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Created January 10, 2020 21:12
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Replace lane props on networks in the asset editor.
Action<string, string> ReplaceProp = (search, replace) =>
var replacementProp = PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.FindLoaded(replace);
for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection<NetInfo>.LoadedCount(); i++)
var prefab = PrefabCollection<NetInfo>.GetLoaded(i);
if (prefab == null) continue;
if(prefab.m_lanes != null) foreach (var Lane in prefab.m_lanes)
if(Lane.m_laneProps != null)
if(Lane.m_laneProps.m_props != null) foreach (var LaneProp in Lane.m_laneProps.m_props)
if(LaneProp.m_prop != null)
if( == search)
LaneProp.m_prop = replacementProp;
LaneProp.m_finalProp = replacementProp;
// Usage: ReplaceProp("replace this", "with that");
ReplaceProp("darktun.darktun_Data", "1530239308.R69Railway Tunnel Darkener_Data");
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