCert'), 'Unexpired Precertificates'] += quovadis_total
root_owner_data = root_owner_data[~root_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('Quovadis')]
# Combine Microsoft Corporation Core Services Engineering & Operations data with Microsoft Corporation
microsoft_cseo_total = root_owner_data[root_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('Microsoft Corporation Core Services Engineering & Operations')]['Unexpired Precertificates'].sum()
root_owner_data.loc[root_owner_data['Owner'] == 'Microsoft Corporation', 'Unexpired Precertificates'] += microsoft_cseo_total
root_owner_data = root_owner_data[~root_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('Microsoft Corporation Core Services Engineering & Operations')]
# Sort and calculate percentages
root_owner_data.sort_values('Unexpired Precertificates', ascending=False, inplace=True)
root_owner_data['Percentage'] = (root_owner_data['Unexpired Precertificates'] / root_owner_data['Unexpired Precertificates'].sum()) * 100
root_owner_data['Cumulative Percentage'] = root_owner_data['Percentage'].cumsum()
# Determine how many top CAs are needed to reach a cumulative percentage close to 100%
threshold = 99.995 # Define the threshold to reach close to 100%
top_cas_needed = root_owner_data[root_owner_data['Cumulative Percentage'] <= threshold]
# Plotting the pie chart with the needed number of CAs
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 7))
wedges, texts, autotexts = ax.pie(
top_cas_needed['Unexpired Precertificates'],
autopct=lambda pct: f'{pct:.3f}%' if pct > 1 else '',
ax.axis('equal') # Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle.
plt.title('CAs by Unexpired Precertificates Issuance')
legend_labels = [f'{owner} - {pct:.3f}%' for owner, pct in zip(top_cas_needed['Owner'], top_cas_needed['Percentage'])]
ax.legend(wedges, legend_labels, title="Certificate Authorities", loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
# Generate the markdown table with the needed number of CAs
print("| Rank | Certificate Authority | Unexpired Precertificates | Percentage | Cumulative % |")
rank = 1 # Start ranking at 1
for _, row in top_cas_needed.iterrows():
print(f"| {rank} | {row['Owner']} | {row['Unexpired Precertificates']:,} | {row['Percentage']:.3f}% | {row['Cumulative Percentage']:.3f}% |")
rank += 1 # Increment rank by 1 for each row
# Optionally, if you want to include the total for all CAs considered (not just the top 20)
total_percentage = top_cas_needed['Percentage'].sum()
print("| - | **Total for all considered CAs** | - | **{:.3f}%** | **{:.3f}%** |".format(total_percentage, total_percentage))
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rmhrisk commented Mar 18, 2024

Here is the pie chart created by this script

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rmhrisk commented Mar 18, 2024

It turns out that ? is how captures untrusted certificates, as such it can be safely filtered. This adds a block to do just that.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def fetch_data(url):
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
    data = []
    table = soup.find("table")
    rows = table.find_all("tr")[2:]  # Skip header rows
    for row in rows:
        cols = row.find_all("td")
        if cols:
            owner = cols[0].text.strip()
            unexpired_precerts = int(cols[4].text.strip().replace(',', ''))
            data.append([owner, unexpired_precerts])
    return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Owner', 'Unexpired Precertificates'])

root_owner_url = ''
ca_owner_url = ''

root_owner_data = fetch_data(root_owner_url)
ca_owner_data = fetch_data(ca_owner_url)

# Adjust Certainly LLC and GoDaddy data
certainly_data = ca_owner_data[ca_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('Certainly LLC', case=False)]['Unexpired Precertificates'].sum()

godaddy_indices = root_owner_data[root_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('GoDaddy', case=False)].index
if not godaddy_indices.empty:
    for idx in godaddy_indices:[idx, 'Unexpired Precertificates'] -= certainly_data

# Now add Certainly LLC as a separate row
new_row = pd.DataFrame({'Owner': 'Certainly LLC', 'Unexpired Precertificates': certainly_data}, index=[0])
root_owner_data = pd.concat([root_owner_data, new_row], ignore_index=True)

# Combine Quovadis data with DigiCert
quovadis_total = root_owner_data[root_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('Quovadis', case=False)]['Unexpired Precertificates'].sum()
root_owner_data.loc[root_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('DigiCert'), 'Unexpired Precertificates'] += quovadis_total
root_owner_data = root_owner_data[~root_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('Quovadis', case=False)]

# Combine Microsoft Corporation Core Services Engineering & Operations data with Microsoft Corporation
microsoft_cseo_total = root_owner_data[root_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('Microsoft Corporation Core Services Engineering & Operations')]['Unexpired Precertificates'].sum()
root_owner_data.loc[root_owner_data['Owner'] == 'Microsoft Corporation', 'Unexpired Precertificates'] += microsoft_cseo_total
root_owner_data = root_owner_data[~root_owner_data['Owner'].str.contains('Microsoft Corporation Core Services Engineering & Operations')]

# Filter out rows where 'Owner' is marked as "?" because they are not in CCADB which they should be but, in some cases, untrusted. It just dirties the report given its purpose.
root_owner_data = root_owner_data[root_owner_data['Owner'] != "?"]
ca_owner_data = ca_owner_data[ca_owner_data['Owner'] != "?"]

# Sort and calculate percentages
root_owner_data.sort_values('Unexpired Precertificates', ascending=False, inplace=True)
root_owner_data['Percentage'] = (root_owner_data['Unexpired Precertificates'] / root_owner_data['Unexpired Precertificates'].sum()) * 100
root_owner_data['Cumulative Percentage'] = root_owner_data['Percentage'].cumsum()

# Determine how many top CAs are needed to reach a cumulative percentage close to 100%
threshold = 99.995  # Define the threshold to reach close to 100%
top_cas_needed = root_owner_data[root_owner_data['Cumulative Percentage'] <= threshold]

# Plotting the pie chart with the needed number of CAs
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 7))
wedges, texts, autotexts = ax.pie(
    top_cas_needed['Unexpired Precertificates'],
    autopct=lambda pct: f'{pct:.3f}%' if pct > 1 else '',
ax.axis('equal')  # Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle.
plt.title('CAs by Unexpired Precertificates Issuance')

# Generate legend labels after removing QuoVadis
legend_labels = [f'{owner} - {pct:.3f}%' for owner, pct in zip(top_cas_needed['Owner'], top_cas_needed['Percentage']) if 'QuoVadis' not in owner]
ax.legend(wedges, legend_labels, title="Certificate Authorities", loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))


# Generate the markdown table with the needed number of CAs
print("| Rank | Certificate Authority | Unexpired Precertificates | Percentage | Cumulative % |")
rank = 1  # Start ranking at 1
for _, row in top_cas_needed.iterrows():
    print(f"| {rank} | {row['Owner']} | {row['Unexpired Precertificates']:,} | {row['Percentage']:.3f}% | {row['Cumulative Percentage']:.3f}% |")
    rank += 1  # Increment rank by 1 for each row

total_percentage = top_cas_needed['Percentage'].sum()
print("| - | **Total for all considered CAs** | - | **{:.3f}%** | **{:.3f}%** |".format(total_percentage, total_percentage))

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rmhrisk commented Mar 18, 2024

The updated output looks like this:

Rank Certificate Authority Unexpired Precertificates Percentage Cumulative %
1 Internet Security Research Group 339,096,117 47.911% 47.911%
2 DigiCert 81,567,944 11.525% 59.435%
3 Sectigo 72,068,468 10.183% 69.618%
4 GoDaddy 69,828,902 9.866% 79.484%
5 Amazon Trust Services 57,114,851 8.070% 87.554%
6 Google Trust Services LLC 55,991,420 7.911% 95.465%
7 Microsoft Corporation 23,496,018 3.320% 98.784%
8 IdenTrust Services, LLC 4,386,466 0.620% 99.404%
9 GlobalSign nv-sa 1,463,850 0.207% 99.611%
10 Actalis 802,443 0.113% 99.724%
11 Entrust 537,208 0.076% 99.800%
12 Asseco Data Systems S.A. (previously Unizeto Certum) 470,097 0.066% 99.867%
13 Buypass 228,125 0.032% 99.899%
14 SECOM Trust Systems CO., LTD. 209,771 0.030% 99.929%
15 177,784 0.025% 99.954%
16 Certainly LLC 117,480 0.017% 99.970%
17 Taiwan-CA Inc. (TWCA) 49,943 0.007% 99.977%
18 SwissSign AG 27,309 0.004% 99.981%
19 Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH 18,031 0.003% 99.984%
20 Chunghwa Telecom 16,631 0.002% 99.986%
21 Telia Company 13,356 0.002% 99.988%
22 D-TRUST 11,746 0.002% 99.990%
23 Viking Cloud, Inc. 9,428 0.001% 99.991%
24 Certigna 7,684 0.001% 99.992%
25 eMudhra Technologies Limited 5,724 0.001% 99.993%
26 Shanghai Electronic Certification Authority Co., Ltd. 5,530 0.001% 99.994%
27 China Financial Certification Authority (CFCA) 4,223 0.001% 99.994%
28 HARICA 3,901 0.001% 99.995%
- Total for all considered CAs - 99.995% 99.995%

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rmhrisk commented Apr 29, 2024


Rank Certificate Authority Unexpired Precertificates Percentage Cumulative %
1 Internet Security Research Group 363,820,787 50.506% 50.506%
2 GoDaddy 78,213,543 10.858% 61.363%
3 DigiCert 72,780,038 10.103% 71.467%
4 Sectigo 60,414,175 8.387% 79.853%
5 Amazon Trust Services 58,081,483 8.063% 87.916%
6 Google Trust Services LLC 53,055,699 7.365% 95.281%
7 Microsoft Corporation 25,462,525 3.535% 98.816%
8 IdenTrust Services, LLC 4,332,393 0.601% 99.418%
9 GlobalSign nv-sa 1,485,722 0.206% 99.624%
10 Actalis 811,133 0.113% 99.736%
11 Entrust 562,764 0.078% 99.815%
12 Asseco Data Systems S.A. (previously Unizeto Certum) 469,804 0.065% 99.880%
13 Buypass 222,349 0.031% 99.911%
14 SECOM Trust Systems CO., LTD. 207,286 0.029% 99.939%
15 128,007 0.018% 99.957%
16 Certainly LLC 76,243 0.011% 99.968%
17 Taiwan-CA Inc. (TWCA) 49,473 0.007% 99.975%
18 SwissSign AG 27,760 0.004% 99.978%
19 Chunghwa Telecom 23,353 0.003% 99.982%
20 Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH 18,157 0.003% 99.984%
21 Telia Company 13,753 0.002% 99.986%
22 D-TRUST 12,299 0.002% 99.988%
23 Certigna 11,452 0.002% 99.989%
24 Viking Cloud, Inc. 10,589 0.001% 99.991%
25 China Financial Certification Authority (CFCA) 6,578 0.001% 99.992%
26 Shanghai Electronic Certification Authority Co., Ltd. 6,103 0.001% 99.993%
27 eMudhra Technologies Limited 5,837 0.001% 99.993%
28 certSIGN 4,465 0.001% 99.994%
29 HARICA 3,997 0.001% 99.995%
- Total for all considered CAs - 99.995% 99.995%

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