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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am rmurphey on github.
  • I am rmurphey ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is A963 703A C3C3 CAC5 9C5F 7720 CB24 58C8 D5AB 4837

To claim this, I am signing this object:

rmurphey / javascript-dojo.snippets
Created January 18, 2011 16:10
Dojo Snipmate Snippets
# array utils
snippet dfe
dojo.forEach(${1:array}, function(${2:item}) {
}${3:, this});
snippet dmap${1:array}, function(${2:item}) {
}${3:, this});
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 2.
Have you focused specifically on improving your JS skills at any time in the last year?,Which resources did you use to help you learn?,"Of the resources you used, which kind was the MOST helpful?","Of the resources you used, which kind was the LEAST helpful?","During your learning, which areas have been particularly challenging?",What one resource would you recommend to someone trying to learn JS?,Why do you recommend it?,What one resource would you NOT recommend to someone trying to learn JS?,Why do you NOT recommend it?,Which technologies do you use in your current role?,How long have you been working professionally in web development?,How would you rate the improvement of your JS skills in the last year?,"Have you gotten a new job, a promotion, or new responsibilities since improving your JS skills?",Do you consider yourself a minority in tech?
Yes,"Online courses, Blogs, Books, Help from friends, Help from coworkers, Meetups, Conferences",Help from coworkers,Books,"Debugging, Understanding how to apply th
require(['app'], function (App) {
], function (pages) {
return {
init : function () {

Many of you know that Melissa and I have been working to adopt a baby. As a same-sex couple, it’s a bit complicated — international adoption is pretty much out these days, and we need to find a birthmother outside of NC if we both want to be the child’s legal parents.

After six months of pursuing the traditional paths, we decided to get creative this weekend, and made a website that tells our story. We’re sharing it with our friends on the off chance that one of you might know someone who can help us grow our family. Please don’t be shy about sharing it, and let me know if you have any questions!

* __ __ _ _ ___ _
* \ \/ _\ /\/\ (_)_ __ | |_ _ _ / __\ __ ___ ___| |__
* \ \ \ / \| | '_ \| __| | | | / _\| '__/ _ \/ __| '_ \
* /\_/ /\ \ / /\/\ \ | | | | |_| |_| | / / | | | __/\__ \ | | |
* \___/\__/ \/ \/_|_| |_|\__|\__, | \/ |_| \___||___/_| |_|
* |___/
* Identifying and Eliminating Code Smells
"common": {
"term_24bit_colors": true,
"dividers": {
"left": {
"hard": "",
"soft": ""
"right": {
"hard": "",

You're Invited!

Have you been thinking about proposing a talk for jQuery Portland 2013? You should be! We're looking to put together a roster of speakers that can bring a diverse set of experiences together to create a program that goes above and beyond just what's new in jQuery.

A lot of folks convince themselves not to submit a talk because they're worried their idea "isn't on topic" or that "someone else 'better' will surely do that." That's why Rebecca Murphey (@rmurphey and I (@ajpiano are hosting a live Q&A for people who are thinking about speaking but

You're Invited!

Have you been thinking about proposing a talk for jQuery Portland 2013? You should be! We're looking to put together a roster of speakers that can bring a diverse set of experiences together to create a program that goes above and beyond just what's new in jQuery.

A lot of folks convince themselves not to submit a talk because they're worried their idea "isn't on topic" or that "someone else 'better' will surely do that." That's why Rebecca Murphey (@rmurphey) and I (@ajpiano) are hosti{
'/': 'home',
'/foo/:bar': 'fooBar',
'/route/with/nested/routes': {
handler: 'handler',
routes: {
'/moar/routes/plz': 'boom'