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Created December 11, 2012 05:57
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WPML: default first in language switcher
Making the default first in WPML's language switcher
@Todo rolandinsh: clean-up and update
// Get language array
$list = icl_get_languages('skip_missing=1&orderby=id&order=asc');
// Getting default language to first position
// Create a temporary array and hold its first position
$temp[0] = '';
foreach($list as $l){
if($l['language_code'] == 'tr') // Turkish is default
$temp[0] = $l; // assign default language to first position of temp array
array_push($temp, $l); // push other languages to temp
// change original with temp, then remove temp
$list = $temp;
// print links (you can use your own style)
$print = '<ul class="myLanguageSwitcher">'."\n";
$c = count($list); // count languages
// if the language is active, insert the class "active"
$print .= '<li class="'.(($list[$i]['active']=='1')?'active':'');
// if it's the last language in array, insert the class 'noBackground'
if($i == $c - 1)
$print .= ' noBackground';
// create link of language with native name
$print .= '"><a title="'.$list[$i]['native_name'].'" href="'.$list[$i]['url'].'">';
$print .= $list[$i]['native_name'];
$print .= '</a></li>'."\n";
$print .= '</ul>'
echo $print;
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