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Last active May 27, 2020 19:12
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Beginners Guide to Data Types

In this Gist, we will have a quick overview of different data types and what they are used for.

What are the different data types?

  1. String: String data type is utilized to represent text in code, it must be placed between "" and can include the following
  • Alphabet characters
  • numbers
  • spaces
  • special characters such as !@#$%&(*
  • an example of a string in code is
phone = (123) 456-7890
print phone
  1. Integer: Integers is a whole number that can be positive or negative, for example, integers are usually utilized to depict the number of items available, temperature, and number of personnel.
  2. Float: Floats are numbers with decimal points, it can also be positive or negative. Examples of floats are weight 2.4 lbs., or volume of liquid 12.2 oz.
  3. Boolean: This is a true or false statement based off of boolean logic.
  4. Array: an array is a data structure that represents a group of items/things. For example
myfamily = ["Natalie", "Jacob", "Caleb"]
print myfamily
  1. Hash/object: is a list of data that needs to be paired together. For example if you are working in a store and you want to list who is working on what cashier line you would list it like { "Lane 1" : "Mike Smith", "Lane 3" : "John Adams", "Lane 6" : "John Doe" }

This concludes the data types and my understanding of them, thank you for reading.

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