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Last active June 19, 2023 04:31
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Look up keywords on from Vim

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Look up keywords on from Vim

Use :DD without argument to look up the word under the cursor, scoped with the current filetype:


Use :DD keyword to look up the given keyword, scoped with the current filetype:

:DD Map

Add a ! to prevent scoping:

:DD! getelementbyid

Use :DD scope keyword to do the scoping yourself:

:DD scss @mixin

Use the :DD command for keyword look up with the built-in K:

setlocal keywordprg=:DD

My Vim-related gists.

" What command to use
function! Cmd() abort
if executable("xdg-open")
return "xdg-open"
if executable("open")
return "open"
return "explorer"
" Build the URL stub
let s:stub = Cmd() . " '"
" Build the command
command! -bang -nargs=* DD silent! call system(len(split(<q-args>, ' ')) == 0 ?
\ s:stub . (expand('<bang>') == "!" || &filetype . '%20') . expand('<cword>') . "'" : len(split(<q-args>, ' ')) == 1 ?
\ s:stub . (expand('<bang>') == "!" || &filetype . '%20') . <q-args> . "'" : s:stub . substitute(<q-args>, '\s\+', '%20', 'g') . "'")
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