[ ![][6]][7]
[ ![][26]][27]
[ ![Learning games for girls][62]][63]
[ ![K-2nd Grade Learning Games][64]][65]
[ ![Fuel The Brain - Educational Games for Younger Kids][66]][67]
[ ![Online Coloring Site][68]][69]
[ ![Explore Seussville. Fun educational games and activities.][70]][71]
[ ![ict games. Teaching resources.][72]][73]
[ ![][74]][75]
[ ![Cookie.com - | Learning Games for Elementary School][76]][77]
[61]: rd.html?u=http://www.earobics.com/gamegoo/gooeyhome.html "="Game" [62]: http://s3.amazonaws.com/kidz/magic-belles.jpg "Magic Belles is a wonderful musical website for girls. Meet the Magic Belles, make magic music, discover special wonders, read stories, have colouring fun!" [63]: rd.html?u=http://magicbelles.com/ [64]: http://s3.amazonaws.com/kidz/turtle-diary.jpg [65]: rd.html?u=http://www.turtlediary.com/ "Turtle Diary lets you select learning games by grade (Preschool to 2nd) covering many subjects." [66]: http://s3.amazonaws.com/kidz/fuel-the-brain.jpg [67]: rd.html?u=http://www.fuelthebrain.com/ "Fuel The Brain is a great educational resource filled with fun learning games for younger kids." [68]: http://s3.amazonaws.com/kidz/thecolor.gif [69]: rd.html?u=http://www.thecolor.com/ "Have fun coloring online with 100's of free coloring books." [70]: http://s3.amazonaws.com/kidz/seussville.jpg [71]: rd.html?u=http://www.seussville.com/#/games "Suessville lets you have fun while learning!" [72]: http://s3.amazonaws.com/kidz/ictgames.jpg [73]: rd.html?u=http://www.ictgames.com/resources.html "ict games provides lessons on numbers, counting, telling time and more." [74]: http://s3.amazonaws.com/kidz/knowledge-kids.jpg [75]: rd.html?u=http://www.knowledgekids.ca/ "Knowledge Kids offer interactive fun learning games, activities and videos for children ages 2-8" [76]: http://s3.amazonaws.com/kidz/cookie-1.jpg [77]: rd.html?u=http://www.cookie.com/ "Cookie.com - Offers fun learning games for younger kids."
When shopping for 2nd grade math games, look for games that address four critical areas: place value, addition, subtraction, and standard units of measure. Many of these games drill down to a particular Common Core domain. Here are some examples of 2nd grade math games