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Idiomatic vimrc
" Keeping your lovely 'vimrc' INSIDE of your 'vim' directory is a good idea,
" if only because it makes it easier to move your config around.
" If you are using 7.4 exclusively, the following will be enough:
" on Unix-like systems ~/.vim/vimrc
" on Windows %userprofile%\vimfiles\vimrc
" If you use both 7.4 and an older version, or only an older version,
" the simplest, future-proof, solution is to put this line and only
" this line:
" runtime vimrc
" in this file:
" on Unix-like systems ~/.vimrc
" on Windows %userprofile%\_vimrc
" and do your configuration in '~/.vim/vimrc' or '%userprofile%\vimfiles\vimrc'.
" * Using short names has *only* cons and *zero* pros. Don't.
" * Learning how to use Vim's fantastic documentation is the most useful thing
" a Vim newcomer could do:
" :help :command
" :help function()
" :help 'option'
" :help i_ctrl-a
" :helpgrep foo
" :help get<C-d>
" <C-]> on an highlighted tag to jump to the corresponding entry
" <C-t> to come back
" * Always refer to the relevant ':help' page before adding anything to your vimrc.
" * You don't need 'set nocompatible' if you have a custom 'vimrc' at the expected
" location.
" * 'set background=dark' doesn't do what you think it does.
" * 'set t_Co=256' is a bad idea, set your terminal emulator up properly instead.
" * 'set paste' has a lot of side effects, don't put it in your 'vimrc'.
" * If you have a lot of autocommands for a lot of filetype-specific settings,
" consider moving those setting to proper ftplugins.
" * If you have a lot of custom functions, consider moving them
" to the 'autoload/' directory. See ':help autoload'.
" * You can have syntax checking on write with three lines in your 'vimrc',
" same for 'ack' or 'ag' integration, so make sure you have exhausted Vim's features
" before installing a plugin.
" There are three kinds of options:
" * boolean options,
" * string options,
" * number options.
" Checking the value of an option:
" * use ':set option?' to check the value of an option,
" * use ':verbose set option?' to also see where it was last set.
" Boolean options
set booloption " Set booloption
set nobooloption " Unset booloption
set booloption! " Toggle booloption
set booloption& " Reset booloption to its default value
" String options
set stroption=baz " baz
set stroption+=buzz " baz,buzz
set stroption^=fizz " fizz,baz,buzz
set stroption-=baz " fizz,buzz
set stroption= " Unset stroption
set stroption& " Reset stroption to its default value
" Number options
set numoption=1 " 1
set numoption+=2 " 1 + 2 == 3
set numoption-=1 " 3 - 1 == 2
set numoption^=8 " 2 * 8 == 16
" * Don't put comments after mappings.
" * Use ':map <F6>' to see what is mapped to '<F6>' and in which mode.
" * Use ':verbose map <F6>' to also see where it was last mapped.
" * See ':help key-notation'.
" Normal mode mapping
nmap <key> yyp
" Insert mode mapping
imap <key> <Esc>yyp
" Visual mode mapping
xmap <key> y<Esc>p
" With the three mappings above, the commands used in the RHS
" are executed with their current meaning. If the meaning of one
" of those commands is already changed with a mapping somewhere,
" your mapping may not do what you expect it to do.
" It is generally preferred to use this form:
nnoremap <key> yyp
inoremap <key> <Esc>yyp
xnoremap <key> y<Esc>p
" unless you actually want recursion.
" Executing a command from a mapping
nnoremap <key> :MyCommand<CR>
" Executing multiple commands from a mapping
nnoremap <key> :MyCommand <bar> MyOtherCommand <bar> SomeCommand<CR>
" Calling a function from a mapping
nnoremap <key> :call SomeFunction()<CR>
" Like most scripting languages, vimscript has variables.
" One can define a variable with the ':let' command:
let variable = value
" And delete it with ':unlet':
unlet variable
" In Vim, variables can be scoped by prepending a single letter
" and a colon to their name. Plugin authors use that feature to
" mimic options:
let g:plugin_variable = 1
" Read up on the subject in ':help internal-variables'.
" * Don't forget the bang to allow Vim to overwrite that
" command the next time you reload your vimrc.
" * Custom commands must start with an uppercase.
" * See ':help user-commands'.
command! MyCommand call SomeFunction()
command! MyOtherCommand command | Command | command
" * Don't forget the bang to allow Vim to overwrite that
" function the next time you reload your vimrc.
" * Custom functions must start with an uppercase.
" * See ':help user-functions'.
function! MyFunction(foo, bar)
return a:foo . a:bar
" * Autocommand groups are good for organization but they can be useful
" for debugging too. Think of them as small namespaces that you
" can enable/disable at will.
" * See ':help autocommand'.
augroup MyGroup
" Clear the autocmds of the current group
" to prevent them from piling up each time
" you reload your vimrc.
" These autocmds are fired after the filetype of a buffer
" is defined to 'foo'. Don't forget to use 'setlocal' (for options)
" and '<buffer>' (for mappings) to prevent your settings to
" leak in other buffers with a different filetype.
autocmd FileType foo setlocal bar=baz
autocmd FileType foo nnoremap <buffer> <key> :command<CR>
" This autocmd calls 'MyFunction()' everytime Vim tries to create/edit
" a buffer tied to a file in /'path/to/project/**/'.
autocmd BufNew,BufEnter /path/to/project/**/* call MyFunction()
augroup END
if v:version >= 704
" do something if Vim is the right version
if has('patch666')
" do something if Vim has the right patch-level
" see ':help has-patch'
if has('feature')
" do something if Vim is built with 'feature'
" see ':help feature-list'
" filetype support and syntax highlighting
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
" built-in 'matchit.vim'
" hit '%' on 'if' to jump to 'else'…
runtime macros/matchit.vim
" various settings
set autoindent " automatic indenting for buffers not associated with a filetype
set backspace=indent,eol,start " proper backspace behavior
set hidden " possibility to have more than one unsaved buffers
set incsearch " incremental search, hit '<CR>' to stop
set ruler " shows the current line number at the bottom right
set wildmenu " great command-line completion, use '<Tab>' to move around and `<CR>` to validate
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krry commented Mar 8, 2019

So helpful! Wish I'd found this weeks ago when I first entered this Vimension. Now to reset some opts to their defaults& ...

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