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gruber / Liberal Regex Pattern for All URLs
Last active December 9, 2024 14:41
Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching All URLs
The regex patterns in this gist are intended to match any URLs,
including "", "x-whatever://foo", etc. For a
pattern that attempts only to match web URLs (http, https), see:
# Single-line version of pattern:
unruthless / CSS for <sup> and <sub>
Created May 26, 2010 01:31
CSS for <sub> and <sup>
sub, sup {
/* Specified in % so that the sup/sup is the
right size relative to the surrounding text */
font-size: 75%;
/* Zero out the line-height so that it doesn't
interfere with the positioning that follows */
line-height: 0;
/* Where the magic happens: makes all browsers position

Sass/Less Comparison

In this document I am using Sass's SCSS syntax. You can choose to use the indented syntax in sass, if you prefer it, it has no functional differences from the SCSS syntax.

For Less, I'm using the JavaScript version because this is what they suggest on the website. The ruby version may be different.


faisalman / analytics-regexp.js
Created April 18, 2011 08:06
Regular Expression snippets to validate Google Analytics tracking code (in PHP, JavaScript)
* Regular Expression snippets to validate Google Analytics tracking code
* see
* @author Faisalman <>
* @license
* @link
* @param str string to be validated
* @return Boolean
airways / mod.extendedchannel.php
Created October 28, 2011 15:52
ExpressionEngine: Extending a core or third party module or plugin
class ExtendedChannel {
public __construct()
$this->EE = &get_instance();
public function extended_entries()
low / gist:1391783
Created November 24, 2011 16:49
Simple EE conditionals turning advanced -- an example
// This will execute the exp:tag if first segment is empty
{if segment_1 != ''}
{if var == "foo"}
ramseyp / wp_user-profile-fields.php
Created January 31, 2012 19:45
Add Extra Fields to WordPress user profile
/* Add Extra Profile Meta fields to WordPress user profile
//Extra Author Profile Meta
add_action( 'show_user_profile', 'my_show_extra_profile_fields' );
add_action( 'edit_user_profile', 'my_show_extra_profile_fields' );
function my_show_extra_profile_fields( $user ) { ?>
<h3>Is this an active author?</h3>
kevinSuttle /
Last active November 22, 2024 12:28 — forked from lancejpollard/
List of Usable HTML Meta and Link Tags
linssen /
Created May 22, 2012 08:47
ExpressionEngine cookies

ExpressionEngine 1.x cookies

This document outlines all of the cookies use by ExpressionEngine 1.x. With the EU cookie law coming into force on May 26th, it's important to know what cookies are set, which are 'essential' and why they are there. Hopefully this will help advise your decision process when altering your site to adhere.

I haven't yet gotten to any special addons etc. or even forums or comments. Please do fork and and send pull requests if you'd care to add anything.

Non essential

dmolsen / bubble-range.js
Created July 9, 2012 13:50
jQuery-less version of Chris Coyier's Value Bubbles for Range Inputs
* jQuery-less version of Chris Coyier's
* Value Bubbles for Range Inputs
function modifyOffset() {
var el, newPoint, newPlace, offset, siblings, k;
width = this.offsetWidth;
newPoint = (this.value - this.getAttribute("min")) / (this.getAttribute("max") - this.getAttribute("min"));