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Created February 2, 2016 11:32
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Example for writing a small interpreted language using Free monads
Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
-- | A small language capable of storing and asking for integers.
-- The list of instructions is bounded only by our imagination - in this case
-- our imagination is pretty poor.
data Cmd a
= Emit Int a
| Pull (Int -> a)
deriving Functor
-- | Sample program. Observe how the type depends on the number of
-- instructions.
nonFreeProgram :: Cmd (Cmd (Cmd ()))
nonFreeProgram = Emit 5 (Pull (\k -> Emit (2*k) ()))
-- Now let's wrap in a Free monad, to keep the type signature fixed, regardless
-- of instruction count. It also gives us monad syntax for (almost) free.
-- Actually that would be too easy, so we wrap it in FreeT which also lets
-- interleaving other monadic effects - in our sample program below we'll use
-- it for IO.
-- See
type CmdM = FreeT Cmd
emit :: (Monad m) => Int -> CmdM m ()
emit x = liftF (Emit x ())
-- liftF is shorthand for writing out with hand:
-- emit x = return (Free (Emit x (return (Pure ()))))
pull :: (Monad m) => CmdM m Int
pull = liftF (Pull id)
-- | Sample program, revisited.
freeProgram :: (MonadIO m) => CmdM m ()
freeProgram = do
emit 5
x <- pull
liftIO (putStrLn ("[Debug] Got " ++ show x))
emit (2 * x)
type App = StateT Int IO
-- | This is the interpreter for our language, here in the specific App
-- context. We could have different interpreters working in different contexts.
-- For example, we don't have to keep a state, we can just always give the
-- program 42 when it asks a number - though keep in mind that programs might
-- have expectations on the semantics of the operations, which we should have
-- documented.
runProg :: CmdM App a -> App a
runProg = iterT go
go (Emit x k) = State.put x >> k
go (Pull k) = State.get >>= k
main1 = do
putStrLn "\n*** Running program 1 **"
-- Tear down all the layers.
res <- runStateT (runProg freeProgram) 0
putStrLn ("Result is: " ++ show res)
-- A program using multiple contexts simultaneously.
type Two m = CmdM (CmdM m)
twoContexts :: Two IO ()
twoContexts = do
a <- pull
b <- lift pull
lift (emit (a + b))
liftIO (putStrLn "[Debug] Finished")
-- For simplicity this interpreter spares the state, and return the context
-- number on pull. Emit just logs.
runTwo :: Two IO a -> IO a
runTwo = iterT (go 2) . iterT (go 1)
go :: forall m a . (MonadIO m) => Int -> Cmd (m a) -> m a
go c i = case i of
Emit x k -> log ("program emits " ++ show x) >> k
Pull k -> log ("program pulls") >> k c
log s = liftIO (putStrLn ("[Interpreter Ctx#" ++ show c ++ "] " ++ s))
main2 = do
putStrLn "\n*** Running program 2 (two contexts) ***"
runTwo twoContexts
main = do
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robinp commented Feb 2, 2016

Output is:

*** Running program 1 **
[Debug] Got 5
Result is: ((),10)

*** Running program 2 (two contexts) ***
[Interpreter Ctx#1] program pulls
[Interpreter Ctx#2] program pulls
[Interpreter Ctx#2] program emits 3
[Debug] Finished

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