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Created November 11, 2014 09:15
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Jekyll Markdown Quick Reference

#Jekyll Markdown Quick Reference

####Write in simply awesome markdown

layout: post
title: Markdown Style Guide

This is a demo of all styled elements in Jekyll Now. 

[View the markdown used to create this post](

This is a paragraph, it's surrounded by whitespace. Next up are some headers, they're heavily influenced by GitHub's markdown style.

## Header 2 (H1 is reserved for post titles)##

### Header 3

#### Header 4
A link to [Jekyll Now]( A big ass literal link <>
An image, located within /images

![an image alt text]({{ site.baseurl }}/images/jekyll-logo.png "an image title")

* A bulletted list
- alternative syntax 1
+ alternative syntax 2
  - an indented list item

1. An
2. ordered
3. list

Inline markup styles: 

- _italics_
- **bold**
- `code()` 
> Blockquote
>> Nested Blockquote 
Syntax highlighting can be used by wrapping your code in a liquid tag like so:

{{ "{% highlight javascript " }}%}  
/* Some pointless Javascript */
var rawr = ["r", "a", "w", "r"];
{{ "{% endhighlight " }}%}  


{% highlight javascript %}
/* Some pointless Javascript */
var rawr = ["r", "a", "w", "r"];
{% endhighlight %}
Use two trailing spaces  
on the right  
to create linebreak tags  
Finally, horizontal lines

####See below for how it beautifully renders in HTML 😉

layout: post title: Markdown Style Guide

This is a demo of all styled elements in Jekyll Now.

View the markdown used to create this post.

This is a paragraph, it's surrounded by whitespace. Next up are some headers, they're heavily influenced by GitHub's markdown style.

Header 2 (H1 is reserved for post titles)##

Header 3

Header 4

A link to Jekyll Now. A big ass literal link

An image, located within /images

![an image alt text]({{ site.baseurl }}/images/jekyll-logo.png "an image title")

  • A bulletted list
  • alternative syntax 1
  • alternative syntax 2
    • an indented list item
  1. An
  2. ordered
  3. list

Inline markup styles:

  • italics
  • bold
  • code()


Nested Blockquote

Syntax highlighting can be used by wrapping your code in a liquid tag like so:

{{ "{% highlight javascript " }}%}
/* Some pointless Javascript */ var rawr = ["r", "a", "w", "r"]; {{ "{% endhighlight " }}%}


{% highlight javascript %} /* Some pointless Javascript */ var rawr = ["r", "a", "w", "r"]; {% endhighlight %}

Use two trailing spaces
on the right
to create linebreak tags

Finally, horizontal lines

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Thanks , this is very helpful!

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JonLevy commented May 1, 2021

It looks like the syntax highlighting in the preview is broken. At least for me, it doesn't have any fancy rendering.

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