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Created August 27, 2020 18:23
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Week 1 Understanding your strengths

  1. Describe one of your strengths
    • Something that I have learned to do well is to type at a decent speed without having too many mistakes.
  • What is something you know about (list some/knowledge/expertise you have)?
    • Something that I know about is analytical thinking, I'm not sure if this counts but here we go, during my time in the military I worked as an All Source Intelligence Analyst, part of the training I attended centered around critical thinking.
  • What is something you have a natural ability to do well (list a talent)?
    • I have a natural ability to run well.
  • How do those combine to create a specific strength? I tend to be a fast learner, when this is not the case, I know to put my pride aside and reach out for help.
  1. Read through your Top 4 results from Pairin
  • In your own words, what do these top 4 qualities tell you about yourself?
    • These top 4 qualities tell me what my guiding principles/methods are, How I work best and collaborate with others.
  • Do they resonate with you? Why/why not?
    • They do resonate with me, looking through the results it helps me understand myself better.
  • How do they relate to the strength you wrote about in Prompt #1?
    • My guiding principles relate to my strength as a fast learner due to my constant pursuit of knowledge. Although learning may take longer for me, I thoroughly enjoy it.
  1. Challenges with strengths
  • What can make it challenging to recognize your strengths? How can you work through those challenges?
    • One thing that can make it difficult for me to recognize my strengths is that I am very critical of myself, this leads me to at times overlook my strengths and focus on my weaknesses. To overcome this, I need to also see what I do correctly and how I rely on my strengths to get me through tough times.
  • Do you ever see yourself overusing certain strengths? In what circumstances would you want to use them less and amplify other strengths? How could you adjust your approach in those instances?
    • When you are overusing one strength, you want to challenge yourself by working on your weaker strengths/or things you are weaker on. I believe that one of my strengths is digging for information on how to solve a problem, however, this may not always be the best process. When I take too long on a problem, I need to reach out for help.
  1. Strengths in action
  • Write 1-2 sentences describing how you like to work (i.e., Do you pre-plan? Do you talk through your ideas first? Do you work better with deadlines? How do you stay organized?)
  • The way that I stay organized is by marking everything down in my calendar, scheduling time for everything in my daily life. The way that I usualy like to work, is get a basic idea in my head and start drawing/drafting it out. I then tend to jump back and forth between methods/problems as possible solutions get in my head.
  • How could you describe these working preferences to your project teammates? Your mentor? Your instructors?
  • The way That I would communicate this with teammates/mentors/or instructors is by being straightforward with it. If they know that I operate best under a schedule.
  • What would you need to be aware of when working with people who have different strengths from you?
  • I need to approach every situation with an open mind, with the expectation that not everyone will have the same strenths as me, or vice versa.
  • How could your Pairin results help you better understand your everyday working preferences?
  • My pairin results can raise my self-awareness of what works best for me, knowing these preferences will allow me to better advocate for myself and make best use of my time.
  1. Continued growth
  • Is there any particular strength you'd like to sharpen while you're at Turing? Any area you consider a weakness that you'd like to strengthen?
  • A weakness that I would like to sharpen and change in to a strength is being able to verbally communicate with others better.
  • What are some steps you could take here?
    • Some steps that I can take in order to get better at this, is to volunteer more when an instructor asks for a volunteer to share/speak.
  • How could you be aware of progress you're making?
    • I can be aware of progress being made once it becomes easier for me to verbally communicate with others and effectively get my point across.
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