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Last active December 12, 2015 06:39
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Save robinp/4730929 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
do-notation works for Fay
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
module Main where
import Prelude
#ifndef FAY
-- Fake stuff for RebindableSyntax
fromInteger :: Integer -> Int
fromInteger = undefined
fromRational :: a -> Double
fromRational = undefined
ifThenElse True a _ = a
ifThenElse False _ b = b
fail = undefined
type FmapType f = forall a b . (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
data Functor' f = Functor' {
fmap' :: FmapType f }
type ReturnType m = forall a . a -> m a
type JoinType m = forall a . m (m a) -> m a
type BindType m = forall a b . m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
type ShiftType m = forall a b . m a -> m b -> m b
data Monad' m = Monad' {
functorOfM :: Functor' m,
return' :: ReturnType m,
bind' :: BindType m,
join' :: JoinType m }
-- RankNTypes needs explicit type annotations
withM :: Monad' m -> (ReturnType m -> BindType m -> ShiftType m -> r) -> r
withM (Monad' _ ret' bind' _) f = f ret' bind' (>>)
where ma >> mb = ma `bind'` const mb
withMF :: Monad' m -> (ReturnType m -> BindType m -> ShiftType m -> FmapType m -> r) -> r
withMF m f =
case m of
Monad' functor ret' bind' _ -> withM m $ \r b s -> f r b s (fmap' functor)
liftM' :: Monad' m -> (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
liftM' m f = fmap' (functorOfM m) f
liftM2' :: Monad' m -> (a -> b -> r) -> m a -> m b -> m r
liftM2' m f ma mb = withMF m (\return (>>=) _ fmap ->
ma >>= \a ->
mb >>= \b ->
return (f a b))
sequence' :: Monad' m -> [m a] -> m [a]
sequence' m mas =
rev $ foldl f initAcc mas
where f acc ma = liftM2' m (:) ma acc
rev = liftM' m reverse
initAcc = return' m []
-- List
listFunctor = Functor' map
listMonad = Monad' {
functorOfM = listFunctor,
return' = \a -> [a],
bind' = \xs -> concat . flip map xs,
join' = concat }
-- Either
mapEither :: (a -> b) -> Either e a -> Either e b
mapEither f e = case e of
Left e -> Left e
Right a -> Right (f a)
eitherFunctor = Functor' mapEither
joinEither :: Either e (Either e a) -> Either e a
joinEither (Left e) = Left e
joinEither (Right r) = r
eitherMonad :: Monad' (Either e)
eitherMonad = Monad' {
functorOfM = eitherFunctor,
return' = Right,
bind' = \ma f -> joinEither (mapEither f ma),
join' = joinEither }
-- transformers
type EitherW m e a = m (Either e a)
returnEitherW :: Monad' m -> ReturnType (EitherW m e)
returnEitherW m = return' m . Right
bindEitherW :: Monad' m -> BindType (EitherW m e)
bindEitherW m = \mea f ->
bind' m mea (either (const mea) f)
eitherW :: Monad' m -> Monad' (EitherW m e) -- type lambdas missing? nooo.. will need newtyping
eitherW m = Monad' {
functorOfM = undefined,
return' = returnEitherW m,
bind' = bindEitherW m,
join' = joinDefault bindEitherW
-- Example
monadic :: Monad' [] -> [Int] -> [Int]
monadic m ma = withMF m (\return (>>=) (>>) fmap ->
fmap (*2) ma >>= dups >>= dups)
where dups x = [x, x]
monadic2 :: Monad' m -> m Int -> m Int
monadic2 m ma = withM m (\return (>>=) (>>) -> do
a <- ma
b <- ma
return $ a * b)
main = do
let xs = monadic listMonad [1,2,3]
let sm = sum xs
putStrLn $ show (sm == 48)
putStrLn $ show (if 1 < 2 then 3.4 else 4.2) -- to test RebindableSyntax
putStrLn $ show (sum (monadic2 listMonad [1,2,3]) == 36)
putStrLn $ show $ monadic2 eitherMonad (Right 2)
putStrLn $ show $ mapEither (sum) $ sequence' eitherMonad [Right 2, Right 3, Left "ouch"]
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