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Created March 24, 2017 11:53
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# Gist example of IB wrapper ...
# Download API from
# Install python API code /IBJts/source/pythonclient $ python3 install
# Note: The test cases, and the documentation refer to a python package called IBApi,
# but the actual package is called ibapi. Go figure.
# Get the latest version of the gateway:
# (for unix: windows and mac users please find your own version)
# Run the gateway
# user: edemo
# pwd: demo123
# Now I'll try and replicate the historical data example
from ibapi.wrapper import EWrapper
from ibapi.client import EClient
from threading import Thread
import queue
import time
Next section is 'scaffolding'
class identifed_as(object):
Used to identify
def __init__(self, label, data):
self.label = label = data
def __repr__(self):
return "Identified as %s" % self.label
class list_of_identified_items(list):
A list of elements, each of class identified_as (or duck equivalent)
Used to seperate out accounting data
def seperate_into_dict(self):
:return: dict, keys are labels, each element is a list of items matching label
all_labels = [element.label for element in self]
dict_data = dict([
[ for element in self if element.label==label])
for label in all_labels])
return dict_data
## marker for when queue is finished
FINISHED = object()
STARTED = object()
TIME_OUT = object()
class finishableQueue(object):
Creates a queue which will finish at some point
def __init__(self, queue_to_finish):
self._queue = queue_to_finish
self.status = STARTED
def get(self, timeout):
Returns a list of queue elements once timeout is finished, or a FINISHED flag is received in the queue
:param timeout: how long to wait before giving up
:return: list of queue elements
while not finished:
current_element = self._queue.get(timeout=timeout)
if current_element is FINISHED:
finished = True
self.status = FINISHED
## keep going and try and get more data
except queue.Empty:
## If we hit a time out it's most probable we're not getting a finished element any time soon
## give up and return what we have
finished = True
self.status = TIME_OUT
return contents_of_queue
def timed_out(self):
return self.status is TIME_OUT
## cache used for accounting data
class simpleCache(object):
Cache is stored in _cache in nested dict, outer key is accountName, inner key is cache label
def __init__(self, max_staleness_seconds):
self._cache = dict()
self._cache_updated_local_time = dict()
self._max_staleness_seconds = max_staleness_seconds
def __repr__(self):
return "Cache with labels"+",".join(self._cache.keys())
def update_data(self, accountName):
raise Exception("You need to set this method in an inherited class")
def _get_last_updated_time(self, accountName, cache_label):
if accountName not in self._cache_updated_local_time.keys():
return None
if cache_label not in self._cache_updated_local_time[accountName]:
return None
return self._cache_updated_local_time[accountName][cache_label]
def _set_time_of_updated_cache(self, accountName, cache_label):
# make sure we know when the cache was updated
if accountName not in self._cache_updated_local_time.keys():
self._cache_updated_local_time[accountName][cache_label] = time.time()
def _is_data_stale(self, accountName, cache_label, ):
Check to see if the cached data has been updated recently for a given account and label, or if it's stale
:return: bool
STALE = True
last_update = self._get_last_updated_time(accountName, cache_label)
if last_update is None:
## we haven't got any data, so by construction our data is stale
return STALE
time_now = time.time()
time_since_updated = time_now - last_update
if time_since_updated > self._max_staleness_seconds:
return STALE
## recently updated
return NOT_STALE
def _check_cache_empty(self, accountName, cache_label):
:param accountName: str
:param cache_label: str
:return: bool
cache = self._cache
if accountName not in cache.keys():
cache_this_account = cache[accountName]
if cache_label not in cache_this_account.keys():
def _return_cache_values(self, accountName, cache_label):
:param accountName: str
:param cache_label: str
:return: None or cache contents
if self._check_cache_empty(accountName, cache_label):
return None
return self._cache[accountName][cache_label]
def _create_cache_element(self, accountName, cache_label):
cache = self._cache
if accountName not in cache.keys():
cache[accountName] = {}
cache_this_account = cache[accountName]
if cache_label not in cache_this_account.keys():
cache[accountName][cache_label] = None
def get_updated_cache(self, accountName, cache_label):
Checks for stale cache, updates if needed, returns up to date value
:param accountName: str
:param cache_label: str
:return: updated part of cache
if self._is_data_stale(accountName, cache_label) or self._check_cache_empty(accountName, cache_label):
return self._return_cache_values(accountName, cache_label)
def update_cache(self, accountName, dict_with_data):
:param accountName: str
:param dict_with_data: dict, which has keynames with cache labels
:return: nothing
all_labels = dict_with_data.keys()
for cache_label in all_labels:
self._create_cache_element(accountName, cache_label)
self._cache[accountName][cache_label] = dict_with_data[cache_label]
self._set_time_of_updated_cache(accountName, cache_label)
Now into the main bit of the code; Wrapper and Client objects
class TestWrapper(EWrapper):
The wrapper deals with the action coming back from the IB gateway or TWS instance
We override methods in EWrapper that will get called when this action happens, like currentTime
Extra methods are added as we need to store the results in this object
def __init__(self):
## use a dict as could have different accountids
self._my_accounts = {}
## We set these up as we could get things coming along before we run an init
self._my_positions = queue.Queue()
self._my_errors = queue.Queue()
def get_error(self, timeout=5):
if self.is_error():
return self._my_errors.get(timeout=timeout)
except queue.Empty:
return None
return None
def is_error(self):
an_error_if=not self._my_errors.empty()
return an_error_if
def error(self, id, errorCode, errorString):
## Overriden method
errormsg = "IB error id %d errorcode %d string %s" % (id, errorCode, errorString)
## get positions code
def init_positions(self):
positions_queue = self._my_positions = queue.Queue()
return positions_queue
def position(self, account, contract, position,
## uses a simple tuple, but you could do other, fancier, things here
position_object = (account, contract, position,
def positionEnd(self):
## overriden method
## get accounting data
def init_accounts(self, accountName):
accounting_queue = self._my_accounts[accountName] = queue.Queue()
return accounting_queue
def updateAccountValue(self, key:str, val:str, currency:str,
## use this to seperate out different account data
data = identifed_as(ACCOUNT_VALUE_FLAG, (key,val, currency))
def updatePortfolio(self, contract, position:float,
marketPrice:float, marketValue:float,
averageCost:float, unrealizedPNL:float,
realizedPNL:float, accountName:str):
## use this to seperate out different account data
data = identifed_as(ACCOUNT_UPDATE_FLAG, (contract, position, marketPrice, marketValue, averageCost,
unrealizedPNL, realizedPNL))
def updateAccountTime(self, timeStamp:str):
## use this to seperate out different account data
data = identifed_as(ACCOUNT_TIME_FLAG, timeStamp)
def accountDownloadEnd(self, accountName:str):
class TestClient(EClient):
The client method
We don't override native methods, but instead call them from our own wrappers
def __init__(self, wrapper):
## Set up with a wrapper inside
EClient.__init__(self, wrapper)
## We use these to store accounting data
self._account_cache = simpleCache(max_staleness_seconds = 5*60)
## override function
self._account_cache.update_data = self._update_accounting_data
def get_current_positions(self):
Current positions held
## Make a place to store the data we're going to return
positions_queue = finishableQueue(self.init_positions())
## ask for the data
## poll until we get a termination or die of boredom
positions_list = positions_queue.get(timeout=MAX_WAIT_SECONDS)
while self.wrapper.is_error():
if positions_queue.timed_out():
print("Exceeded maximum wait for wrapper to confirm finished whilst getting positions")
return positions_list
def _update_accounting_data(self, accountName):
Update the accounting data in the cache
:param accountName: account we want to get data for
:return: nothing
## Make a place to store the data we're going to return
accounting_queue = finishableQueue(self.init_accounts(accountName))
## ask for the data
self.reqAccountUpdates(True, accountName)
## poll until we get a termination or die of boredom
accounting_list = accounting_queue.get(timeout=MAX_WAIT_SECONDS)
while self.wrapper.is_error():
if accounting_queue.timed_out():
print("Exceeded maximum wait for wrapper to confirm finished whilst getting accounting data")
# seperate things out, because this is one big queue of data with different things in it
accounting_list = list_of_identified_items(accounting_list)
seperated_accounting_data = accounting_list.seperate_into_dict()
## update the cache with different elements
self._account_cache.update_cache(accountName, seperated_accounting_data)
## return nothing, information is accessed via get_... methods
def get_accounting_time_from_server(self, accountName):
Get the accounting time from IB server
:return: accounting time as served up by IB
#All these functions follow the same pattern: check if stale or missing, if not return cache, else update values
return self._account_cache.get_updated_cache(accountName, ACCOUNT_TIME_FLAG)
def get_accounting_values(self, accountName):
Get the accounting values from IB server
:return: accounting values as served up by IB
#All these functions follow the same pattern: check if stale, if not return cache, else update values
return self._account_cache.get_updated_cache(accountName, ACCOUNT_VALUE_FLAG)
def get_accounting_updates(self, accountName):
Get the accounting updates from IB server
:return: accounting updates as served up by IB
#All these functions follow the same pattern: check if stale, if not return cache, else update values
return self._account_cache.get_updated_cache(accountName, ACCOUNT_UPDATE_FLAG)
class TestApp(TestWrapper, TestClient):
def __init__(self, ipaddress, portid, clientid):
TestClient.__init__(self, wrapper=self)
self.connect(ipaddress, portid, clientid)
thread = Thread(target =
setattr(self, "_thread", thread)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = TestApp("", 4001, 1)
## lets get positions
positions_list = app.get_current_positions()
## get the account name from the position
## normally you would know your account name
accountName = positions_list[0][0]
## and accounting information
accounting_values = app.get_accounting_values(accountName)
## these values are cached
## if we ask again in more than 5 minutes it will update everything
accounting_updates = app.get_accounting_updates(accountName)
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kyp0717 commented Jul 7, 2018

When I execute this code, I get an empty list for positions_list.
--- Update ---
Sorry. I figured out the error. I was testing on a paper trading account which have no positions. Hence the positions_list is empty.

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