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Created August 27, 2020 18:28
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Week 5: Creating Your Vision, Part II

  • Habits Reflection:

    • How have you seen yourself become more aware of your habits? Have you tried implementing anything new? What have the results been?
      • I have ben able to become more aware of my habits, I have also tried to implement new habits, my results have been mixed, some of the habits I have tried to incorporate are successfully incorporated, however others seem to go to the wayside and need to keep attempting to implement them.
  • Design Thinking Reflection: Cultivating Beginner's Mind

    • How can beginner's mind be helpful when it comes to thinking about your career and job search? What are some habits you could put into place to cultivate beginner's mind regularly?
      • Beginners mind is helpful to thinking about a new career, it allows you to approach every situation with an open mind, without any pre-conceived notions or biases. Some habits that I am attempting to incorporate to cultivate beginners's mind is to examine what I've done in the past, this gives me an idea of what kind of environment I want to be in and not be in. I then attempt to kep an open mind when thinking about new and untested paths for myself.

Optional additional reading: How to Cultivate Beginner's Mind to Become a True Expert

  • Go through the Flower Exercise brainstorming worksheets linked here. Then complete your Flower Exercise final worksheet here and link that finished worksheet here.

  • Write out your top 5 strengths that you've seen in action this module; then write out the strengths of a software developer. Where do you see these lists overlapping? Where are they different?

    • The top five strenghts that I've seen in action this module are:

      1. Having empathy for others
      2. Working effectively as a team
      3. Be open to receiving constructive feedback
      4. Approaching tasks with an open mind
      5. Respect for one another
    • Strenghts of a software developer:

      1. Empathetic towards others
      2. Approachable
      3. Skilled in coding
      4. Does not allow pride or sense of worth get in the way of helping others.
      5. Works well in team environments
    • Where do they overlap

    • The strenghts I've seen in action and the strengths of a software developer overlap in the ability to work as a team, being empathetic, and respectful.

    • Where do they differ?

      • The main difference that I noticed is skilled in coding and being open to receive constructive feedback are not overlapping. They are both important, I feel that being skilled in coding is a great skill for both students and coders, but I feel that being able to receive constructive feedback holds a bit more importance for students.
  • Write a refined vision statement here (what new things have you discovered this week to incorporate into your vision statement?):

My mission statement is to work in a career that will be mentally stimulating and challenging. I want the ability to further my knowledge/skill set and create a better environment for others who are less fortunate. Specifically, find a path of combining my partners goals to improve the lively-hoods of the Batwa tribe in Uganda and Rwanda as well as other marginalized populations.

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