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Created August 27, 2020 18:25
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Week 2: Building Your Compass

Power of self-reflection

  • What is challenging about self-reflection?

  • The most challenging part about self reflection is that You actually have to take a pause and lake a look at yourself to determine what your faults are.

  • How can you continue to build the habit of self-reflection at Turing?

    • During my time at Turing, I will make a habbit of trying to take some time to reflect every day after class/project work time to see what I did wrong and what I can do to make it better.

    • Social identity mapping

    • First, create you own social identity map on a piece of paper (or print this out): Completed on my notebook

    • Outer ring: write words that describe your given identity

    • Middle ring: list aspects of your chosen identity

    • Center: write your core attributes—traits, behaviors, beliefs, values, characteristics, and skills that you think make you unique as an individual. Select things that are enduring and key to who you are.

    • After you complete your map:

    • Underline the items that are important to you

    • Put a + beside the items that you believe clearly demonstrate that you fit into the tech industry

    • Put a - beside the items that you believe do not demonstrate that you fit into the tech industry

    • Put a ? beside the items that you're unsure how they could show your ability to contribute to the tech industry

    • Reflect

      • Out of my social Identity mapping, I do not believe that the majority/if any of the items demonstrate that I fit into the tech industry. I feel like the only things that will matter if you fit into the tech industry are if you work well with others, you know how to code, or can learn how to code and the respect for others regardless of how they identify.
  • What does your social identity tell you about what you already bring to the tech industry?

    • My social identity tells me that I can bring my own experiences in to the field and find a way to incorporate it into the industry either as a workforce or into products. Everyone has something unique to bring to the table.
  • What would it look like for some of your minuses or question marks to turn into pluses? In other words, how could some of these traits be assets for the tech industry?

    • The items that may become into assets are being a minority and a veteran as well as having the core values of respect for others and the pursuit of knowledge.

Values mapping Pull out 5 values for each bullet below from this list:

  • Always valued: equality, communication, quality, mental stimulation
  • Often valued: creativity, competence, community, job security, discipline
  • Sometimes valued: winning, wealth
  • Seldom valued: worship, work alone
  • Reflect: I find it interesting that values can change over time. Before, I would tell you that I always valued wealth, now however, not necessarily. Financial security is something that is necessary to live, however, wealth is more of a nice to have. Although, it would allow me to help other people more often than I would like.

What do these values tell you about yourself?

Workview & Lifeview

  • Summarize what good, worthwhile work means to you (Tip: this is NOT about what work you want to do but about why work matters to you):
    • For me, good worthwile work means being able to stay mentally stimulated, socially engaged and a part of a larger community. It also a means to further your goals.
  • Lifeview: summarize what you value in life; what matters to you?
    • In life, I value quality family time, travel and the ability to help others by providing a service or some sort of financial assistance.
  • Where do your views on work and life complement each other? :
    • It tells me that I value being mentally stimulated at work and in everyday life, it keeps things interesting and avoids repetiveness. It also just shows me what is important to me.
  • Where do they clash?
    • They clash with my desire to have adventures and travel in my life, however this requires time to be spent away from work and just living. However, to travel and do what you like, you need the finances to do it.
  • Does one drive the other? How?
    • Yes, my value of family time, travel and adventure drive my need to work to have the finances to do it.
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