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Last active March 9, 2022 03:40
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Save ronkorving/3755461 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
iOS6 webkit timer bug workaround
(function (window) {
// This library re-implements setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval for iOS6.
// iOS6 suffers from a bug that kills timers that are created while a page is scrolling.
// This library fixes that problem by recreating timers after scrolling finishes (with interval correction).
// This code is released in the public domain. Do with it what you want, without limitations. I do not promise
// that it works, or that I will provide support (don't sue me).
// Author:
var timeouts = {};
var intervals = {};
var orgSetTimeout = window.setTimeout;
var orgSetInterval = window.setInterval;
var orgClearTimeout = window.clearTimeout;
var orgClearInterval = window.clearInterval;
function createTimer(set, map, args) {
var id, cb = args[0], repeat = (set === orgSetInterval);
function callback() {
if (cb) {
cb.apply(window, arguments);
if (!repeat) {
delete map[id];
cb = null;
args[0] = callback;
id = set.apply(window, args);
map[id] = { args: args, created:, cb: cb, id: id };
return id;
function resetTimer(set, clear, map, virtualId, correctInterval) {
var timer = map[virtualId];
if (!timer) {
var repeat = (set === orgSetInterval);
// cleanup
// reduce the interval (arg 1 in the args array)
if (!repeat) {
var interval = timer.args[1];
var reduction = - timer.created;
if (reduction < 0) {
reduction = 0;
interval -= reduction;
if (interval < 0) {
interval = 0;
timer.args[1] = interval;
// recreate
function callback() {
if (timer.cb) {
timer.cb.apply(window, arguments);
if (!repeat) {
delete map[virtualId];
timer.cb = null;
timer.args[0] = callback;
timer.created =; = set.apply(window, timer.args);
window.setTimeout = function () {
return createTimer(orgSetTimeout, timeouts, arguments);
window.setInterval = function () {
return createTimer(orgSetInterval, intervals, arguments);
window.clearTimeout = function (id) {
var timer = timeouts[id];
if (timer) {
delete timeouts[id];
window.clearInterval = function (id) {
var timer = intervals[id];
if (timer) {
delete intervals[id];
window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
// recreate the timers using adjusted intervals
// we cannot know how long the scroll-freeze lasted, so we cannot take that into account
var virtualId;
for (virtualId in timeouts) {
resetTimer(orgSetTimeout, orgClearTimeout, timeouts, virtualId);
for (virtualId in intervals) {
resetTimer(orgSetInterval, orgClearInterval, intervals, virtualId);
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not work for me ;(

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betesh commented Sep 2, 2015

I was getting cb.apply is not a function error. It's because native setTimeout allows you to pass a String, which gets eval'd when the timeout expires. This code doesn't handle that case. I had to make this change to function callback():

        if (cb) {
            if ("string" == typeof cb) {
                if ("()" == cb.substring(cb.length - 2, cb.length)) {
                    cb = cb.substring(0, cb.length - 2)
                cb = eval(cb);
            cb.apply(window, arguments);
                           // etc.

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yelhouti commented Jun 1, 2016

this cods for some reason broke Hammer.js press event, in case any one has the same problem...

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