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Created July 15, 2011 21:55
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router example
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# default_application, default_controller, default_function
# are used when the respective element is missing from the
# (possibly rewritten) incoming URL
default_application = 'init' # ordinarily set in base
default_controller = 'default' # ordinarily set in app-specific
default_function = 'index' # ordinarily set in app-specific
# routes_app is a tuple of tuples. The first item in each is a regexp that will
# be used to match the incoming request URL. The second item in the tuple is
# an applicationname. This mechanism allows you to specify the use of an
# app-specific This entry is meaningful only in the base
# Example: support welcome, admin, app and myapp, with myapp the default:
routers = dict(
# base router
BASE = dict(
default_application = 'init',
domains = {
'' : 'init',
applications = ['init','admin'],
controllers = 'DEFAULT'
#routes_app = ((r'/(?P<app>welcome|admin|app)\b.*', r'\g<app>'),
# (r'(.*)', r'myapp'),
# (r'/?(.*)', r'myapp'))
# routes_in is a tuple of tuples. The first item in each is a regexp that will
# be used to match the incoming request URL. The second item in the tuple is
# what it will be replaced with. This mechanism allows you to redirect incoming
# routes to different web2py locations
# Example: If you wish for your entire website to use init's static directory:
# routes_in=( (r'/static/(?P<file>[\w./-]+)', r'/init/static/\g<file>') )
#routes_in = ((r'.*:/favicon.ico', r'/examples/static/favicon.ico'),
# (r'.*:/robots.txt', r'/examples/static/robots.txt'),
# (r'.** (?P<any>.*)', r'/app/ctr\g<any>'),)
# (r'http://blog.\g<any>/$c/$f',r'(?P<any>.*)/blog/$c/$f'),
# ('*/blog/$c/$f',r'(?P<any>.*)/blog/$c/$f'))
# routes_out, like routes_in translates URL paths created with the web2py URL()
# function in the same manner that route_in translates inbound URL paths.
#routes_out = ((r'.** /app/ctr(?P<any>.*)', r'\g<any>'),
# (r'/app(?P<any>.*)', r'\g<any>'),)
# (r'(?P<any>.*)/blog/$c/$f',r'http://blog.\g<any>/$c/$f'),
# (r'(?P<any>.*)/blog/$c/$f',r'blog.g<any>/$c/$f'))
# Error-handling redirects all HTTP errors (status codes >= 400) to a specified
# path. If you wish to use error-handling redirects, uncomment the tuple
# below. You can customize responses by adding a tuple entry with the first
# value in 'appName/HTTPstatusCode' format. ( Only HTTP codes >= 400 are
# routed. ) and the value as a path to redirect the user to. You may also use
# '*' as a wildcard.
# The error handling page is also passed the error code and ticket as
# variables. Traceback information will be stored in the ticket.
routes_onerror = [
(r'init/400', r'/init/default/ohmygod')
,(r'init/*', r'/init/default/ohmygod')
,(r'*/404', r'/error/default/ohmygod')
,(r'*/*', r'/error/default/ohmygod')
# specify action in charge of error handling
# error_handler = dict(application='error',
# controller='default',
# function='index')
# In the event that the error-handling page itself returns an error, web2py will
# fall back to its old static responses. You can customize them here.
# ErrorMessageTicket takes a string format dictionary containing (only) the
# "ticket" key.
# error_message = '<html><body><h1>Invalid request</h1></body></html>'
# error_message_ticket = '<html><body><h1>Internal error</h1>Ticket issued: <a href="/admin/default/ticket/%(ticket)s" target="_blank">%(ticket)s</a></body></html>'
# specify a list of apps that bypass args-checking and use request.raw_args
#routes_apps_raw=['myapp', 'myotherapp']
def __routes_doctest():
Dummy function for doctesting
Use filter_url() to test incoming or outgoing routes;
filter_err() for error redirection.
filter_url() accepts overrides for method and remote host:
filter_url(url, method='get', remote='', out=False)
filter_err() accepts overrides for application and ticket:
filter_err(status, application='app', ticket='tkt')
>>> import os
>>> import gluon.main
>>> from gluon.rewrite import regex_select, load, filter_url, regex_filter_out, filter_err, compile_regex
>>> regex_select()
>>> load(routes=os.path.basename(__file__))
>>> os.path.relpath(filter_url(''))
>>> os.path.relpath(filter_url(''))
>>> filter_url('')
>>> filter_url('')
>>> filter_url('')
>>> filter_url('')
>>> filter_url('')
>>> filter_url('')
"/app/ctr/fcn ['arg1']"
>>> filter_url('')
"/app/ctr/fcn ['arg1']"
>>> filter_url('')
"/app/ctr/fcn ['arg1', '']"
>>> filter_url('')
"/app/ctr/fcn ['', 'arg1']"
>>> filter_url('HTTP://DOMAIN.COM/app/ctr/fcn')
>>> filter_url('')
'/app/ctr/fcn ?query'
>>> filter_url('')
>>> regex_filter_out('/app/ctr/fcn')
>>> filter_url('', out=True)
>>> filter_url('', out=True)
>>> filter_url('', out=True)
>>> filter_url('', out=True)
>>> filter_url('', out=True)
>>> filter_err(200)
>>> filter_err(399)
>>> filter_err(400)
>>> filter_url('', app=True)
>>> filter_url('', app=True)
>>> filter_url('', app=True)
>>> compile_regex('.** (?P<any>.*)', '/app/ctr\g<any>')[0].pattern
'^.** (?P<any>.*)$'
>>> compile_regex('.** (?P<any>.*)', '/app/ctr\g<any>')[1]
>>> compile_regex('/$c/$f', '/init/$c/$f')[0].pattern
'^.*?:https?://[^:/]+:[a-z]+ /(?P<c>\\\\w+)/(?P<f>\\\\w+)$'
>>> compile_regex('/$c/$f', '/init/$c/$f')[1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
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