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Created March 18, 2024 22:45
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import pandas as pd
import requests
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from io import StringIO
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def download_csv(url):
response = requests.get(url)
return StringIO(response.text)
def compute_fingerprint(pem_data):
cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(pem_data.encode(), default_backend())
return cert.fingerprint(hashes.SHA256()).hex().upper()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error computing fingerprint: {e}")
return None
def extract_country_from_certificate(pem_data):
cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(pem_data.encode(), default_backend())
issuer_countries = [i.value for i in cert.issuer.get_attributes_for_oid(x509.NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME)]
return ",".join(set(issuer_countries))
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error extracting country: {e}")
return ""
def generate_pie_chart_with_legend(ca_countries):
# Transform the ca_countries into a DataFrame
country_counts = pd.Series(ca_countries).value_counts().rename_axis('Country').reset_index(name='Counts')
# Increase the figure size to make more room for the pie chart and the legend
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7))
# Create the pie chart with the autopct set to display percentages
wedges, _, autotexts = ax.pie(
# Draw a circle at the center to make it a donut chart
plt.gca().add_artist(plt.Circle((0, 0), 0.70, color='white'))
# Set legend with country names and percentages, placed on the right side
legend_labels = [f"{country}: {perc:.2f}%" for country, perc in zip(country_counts['Country'], country_counts['Counts'])]
ax.legend(wedges, legend_labels, title="Country", loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 0.5))
# Adjust figure to prevent cutoff of legend or labels
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.75)
# Set the title and show the plot
plt.title('Country Distribution of Certificate Authorities')
def generate_trusted_ca_markdown_table_from_url(ca_url, roots_url):
ca_csv_data = download_csv(ca_url)
ca_data = pd.read_csv(ca_csv_data)
ca_data = ca_data[ca_data['Certificate Record Type'] == 'Root Certificate']
roots_csv_data = download_csv(roots_url)
roots_data = pd.read_csv(roots_csv_data)
roots_data['Computed SHA-256 Fingerprint'] = roots_data['PEM'].apply(compute_fingerprint)
fingerprint_to_country = dict(zip(roots_data['Computed SHA-256 Fingerprint'], roots_data['PEM'].apply(extract_country_from_certificate)))
trusted_roots = {}
ca_countries = {}
for _, row in ca_data.iterrows():
ca_owner = row['CA Owner']
fingerprint = row.get('SHA-256 Fingerprint',
country = fingerprint_to_country.get(fingerprint, "Unknown") # Use "Unknown" for CAs without a country
status = row['Status of Root Cert']
# Only include CAs that are trusted by at least one program
if any(trust in status for trust in ["Apple: Included", "Google Chrome: Included", "Microsoft: Included", "Mozilla: Included"]):
if ca_owner not in trusted_roots:
trusted_roots[ca_owner] = set()
ca_countries[ca_owner] = country if country else "Unknown"
# Check for inclusion by each program
if "Apple: Included" in status:
if "Google Chrome: Included" in status:
trusted_roots[ca_owner].add("Google Chrome")
if "Microsoft: Included" in status:
if "Mozilla: Included" in status:
# Generating markdown table
markdown_table = "CA Owner | Countries | Apple | Google Chrome | Microsoft | Mozilla\n"
markdown_table += "--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---\n"
for ca_owner, stores in trusted_roots.items():
countries = ca_countries.get(ca_owner, "Unknown")
row = [ca_owner, countries] + ["✓" if store in stores else "" for store in ["Apple", "Google Chrome", "Microsoft", "Mozilla"]]
markdown_table += " | ".join(row) + "\n"
markdown_table += f"\nTotal CAs: {len(trusted_roots)}\n"
# Convert ca_countries to a list and then to a Series object for value counts
ca_countries_list = list(ca_countries.values())
# URLs for the datasets
ca_url = ''
roots_url = ''
# Generate the markdown table and plot the pie chart with legend
generate_trusted_ca_markdown_table_from_url(ca_url, roots_url)
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rmhrisk commented Mar 18, 2024

Hrm, looks like there is a bug in the country logic, just noticed Google Trust Services showed as being Unknown, it for sure had C in it. Ill investigate.

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rmhrisk commented Mar 19, 2024

If we filter the 92 CAs down to those that are in all root stores (Apple, Google Chrome, Microsoft, Mozilla), this is what we see:

CA Owner Countries Apple Google Chrome Microsoft Mozilla
Actalis IT
Amazon Trust Services US
Asseco Data Systems S.A. (previously Unizeto Certum) PL
Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional ES
Buypass NO
Certigna FR
China Financial Certification Authority (CFCA) Unknown
Chunghwa Telecom TW
D-TRUST Unknown
Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH DE
DigiCert Unknown
Disig, a.s. SK
e-commerce monitoring GmbH AT
eMudhra Technologies Limited Unknown
Entrust Unknown
Eviden DE
Global Digital Cybersecurity Authority Co., Ltd. (Formerly Guang Dong Certificate Authority (GDCA)) CN
GlobalSign nv-sa Unknown
GoDaddy US
Google Trust Services LLC Unknown
Government of Hong Kong (SAR), Hongkong Post, Certizen HK
Government of Spain, Autoritat de Certificació de la Comunitat Valenciana (ACCV) ES
Government of Spain, Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (FNMT) Unknown
Government of Turkey, Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi (Kamu SM) TR
IdenTrust Services, LLC US
Internet Security Research Group US
Izenpe S.A. ES
Microsec Ltd. HU
Microsoft Corporation Unknown
NAVER Cloud Trust Services KR
Netlock Unknown
QuoVadis BM
SECOM Trust Systems CO., LTD. JP
Sectigo Unknown US
SwissSign AG CH
Taiwan-CA Inc. (TWCA) TW
Telia Company Unknown
Viking Cloud, Inc. US

Total CAs in all root stores: 41

This point becomes particularly pertinent when considering that a WebPKI TLS certificate loses much of its utility if it isn't included in every browser root store. Given the diversity of the browser market share, as illustrated by StatCounter, this could explain why Certificate Authorities (CAs) not included in the set of well-trusted roots issue few, if any, WebPKI TLS certificates. The fragmentation in browser market share necessitates broad inclusion in root stores to ensure widespread trust and acceptance, highlighting the challenges faced by CAs operating outside this trusted circle.

By removing long-standing members of the root programs that have not issued a significant number of certificates, or no longer do, you could reduce the trusted set of CAs down to 51 certificates. This could result in an attack surface reduction of up to 52%.

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rmhrisk commented Mar 19, 2024

With that said, I would argue that the lack of eventual inclusion in all root programs is merely a signal, not an absolute indicator, that a CA isn't providing enough value to the web to justify the exposure it represents. A much better indicator would be the ultimate issuance volume over a fixed period of time. For example, if you meet all the requirements and successfully pass audits for 5 years, yet fail to achieve any material issuance volume, should you still be trusted?

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