Ctrl+E to open command panel
- replace
replace 'search' 'value' 'flags'?
- replaceall
replace 'search' 'new'
- run
run sh-command
- vsplit
vsplit filename
[opens right] - hsplit
hsplit filename
[opens down] - tab
tab filename
[opens new tab] - tabswitch
tabswitch 1..
[switch to numbered tab] - textfilter
textfilter 'sh-command'
[textfilter sort -n]
- Ctrl+r - Toggle Line Numbers
- Ctrl+e - Command bar
- Ctrl+f - search
- Ctrl+n - next in search
- Ctrl+p - previous in search
- Ctrl+g - Help
- Alt+g - bindings
- Ctrl+l - Goto line
- Ctrl+b - Shell
- Ctrl+q - quit
- Ctrl+s - Save
- Ctrl+o - open
- Ctrl+'\' - Split Right
- Ctrl+] - Split Left
- Alt+| - New view same file on Right
- Ctrl+w - Switch split
- Ctrl+T - New Tab
- Ctrl+Alt+> - Next Tab
- Ctrl+Alt+< - Prev Tab
- Ctrl+c - Copy
- Ctrl+p - Paste
- Ctrl+x - Cut
- Ctrl+k - Cut Line
- Ctrl+z - Undo
- Ctrl+y - Redo
- Ctrl+d - Duplicate line
- Ctrl+a - Select all
- home - Start of line
- end - End of line
- Ctrl+home - Doc start
- Ctrl+end - Doc end
- Ctrl+Left - Jump word left
- Ctrl+Shift+Left - Select word left
- Ctrl+Right - Jump word right
- Ctrl+Shift+Right - Select word right
- Shift+home - Select until start of line
- Shift+end - Select until end of line
- Alt+Up - Move Line or selection UP
- Alt+Down - Move Line or selection DOWN
- Alt+Backspace - Delete word left
- Ctrl+MouseLEft - Apply multi cursors
- Alt+n - Apply multi-cursor for matched word
- Alt-x - Skip Multi-cursor for matched word
- Alt-m - Apply multi cursor at the beginning at selection lines
- Alt+p / Alt+c - Remove multicursor / Remove all
- Alt+Shift+Up - Add Multicursor Up
- Alt+Shift+Down - Add Multicursor Down
These are some custom commands added via ~/.config/micro/init.lua
- Alt+b - build (go run, cargo play, python3) This will run the current file in foreground and wait until you press any key to return back to the editing buffer.
- Alt+o - print output (go run, cargo play, python3) This will run the current file in foreground show output in new bottom panel
- Alt+t - Test (go test, cargo test, python3 -m pytest) This will run current file's test cases and wait any key to return.
- Alt+f - Format (go fmt, cargo fmt, black -l 79) This will format the current editing file, save it and reload it.
- Alt+i - Interact (rusti, ipython) Open current file in interactive mode on REPL
- Alt+l - Lint (clippy, flake8) Run Linters in the current file, give feedback in the same screen
- Alt+y - Sort imports (isort)
I wish GitHub had a like button.