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Last active July 21, 2020 19:12
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Save rogeriopradoj/69cc233bb27cc0bb11f9d776f277b895 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - Como atualizar Mac e trazer todas as configurações - rogeriopradoj homebrew macOS
tap "buo/cask-upgrade"
tap "burntsushi/ripgrep", ""
tap "domt4/autoupdate"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/cask"
tap "homebrew/cask-drivers"
tap "homebrew/cask-eid"
tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
tap "homebrew/cask-versions"
tap "homebrew/core"
tap "homebrew/services"
tap "rogeriopradoj/bin"
tap "rogeriopradoj/gitea"
tap "timothyye/tap"
tap "victorpopkov/tap"
tap "vitorgalvao/tiny-scripts"
cask "java"
cask "xquartz"
# Next-generation aircrack with lots of new features
brew "aircrack-ng"
# GNU database manager
brew "gdbm"
# Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
brew "python"
# Record and share terminal sessions
brew "asciinema"
# GIF image/animation creator/editor
brew "gifsicle"
# Generic library support script
brew "libtool"
# Library for JPEG-2000 image manipulation
brew "openjpeg"
# Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats
brew "imagemagick"
# Bourne-Again SHell, a UNIX command interpreter
brew "bash"
# Programmable completion for Bash 3.2
brew "bash-completion"
# C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode and globalization
brew "icu4c"
# Collection of portable C++ source libraries
brew "boost"
# Fish completion for brew-cask
brew "brew-cask-completion"
# Alternative general-purpose HTTP/2 web server
brew "caddy"
# XML-based font configuration API for X Windows
brew "fontconfig"
# GNU internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) library
brew "gettext"
# Portable Foreign Function Interface library
brew "libffi"
# Dependency Manager for PHP
brew "composer"
# GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities
brew "coreutils"
# Configurable talking characters in ASCII art
brew "cowsay"
# Reimplementation of ctags(1)
brew "ctags"
# Control the macOS dark mode from the command-line
brew "dark-mode"
# Load/unload environment variables based on $PWD
brew "direnv"
# Lightweight DNS forwarder and DHCP server
brew "dnsmasq", restart_service: true
# Clean Docker containers, images, networks, and volumes
brew "docker-clean"
# Command-line tool to interact with
brew "exercism"
# High quality MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder
brew "lame"
# High-performance, high-quality MPEG-4 video library
brew "xvid"
# Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
brew "ffmpeg"
# Command-line fuzzy finder written in Go
brew "fzf"
# GNU awk utility
brew "gawk"
# WebDriver <-> Marionette proxy
brew "geckodriver"
# Interpreter for PostScript and PDF
brew "ghostscript"
# Distributed revision control system
brew "git"
# Small git utilities
brew "git-extras"
# GNU Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) package
brew "gnupg"
# Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software
brew "go"
# Manage compile and link flags for libraries
brew "pkg-config"
# Generate introspection data for GObject libraries
brew "gobject-introspection"
# Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs
brew "graphviz"
# Convert source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting
brew "highlight"
# Idempotent command-line utility for managing your /etc/hosts file
brew "hostess"
# <hr />, for your terminal window
brew "hr"
# Improved top (interactive process viewer)
brew "htop"
# Add GitHub support to git on the command-line
brew "hub"
# Configurable static site generator
brew "hugo"
# Regular expressions library
brew "oniguruma"
# NaCl networking and cryptography library
brew "libsodium"
# GNOME XML library
brew "libxml2"
# YAML Parser
brew "libyaml"
# Text-based web browser
brew "lynx"
# Keep your Mac's application settings in sync
brew "mackup"
# Web and API based SMTP testing tool
brew "mailhog"
# Drop-in replacement for MySQL
brew "mariadb"
# Mac App Store command-line interface
brew "mas"
# Scalable distributed version control system
brew "mercurial"
# Mock HTTP server and proxy
brew "mockserver"
# NCurses Disk Usage
brew "ncdu"
# HTTP(S) server and reverse proxy, and IMAP/POP3 proxy server
brew "nginx"
# Port scanning utility for large networks
brew "nmap"
# OpenShift command-line interface tools
brew "openshift-cli"
# 7-Zip (high compression file archiver) implementation
brew "p7zip"
# Swiss-army knife of markup format conversion
brew "pandoc"
# Cross-platform application and UI framework
brew "qt"
# Search PDFs for strings matching a regular expression
brew "pdfgrep"
# General-purpose scripting language
brew "php"
# Python dependency management tool
brew "pipenv"
# Hook preloader
brew "proxychains-ng"
# Software environment for statistical computing
brew "r"
# Implements brute force attack to recover WPA/WPA2 passkeys
brew "reaver"
# Perl-powered file rename script with many helpful built-ins
brew "rename"
# Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language
brew "ruby"
# Install Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, TruffleRuby, or mruby
brew "ruby-install"
# Safe, concurrent, practical language
brew "rust"
# Browser automation for testing purposes
brew "selenium-server-standalone"
# Implementation of SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 hash algorithms
brew "sha2"
# Tool for building source and injecting into docker images
brew "source-to-image"
# Command-line interface for bandwidth tests
brew "speedtest-cli"
# Tool to create intelligent and beautiful documentation
brew "sphinx-doc"
# SSL tunneling program
brew "stunnel"
# Version control system designed to be a better CVS
brew "subversion", link: false
# Open source continuous file synchronization application
brew "syncthing"
# Send macOS User Notifications from the command-line
brew "terminal-notifier"
# Multi-platform code-search similar to ack and ag
brew "the_platinum_searcher"
# Code-search similar to ack
brew "the_silver_searcher"
# Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
brew "tor"
# Display directories as trees (with optional color/HTML output)
brew "tree"
# Encoding detector library
brew "uchardet"
# Executes a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
brew "watch"
# Internet file retriever
brew "wget"
# Show the current WiFi network password
brew "wifi-password"
# View colored diff with side by side and auto pager support
brew "ydiff"
# Download YouTube videos from the command-line
brew "youtube-dl"
# High-performance, asynchronous messaging library
brew "zeromq"
# Additional completion definitions for zsh
brew "zsh-completions"
# Fish shell like syntax highlighting for zsh
brew "zsh-syntax-highlighting"
# Recursively search directories for a regex pattern.
brew "burntsushi/ripgrep/ripgrep-bin"
# Notifies from your Terminal (iTerm2) using terminal-notifier
brew "rogeriopradoj/bin/notify"
# Update and upgrade [oh-my-zsh], [homebrew], [cask], [mas], [composer]
brew "rogeriopradoj/bin/upall"
# Create a utf8 version of any file, prepending a _ (underline)
brew "rogeriopradoj/bin/utf8"
brew "rogeriopradoj/gitea/gitea"
# A simple and powerful SSH Keys Manager
brew "timothyye/tap/skm"
# Collection of small scripts to help maintain the Homebrew-Cask project
brew "victorpopkov/tap/cask-scripts"
# Script to quickly repair outdated/broken Casks from homebrew-cask
brew "vitorgalvao/tiny-scripts/cask-repair"
cask "1clipboard"
cask "airdroid"
cask "alfred"
cask "android-file-transfer"
cask "anaconda"
cask "applepi-baker"
cask "basictex"
cask "battery-guardian"
cask "betterzip"
cask "caffeine"
cask "cakebrew"
cask "chrome-remote-desktop-host"
cask "chromedriver"
cask "chronicle"
cask "composercat"
cask "disk-inventory-x"
cask "docker"
cask "dotnet-sdk"
cask "dropbox"
cask "droplr"
cask "evernote"
cask "family-tree-builder"
cask "firefox"
cask "firefox-developer-edition"
cask "flash-npapi"
cask "flixtools"
cask "font-alfa-slab-one"
cask "font-fira-code"
cask "font-fira-mono"
cask "font-fira-sans"
cask "font-hack-nerd-font"
cask "font-menlo-for-powerline"
cask "gfxcardstatus"
cask "git-it"
cask "github"
cask "githubpulse"
cask "gitscout"
cask "go2shell"
cask "gogs"
cask "google-backup-and-sync"
cask "google-chrome"
cask "google-chrome-canary"
cask "google-cloud-sdk"
cask "handbrake"
cask "horndis"
cask "inkscape"
cask "insomnia"
cask "itau"
cask "iterm2-beta"
cask "jetbrains-toolbox"
cask "jupyter-notebook-ql"
cask "jupyter-notebook-viewer"
cask "kap"
cask "keka"
cask "kodi"
cask "lastpass"
cask "libreoffice"
cask "lisanet-gimp"
cask "liteide"
cask "macdown"
cask "macs-fan-control"
cask "megasync"
cask "menumeters"
cask "mobirise"
cask "mongodb"
cask "mp3tag"
cask "netspot"
cask "ngrok"
cask "obs"
cask "openemu-experimental"
cask "opera"
cask "opera-developer"
cask "pacifist"
cask "pencil"
cask "postman"
cask "provisionql"
cask "qlcolorcode"
cask "qlimagesize"
cask "qlmarkdown"
cask "qlprettypatch"
cask "qlstephen"
cask "qsyncthingtray"
cask "quickgeojson"
cask "quicklook-csv"
cask "quicklook-json"
cask "resilio-sync"
cask "robo-3t"
cask "rocket-chat"
cask "rstudio"
cask "sdformatter"
cask "sequel-pro"
cask "shimo"
cask "shortcat"
cask "skitch"
cask "skyfonts"
cask "skype"
cask "slack-beta"
cask "smcfancontrol"
cask "sourcetree"
cask "spectacle"
cask "sqlitestudio"
cask "stremio"
cask "sublime-text"
cask "suspicious-package"
cask "teamviewer"
cask "telegram"
cask "thonny"
cask "thunderbird"
cask "tor-browser"
cask "transmission"
cask "uncolored"
cask "unetbootin"
cask "upterm"
cask "vagrant"
cask "valentina-studio"
cask "virtualbox"
cask "virtualbox-extension-pack"
cask "visual-studio-code"
cask "vnc-viewer"
cask "webpquicklook"
cask "whatsapp"
cask "wineskin-winery"
cask "xbox360-controller-driver-unofficial"
cask "zipeg"
cask "zoomus"
mas "1Keyboard", id: 766939888
mas "Blackmagic Disk Speed Test", id: 425264550
mas "Brightness Slider", id: 456624497
mas "CleanMyDrive 2", id: 523620159
mas "Disk Cartography", id: 905264208
mas "Divvy", id: 413857545
mas "ForkLift", id: 412448059
mas "Go2Shell", id: 445770608
mas "iMovie", id: 408981434
mas "Keynote", id: 409183694
mas "Kindle", id: 405399194
mas "LastPass", id: 926036361
mas "Mactracker", id: 430255202
mas "Microsoft Remote Desktop", id: 715768417
mas "Numbers", id: 409203825
mas "OneDrive", id: 823766827
mas "Pages", id: 409201541
mas "ProPaint", id: 1127869373
mas "Roadmap Planner", id: 1072531325
mas "SnailSVNLite", id: 1063090543
mas "Softmatic QR Perfect", id: 775631122
mas "The Unarchiver", id: 425424353
mas "Transmit", id: 403388562
mas "Xcode", id: 497799835
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