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Last active August 26, 2020 00:04
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Script for saving Flag shader params in props. (Added modless shader parameter saving method by boformer.)
// The script will not work properly if you have no texture imported.
// The vertex paint of the mesh controls the amount of movement:
// white means no movement and black means maximum movement.
// If you're using multiple "flag" textures in one prop, (like vanilla flags)
// the flag must be entirely black and everything else should be white,
// and you can't use the strength variable, otherwise the UV mapping will break.
// The flag should be UV mapped onto the flag on the bottom right of the texture.
// If you're using just one texture,
// you can use shades of gray to control which parts move more or less,
// and also use the strength variable to reduce the movement.
// LOD also moves, so it should be treated the same way as the main model.
// (added modless shader parameter saving method by boformer)
// Flag grid on the texture: leave at defaults if you're not using multiple flag textures in one prop
var columns = 1; // amount of vertical columns
var rows = 1; // amount of horizontal rows
Vector2 topLeft = new Vector2(0, 0); // top left corner x,y position (measured from top left) in pixels
Vector2 bottomRight = new Vector2(0, 0); // bottom right corner x,y position (measured from top left) in pixels
// Flag movement:
var strength = 1.0f; // movement strength (0.0 - 1.0)
// can't be used if you're using multiple flag textures in one prop
Vector3 axis = new Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // movement axis
Vector3 pivot = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // pivot point of the flag, where it is "attached"
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as PropInfo;
var shader = Shader.Find("Custom/Props/Prop/Flag");
asset.m_material.shader = shader; if(asset.m_lodMaterial) asset.m_lodMaterial.shader = shader;
var tex = asset.m_material.GetTexture("_MainTex");
var x = - ((bottomRight.x - topLeft.x) / columns) / tex.width; var y = ((bottomRight.y - topLeft.y) / rows) / tex.height;
Vector4 a = new Vector4(axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, 0f); Vector4 p = new Vector4(pivot.x, pivot.y, pivot.z, 0f);
Vector4 t = new Vector4(columns, rows, x, y); asset.m_material.SetVector("_RollParams3", t);
asset.m_material.SetVector("_RollLocation0", p); asset.m_material.SetVector("_RollParams0", a);
if(asset.m_lodMaterial) { asset.m_lodMaterial.SetVector("_RollParams3", t);
asset.m_lodMaterial.SetVector("_RollLocation0", p); asset.m_lodMaterial.SetVector("_RollParams0", a); }
if(asset.m_lodMaterialCombined) { asset.m_lodMaterialCombined.SetVector("_RollParams3", t);
asset.m_lodMaterialCombined.SetVector("_RollLocation0", p); asset.m_lodMaterialCombined.SetVector("_RollParams0", a); }
Vector3[] v = asset.m_mesh.vertices; var c = asset.m_mesh.colors; Color[] nc = new Color[v.Length];
if (asset.m_mesh.colors.Length != 0) for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++) nc[i] = new Color(c[i].r, c[i].g, 1-((1-c[i].r)*strength), 1f);
asset.m_mesh.colors = nc;
if (asset.m_lodMesh) if (asset.m_lodMesh.colors.Length != 0) { v = asset.m_lodMesh.vertices; c = asset.m_lodMesh.colors; nc = new Color[v.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++) nc[i] = new Color(c[i].r, c[i].g, 1-((1-c[i].r)*strength), 1f);
asset.m_lodMesh.colors = nc; }
var vectorProps = Type.GetType("ColossalFramework.Packaging.ShaderUtil, ColossalManaged").GetField("vectorProps").GetValue(null) as string[];
vectorProps[4] = "_RollParams3"; vectorProps[5] = "_RollLocation0"; vectorProps[6] = "_RollParams0";
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