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Created August 27, 2020 18:26
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Week 3: Habits & Accountability Systems

Ideas here are adapted from Atomic Habits by James Clear

Habits of a Software Developer

  • What do you think are the traits of a good software developer? What are they like in the workplace? What would you as a co-worker think of this person?

    • Good traits of a software developer are that they are detail oriented, a team player, effective communicator, empathetic and competent. In the workplace, I think they would be approachable, willing to work with others and would leave their ego at the door. They would understand that this is a team effort and we are all working towards a common goal. As a co-worker, I would think that this individual is an asset to the company, someone I would definitely want to work with/for and that they had the qualities of a good leader.
  • What are the habits that this person demonstrates to embody the identity of a software developer?

    • The habits of this person might include, asking clarifying questions of others, requesting their input.
  • Who do you want to be as a software developer? What kind of behaviors do you already have in place to be that person? What behaviors would you need to put into place? How will you do that?

    • The kind of software developer I want to be is the one that I mentioned above. I want to be inclusive of everyone, rely on their strengths and assist them with their weaknesses. The approach I will take is to approach every scenario with an open mind, being receptive of their beliefs and thoughts regardless if I agree with them.

Working on the 1st Law of Behavior Change: Make it Obvious

  • Bring self-awareness to your current habits by making a Habits Scorecard. Make a list of your daily habits (examples: wake up, turn off alarm, check phone, etc.) as a way to bring awareness to what you do. Then, decide how effective that habit is for you and your goal of becoming a software developer. Put a + next to habits that are effective; put a - next to habits that are not effective; put a = next to habits that are neutral.

    • snooze alarm -, make coffee +, spend morning with family +, work through lunch -, work through dinner -, work late in to the night -,
  • Pick 1 new habit you'd like to build and create an implementation intention following this template: "I will [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION]." Then, stack the habit onto something you already do: "After [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT]." (Hint: make this highly specific and immediately actionable)

    • I will spend time with my family during dinner every night and make time for them on the weekends.
  • Design your environment for success: what changes could you make in your space to better implement your habit? How could you remove any triggers for bad habits? How will you implement these changes?

    • One way that I can enforce this new habbit, is by forcing myself to spend family time after class is over before jumping on to work on projects.
  • Respond after a few days of this implementation: What are your results? How do you feel about this method? How will you move forward with this habit?

    • Implementing this habbit has been effective, I'm able to give more time to my wife and children which is reducing stress for all of us.

Additional Optional Reading: The Five Triggers That Make New Habits Stick

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