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Last active April 10, 2022 09:53
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# ALERT: The most up-to-date version of this function is now available at
#' Function to expose Stan user-defined functions in R using CmdStanr and Rcpp.
#' In addition to all user-defined functions, this function will expose the
#' stan_rng__(seed) function, that can be used to supplied specific seeds to
#' Stan RNG UDFs.
#' @param model_path Path to the Stan model file with user-defined functions
#' to expose.
#' @param include_paths Paths to folders with files included in the Stan model.
#' @param expose_to_global_env If `TRUE`, the function will expose Stan
#' user-defined functions to the global R enivornment. If `FALSE`, the function
#' will return a new environment that includes all Stan UDFs. The default value
#' is `FALSE`.
#' @return If `expose_to_global_env` is `FALSE`, the new environment with
#' exposed user-defined functions, NULL otherwise.
expose_cmdstanr_function <- function(model_path, include_paths = NULL,
expose_to_global_env = FALSE) {
required_pkgs <- c("Rcpp", "RcppEigen", "cmdstanr")
found_pkgs <- required_pkgs %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if (!all(found_pkgs)) {
"The following required packages are missing: ",
paste0(required_packages[!found_pkgs], collapse = ", "),
if (cmdstanr::cmdstan_version() < "2.26.0") {
stop("Please install CmdStan version 2.26 or newer.", call. = FALSE)
get_cmdstan_flags <- function(flag_name) {
cmdstan_path <- cmdstanr::cmdstan_path()
flags <- processx::run(
args = c(paste0("print-", flag_name)),
wd = cmdstan_path
flags <- gsub(
pattern = paste0(flag_name, " ="),
replacement = "", x = flags, fixed = TRUE
flags <- gsub(
pattern = " stan/", replacement = paste0(" ", cmdstan_path, "/stan/"),
x = flags, fixed = TRUE
flags <- gsub(
pattern = "-I lib/", replacement = paste0("-I ", cmdstan_path, "/lib/"),
x = flags, fixed = TRUE
flags <- gsub(
pattern = "-I src", replacement = paste0("-I ", cmdstan_path, "/src"),
x = flags, fixed = TRUE
gsub("\n", "", flags)
temp_stan_file <- tempfile(pattern = "model-", fileext = ".stan")
temp_cpp_file <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(temp_stan_file), ".cpp")
file.copy(model_path, temp_stan_file, overwrite = TRUE)
if (isTRUE(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")) {
stanc3 <- "./bin/stanc.exe"
} else {
stanc3 <- "./bin/stanc"
args = c(
paste0("--include-paths=", include_paths),
wd = cmdstanr::cmdstan_path()
code <- paste(readLines(temp_cpp_file), collapse = "\n")
code <- paste(
"// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppEigen)]]",
"#include <stan/math/prim/fun/Eigen.hpp>",
"#include <RcppCommon.h>
#include <boost/random/additive_combine.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace Rcpp {
SEXP wrap(boost::ecuyer1988 RNG);
SEXP wrap(boost::ecuyer1988& RNG);
SEXP wrap(std::ostream stream);
template <> boost::ecuyer1988 as(SEXP ptr_RNG);
template <> boost::ecuyer1988& as(SEXP ptr_RNG);
template <> std::ostream* as(SEXP ptr_stream);
namespace traits {
template <> class Exporter<boost::ecuyer1988&>;
template <> struct input_parameter<boost::ecuyer1988&>;
#include <Rcpp.h>
namespace Rcpp {
SEXP wrap(boost::ecuyer1988 RNG){
boost::ecuyer1988* ptr_RNG = &RNG;
Rcpp::XPtr<boost::ecuyer1988> Xptr_RNG(ptr_RNG);
return Xptr_RNG;
SEXP wrap(boost::ecuyer1988& RNG){
boost::ecuyer1988* ptr_RNG = &RNG;
Rcpp::XPtr<boost::ecuyer1988> Xptr_RNG(ptr_RNG);
return Xptr_RNG;
SEXP wrap(std::ostream stream) {
std::ostream* ptr_stream = &stream;
Rcpp::XPtr<std::ostream> Xptr_stream(ptr_stream);
return Xptr_stream;
template <> boost::ecuyer1988 as(SEXP ptr_RNG) {
Rcpp::XPtr<boost::ecuyer1988> ptr(ptr_RNG);
boost::ecuyer1988& RNG = *ptr;
return RNG;
template <> boost::ecuyer1988& as(SEXP ptr_RNG) {
Rcpp::XPtr<boost::ecuyer1988> ptr(ptr_RNG);
boost::ecuyer1988& RNG = *ptr;
return RNG;
template <> std::ostream* as(SEXP ptr_stream) {
Rcpp::XPtr<std::ostream> ptr(ptr_stream);
return ptr;
namespace traits {
template <> class Exporter<boost::ecuyer1988&> {
Exporter( SEXP x ) : t(Rcpp::as<boost::ecuyer1988&>(x)) {}
inline boost::ecuyer1988& get() { return t ; }
boost::ecuyer1988& t ;
} ;
template <>
struct input_parameter<boost::ecuyer1988&> {
typename Rcpp::ConstReferenceInputParameter<boost::ecuyer1988&> type ;
//typedef typename boost::ecuyer1988& type ;
RcppExport SEXP get_stream_() {
std::ostream* pstream(&Rcpp::Rcout);
Rcpp::XPtr<std::ostream> ptr(pstream, false);
return ptr;
RcppExport SEXP get_rng_(SEXP seed) {
int seed_ = Rcpp::as<int>(seed);
boost::ecuyer1988* rng = new boost::ecuyer1988(seed_);
Rcpp::XPtr<boost::ecuyer1988> ptr(rng, true);
return ptr;
"#include <RcppEigen.h>",
sep = "\n"
code <- gsub("// [[stan::function]]",
"// [[Rcpp::export]]", code, fixed = TRUE)
code <- gsub(
"stan::math::accumulator<double>& lp_accum__, std::ostream* pstream__ = nullptr){",
"std::ostream* pstream__ = nullptr){\nstan::math::accumulator<double> lp_accum__;",
fixed = TRUE
code <- gsub("__ = nullptr", "__ = 0", code, fixed = TRUE)
get_stream <- function() {
get_rng <- function(seed=0L) {
if (!identical(seed, 0L)) {
if (length(seed) != 1)
stop("Seed must be a length-1 integer vector.")
return(.Call('get_rng_', seed))
if (expose_to_global_env) {
env = globalenv()
} else {
env = new.env()
compiled <- withr::with_makevars(
USE_CXX14 = 1,
PKG_CXXFLAGS = get_cmdstan_flags("CXXFLAGS"),
PKG_LIBS = paste0(
Rcpp::sourceCpp(code = code, env = env)
for (x in compiled$functions) {
FUN <- get(x, envir = env)
args <- formals(FUN)
args$pstream__ <- get_stream()
if ("lp__" %in% names(args)) args$lp__ <- 0
if ("base_rng__" %in% names(args)) args$base_rng__ <- get_rng()
formals(FUN) <- args
assign(x, FUN, envir = env)
assign("stan_rng__", get_rng, envir = env)
if (expose_to_global_env) {
} else {
Copy link


model_code <- "
functions {
  vector foo(vector a, vector b) {
    return a + b;
model_path <- cmdstanr::write_stan_file(model_code)
udfs <- expose_cmdstanr_function(model_path)

a <- udfs$foo(c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6))

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