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ronyx69 / replace_net_with_net.cs
Last active May 18, 2022 17:57
Replace target networks with replacement networks. Could break everything idk.
// replace all target nets with replacement net
var target = PrefabCollection<NetInfo>.FindLoaded("Pedestrian Connection Surface");
var replacement = PrefabCollection<NetInfo>.FindLoaded("Pedestrian Connection");
var b = NetManager.instance.m_segments.m_buffer;
for(var i=0;i<b.Length;i++) if(b[i].m_flags!=0) if(b[i].Info==target) b[i].Info=replacement;
var b2 = NetManager.instance.m_nodes.m_buffer;
for(var i=0;i<b2.Length;i++) if(b2[i].m_flags!=0) if(b2[i].Info==target) b2[i].Info=replacement;
for(var i=0;i<b.Length;i++) if(b[i].m_flags!=0) NetManager.instance.UpdateSegment((ushort)i);
ronyx69 / PropBufferReadSet.cs
Last active July 18, 2021 09:57
Reads the prop buffer and generates a script to set it. Intended for reading/setting props for buildings in the asset editor. Generated example below the actual script.
// You must place the exact amount of props (any kind of props anywhere) before running the prop set script, otherwise it will not work properly.
// Generate a script to place props, located in local addons folder.
var s = "PropInstance[] nb = new PropInstance[65536];\n\n";
var buffer = PropManager.instance.m_props.m_buffer;
for(var i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) if (buffer[i].m_flags!=0) {
s = s + "nb[" + i + "].Angle = " + buffer[i].Angle + "f;\n";
s = s + "nb[" + i + "].Blocked = " + buffer[i].Blocked.ToString().ToLower() + ";\n";
ronyx69 / SetLaneProps.cs
Last active January 31, 2021 12:10
Script to set lane props for a network currently loaded in the asset editor. (for any elevation and lane) And another script which generates a script to set/edit lane props.
// Script to set lane props. Replaces all lane props!
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as NetInfo; var ai = asset.m_netAI as RoadAI;
List<NetLaneProps.Prop>[] basic = new List<NetLaneProps.Prop>[asset.m_lanes.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < basic.Length; i++) basic[i] = new List<NetLaneProps.Prop>();
var elevatedLanes = 0;
if(ai.m_elevatedInfo != null) if(ai.m_elevatedInfo.m_lanes != null) if(ai.m_elevatedInfo.m_lanes.Length != 0) elevatedLanes = ai.m_elevatedInfo.m_lanes.Length;
List<NetLaneProps.Prop>[] elevated = new List<NetLaneProps.Prop>[elevatedLanes];
for (int i = 0; i < elevated.Length; i++) elevated[i] = new List<NetLaneProps.Prop>();
var bridgeLanes = 0;
if(ai.m_bridgeInfo != null) if(ai.m_bridgeInfo.m_lanes != null) if(ai.m_bridgeInfo.m_lanes.Length != 0) bridgeLanes = ai.m_bridgeInfo.m_lanes.Length;
ronyx69 / ReplaceLaneProps.cs
Created January 10, 2020 21:12
Replace lane props on networks in the asset editor.
Action<string, string> ReplaceProp = (search, replace) =>
var replacementProp = PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.FindLoaded(replace);
for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection<NetInfo>.LoadedCount(); i++)
var prefab = PrefabCollection<NetInfo>.GetLoaded(i);
if (prefab == null) continue;
if(prefab.m_lanes != null) foreach (var Lane in prefab.m_lanes)
ronyx69 / NetworkElevationRenamer.cs
Created December 27, 2019 05:40
Renames elevations based on the name of the loaded asset.
// Renames elevations, to fix the game adding 0 or 1 to the elevation names, so that they can be kept consistent when updating a network multiple times.
// Do not run on a newly created network, it must be saved with the final name it should have, loaded again, and only then run this script.
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as NetInfo;
var ai = (asset.m_netAI as TrainTrackAI); // change this to RoadAI or something else if necessary.
if(ai.m_elevatedInfo != null) =, + " E";
if(ai.m_bridgeInfo != null) =, + " B";
if(ai.m_slopeInfo != null) =, + " S";
if(ai.m_tunnelInfo != null) =, + " T";
ronyx69 / Vehicle_PropMesh_Copy.cs
Last active May 19, 2019 16:21
Copies mesh from a prop to a vehicle, don't use for vehicles with tyres.
// Copies mesh from a prop to a vehicle, don't use for vehicles with tyres.
var propname = "filename.Asset Name"; // filename.Asset Name
var prop = PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.FindLoaded(propname + "_Data");
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as VehicleInfo;
asset.m_mesh.vertices = prop.m_mesh.vertices; asset.m_mesh.triangles = prop.m_mesh.triangles;
asset.m_mesh.tangents = prop.m_mesh.tangents; asset.m_mesh.normals = prop.m_mesh.normals;
asset.m_mesh.uv = prop.m_mesh.uv; asset.m_mesh.bounds = prop.m_mesh.bounds;
ronyx69 / BuildingBaseMeshDelete.cs
Last active June 18, 2019 00:27
Script for deleting the automatically generated base mesh for buildings or building sub meshes.
// Deletes automatically generated base mesh based on vertex colors.
// Changes shader to NoBase, enables noBase boolean, raises or lowers vertices too close to 0.
var subMesh = -1; // sub mesh id, order as in ui, starting from 0 (-1 means main building mesh)
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as BuildingInfo;
var m = asset.m_mesh; var shader = Shader.Find("Custom/Buildings/Building/NoBase"); var newVertCount = 0;
if(subMesh >= 0) { m = asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo.m_mesh;
if(asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo.m_material != null) asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo.m_material.shader = shader;
if(asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo.m_lodMaterial != null) asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo.m_lodMaterial.shader = shader;
ronyx69 / BuildingSubMesh_FloorParams.cs
Created May 1, 2019 12:57
Change building floor parameters for a sub-mesh.
var subMesh = 0;
var vec = new Vector4(0.0f, 3.1f, 3.0f, 900.1f);
var asset = (ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as BuildingInfo).m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo;
asset.m_material.SetVector("_FloorParams", vec);
ronyx69 / Building_PlacementMode_AssetEditor.cs
Created March 24, 2019 13:56
Script for changing the placement mode for buildings.
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as BuildingInfo;
// Possible placement modes:
// Roadside
// Shoreline
// OnWater
// OnGround
// OnSurface
// OnTerrain
ronyx69 / Vehicle_CustomWheels.cs
Created March 18, 2019 02:03
Copy vertex paint from prop to vehicle, set tire parameters.
// Copy vertex paint from prop to vehicle and set tire parameters.
var asset2 = PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.FindLoaded("filename.Asset Name_Data"); // CHANGE TO PROP NAME
Vector4[] tyres = new Vector4[] { // Tire parameter vectors (X, Y, Z, diameter), add/remove lines if necessary.
new Vector4(-0.739f, 0.328f, 1.421f, 0.328f),
new Vector4(0.739f, 0.328f, 1.421f, 0.328f),
new Vector4(-0.739f, 0.331f, -1.93f, 0.331f),