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Source code for Ploppable Asphalt + mod.
using ColossalFramework.IO;
using ColossalFramework.Plugins;
using ColossalFramework.UI;
using ICities;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PloppableAsphalt
public class PloppableAsphaltMod : IUserMod
public string Name => "Ploppable Asphalt";
public string Description => "Allows using road shaders on props for ploppable asphalt, pavement, cliff, grass, gravel surfaces.";
private static Configuration settings;
public static Configuration Settings
if (settings == null)
settings = Configuration.LoadConfiguration();
if (settings == null)
settings = new Configuration();
return settings;
settings = value;
#region UserInterface
private float sliderWidth = 700f;
private float sliderHeight = 10f;
private float labelSize = 1.2f;
private string toolTipText = "Hold SHIFT to drag all sliders";
private UISlider redSlider;
private UISlider greenSlider;
private UISlider blueSlider;
private UITextField redLabel;
private UITextField greenLabel;
private UITextField blueLabel;
private static void UpdateSlider(UISlider slider, UITextField textField, float value)
slider.value = value;
textField.text = value.ToString();
public void OnSettingsUI(UIHelperBase helper)
UIHelperBase sliderGroup = helper.AddGroup("\t\t\t\t\t\t RGB Values");
redLabel = (UITextField)sliderGroup.AddTextfield(" ", Settings.AsphaltColor.r.ToString(), (t) => { }, (t) => { });
redLabel.disabledTextColor =;
redLabel.textScale = labelSize;
redSlider = (UISlider)sliderGroup.AddSlider(" ", 0f, 255f, 1f, Settings.AsphaltColor.r, (f) =>
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift))
var difference = f - Settings.AsphaltColor.r;
var green = Settings.AsphaltColor.g;
var blue = Settings.AsphaltColor.b;
if (blue + difference >= 0 && blue + difference <= 255)
UpdateSlider(blueSlider, blueLabel, blue + difference);
Settings.AsphaltColor.b = blue + difference;
if (green + difference >= 0 && green + difference <= 255)
UpdateSlider(greenSlider, greenLabel, green + difference);
Settings.AsphaltColor.g = green + difference;
redSlider.tooltipBox.isVisible = false;
else redSlider.tooltipBox.isVisible = true;
Settings.AsphaltColor.r = f;
UpdateSlider(redSlider, redLabel, f);
redSlider.color =;
redSlider.tooltip = toolTipText;
redSlider.scrollWheelAmount = 1f;
redSlider.width = sliderWidth;
redSlider.height = sliderHeight;
UpdateSlider(redSlider, redLabel, Settings.AsphaltColor.r);
greenLabel = (UITextField)sliderGroup.AddTextfield(" ", Settings.AsphaltColor.g.ToString(), (t) => { }, (t) => { });
greenLabel.disabledTextColor =;
greenLabel.textScale = labelSize;
greenSlider = (UISlider)sliderGroup.AddSlider(" ", 0f, 255f, 1f, Settings.AsphaltColor.g, (f) =>
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift))
var difference = f - Settings.AsphaltColor.g;
var red = Settings.AsphaltColor.r;
var blue = Settings.AsphaltColor.b;
if (red + difference >= 0 && red + difference <= 255)
UpdateSlider(redSlider, redLabel, red + difference);
Settings.AsphaltColor.r = red + difference;
if (blue + difference >= 0 && blue + difference <= 255)
UpdateSlider(blueSlider, blueLabel, blue + difference);
Settings.AsphaltColor.b = blue + difference;
greenSlider.tooltipBox.isVisible = false;
else greenSlider.tooltipBox.isVisible = true;
Settings.AsphaltColor.g = f;
UpdateSlider(greenSlider, greenLabel, f);
greenSlider.color =;
greenSlider.tooltip = toolTipText;
greenSlider.scrollWheelAmount = 1f;
greenSlider.width = sliderWidth;
greenSlider.height = sliderHeight;
UpdateSlider(greenSlider, greenLabel, Settings.AsphaltColor.g);
blueLabel = (UITextField)sliderGroup.AddTextfield(" ", Settings.AsphaltColor.b.ToString(), (t) => { }, (t) => { });
blueLabel.disabledTextColor =;
blueLabel.textScale = labelSize;
blueSlider = (UISlider)sliderGroup.AddSlider(" ", 0f, 255f, 1f, Settings.AsphaltColor.b, (f) =>
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift))
var difference = f - Settings.AsphaltColor.b;
var red = Settings.AsphaltColor.r;
var green = Settings.AsphaltColor.g;
if (red + difference >= 0 && red + difference <= 255)
UpdateSlider(redSlider, redLabel, red + difference);
Settings.AsphaltColor.r = red + difference;
if (green + difference >= 0 && green + difference <= 255)
UpdateSlider(greenSlider, greenLabel, green + difference);
Settings.AsphaltColor.g = green + difference;
blueSlider.tooltipBox.isVisible = false;
else blueSlider.tooltipBox.isVisible = true;
Settings.AsphaltColor.b = f;
UpdateSlider(blueSlider, blueLabel, f);
blueSlider.color =;
blueSlider.tooltip = toolTipText;
blueSlider.scrollWheelAmount = 1f;
blueSlider.width = sliderWidth;
blueSlider.height = sliderHeight;
UpdateSlider(blueSlider, blueLabel, Settings.AsphaltColor.b);
public class Configuration
private static readonly string configurationPath = Path.Combine(DataLocation.localApplicationData, "PloppableAsphalt.xml");
public Color AsphaltColor = new Color(128f, 128f, 128f, 1f);
public bool AutoDeployed = false;
public Configuration() { }
public void OnPreSerialize() { }
public void OnPostDeserialize() { }
public static void SaveConfiguration()
var fileName = configurationPath;
var config = PloppableAsphaltMod.Settings;
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Configuration));
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(fileName))
serializer.Serialize(writer, config);
public static Configuration LoadConfiguration()
var fileName = configurationPath;
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Configuration));
using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileName))
var config = serializer.Deserialize(reader) as Configuration;
return config;
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.Log(string.Format("[Ploppable Asphalt]: Error Parsing {0}: {1}", fileName, ex.Message.ToString()));
return null;
public class PloppableAsphaltLoading : LoadingExtensionBase
public override void OnLevelLoaded(LoadMode mode)
//register our event delegates
UIView.library.Get<UIPanel>("OptionsPanel").eventVisibilityChanged += (c, i) => PloppableAsphalt.SetRenderPropertiesAll();
UIView.GetAView().FindUIComponent<UIDropDown>("LevelOfDetail").eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, i) => PloppableAsphalt.SetRenderPropertiesAll();
public override void OnLevelUnloading()
PloppableAsphalt.Loaded = false;
//unregister event delegates
UIView.library.Get<UIPanel>("OptionsPanel").eventVisibilityChanged -= (c, i) => PloppableAsphalt.SetRenderPropertiesAll();
UIView.GetAView().FindUIComponent<UIDropDown>("LevelOfDetail").eventSelectedIndexChanged -= (c, i) => PloppableAsphalt.SetRenderPropertiesAll();
public class PloppableAsphalt
public static bool Loaded;
private static Shader shader; //will be used to contain the magic shader, but also will be used as a marker once the colors get replaced
private static Shader shader2; //will be used to contain the magic shader, but also will be used as a marker once the colors get replaced
private static Shader shader3; //will be used to contain the magic shader, but also will be used as a marker once the colors get replaced
internal static void SetRenderProperties(PropInfo prefab)
prefab.m_lodRenderDistance = == "ploppableasphalt-prop" ? 200 : 18000;
prefab.m_maxRenderDistance = == "ploppableasphalt-decal" ? prefab.m_maxRenderDistance : 18000;
prefab.m_lodRenderDistance = == "ploppablecliffgrass" ? 200 : 18000;
prefab.m_lodRenderDistance = == "ploppablegravel" ? 200 : 18000;
internal static void SetRenderProperties(BuildingInfo prefab)
prefab.m_maxPropDistance = 18000;
internal static void SetRenderPropertiesAll()
for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.LoadedCount(); i++)
var prefab = PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.GetLoaded(i);
if (prefab == null) continue;
if ( == "ploppableasphalt-prop" || == "ploppableasphalt-decal" || == "ploppablecliffgrass" || == "ploppablegravel") SetRenderProperties(prefab);
for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection<BuildingInfo>.LoadedCount(); i++)
var prefab = PrefabCollection<BuildingInfo>.GetLoaded(i);
if (prefab == null || prefab.m_props == null || prefab.m_props.Length == 0) continue;
for (uint j = 0; j < prefab.m_props.Length; j++)
if (prefab.m_props[j].m_finalProp == null) continue;
if (prefab.m_props[j].m_finalProp.m_mesh == null) continue;
if (prefab.m_props[j] == "ploppableasphalt-prop" ||
prefab.m_props[j] == "ploppableasphalt-decal" ||
prefab.m_props[j] == "ploppablecliffgrass" ||
prefab.m_props[j] == "ploppablegravel") SetRenderProperties(prefab);
internal static void ApplyProperties()
shader = Shader.Find("Custom/Net/RoadBridge");
shader2 = Shader.Find("Custom/Net/Road");
shader3 = Shader.Find("Custom/Net/TrainBridge");
for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.LoadedCount(); i++)
var prefab = PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.GetLoaded(i);
if (prefab == null) continue;
if ( == "ploppableasphalt-prop" || == "ploppablecliffgrass" || == "ploppablegravel")
//get ACI textures, to be used as APR textures
Texture texture2D = new Texture2D(1, 1);
Texture texture2Dlod = new Texture2D(1, 1);
texture2D = (prefab.m_material.GetTexture("_ACIMap") as Texture2D);
texture2Dlod = (prefab.m_lodMaterial.GetTexture("_ACIMap") as Texture2D);
//change the shader
if ( == "ploppableasphalt-prop")
if (prefab.m_material != null) prefab.m_material.shader = shader;
if (prefab.m_lodMaterial != null) prefab.m_lodMaterial.shader = shader;
else if ( == "ploppablecliffgrass")
if (prefab.m_material != null) prefab.m_material.shader = shader2;
if (prefab.m_lodMaterial != null) prefab.m_lodMaterial.shader = shader2;
else if ( == "ploppablegravel")
if (prefab.m_material != null) prefab.m_material.shader = shader3;
if (prefab.m_lodMaterial != null) prefab.m_lodMaterial.shader = shader3;
//add the ACI textures as APR textures
prefab.m_material.SetTexture("_APRMap", texture2D);
prefab.m_lodMaterial.SetTexture("_APRMap", texture2Dlod);
//set high render distance
//this sets the render distance properties on this item
prefab.m_lodMaterialCombined = null;
prefab.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z = prefab.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z * 2.174f;
if (prefab.m_generatedInfo.m_size.y < 16) prefab.m_generatedInfo.m_size.y = 16f;
prefab.m_generatedInfo.m_size.x = prefab.m_generatedInfo.m_size.x * 0.4f;
prefab.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z = prefab.m_generatedInfo.m_size.z * 0.4f;
else if ( == "ploppableasphalt-decal")
prefab.m_material.SetTexture("_MainTex", UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType<NetProperties>().m_upwardDiffuse);
prefab.m_lodMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType<NetProperties>().m_upwardDiffuse);
//this sets the render distance properties on this item
internal static void ApplyColors() //change the color variation for the props, slider adjustment should only call this
for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.LoadedCount(); i++)
var rgb = PloppableAsphaltMod.Settings.AsphaltColor;
var prefab = PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.GetLoaded(i);
var color = new Color(rgb.r / 255, rgb.g / 255, rgb.b / 255);
if (prefab == null) continue;
if ( == "ploppableasphalt-prop" || == "ploppableasphalt-decal" || == "ploppablegravel" || == "ploppablecliffgrass")
prefab.m_color0 = color; prefab.m_color1 = color;
prefab.m_color2 = color; prefab.m_color3 = color;
//this sets the render distance properties on all ploppable asphalt items
//we no longer need to use ApplyColorsAgain I dont think.
public class DisableBlur : ThreadingExtensionBase
private UIComponent component;
public override void OnUpdate(float realTimeDelta, float simulationTimeDelta)
//moved this here because we had duplicate ThreadingExtension class.
if (!PloppableAsphalt.Loaded && LoadingManager.instance.m_loadingComplete)
PloppableAsphalt.Loaded = true;
if (component == null) component = UIView.library.Get("OptionsPanel");
if (component != null && component.isVisible)
UITextureSprite uITextureSprite = Util.ReadPrivate<DesaturationControl, UITextureSprite>(UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType<DesaturationControl>(), "m_Target");
if (uITextureSprite.opacity != 0f)
uITextureSprite.opacity = 0f;
Util.WritePrivate<DesaturationControl, UITextureSprite>(UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType<DesaturationControl>(), "m_Target", uITextureSprite);
public static class Util
public static Q ReadPrivate<T, Q>(T o, string fieldName)
FieldInfo[] fields = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
FieldInfo fieldInfo = null;
FieldInfo[] array = fields;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
FieldInfo fieldInfo2 = array[i];
if (fieldInfo2.Name == fieldName)
fieldInfo = fieldInfo2;
return (Q)((object)fieldInfo.GetValue(o));
public static void WritePrivate<T, Q>(T o, string fieldName, object value)
FieldInfo[] fields = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
FieldInfo fieldInfo = null;
FieldInfo[] array = fields;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
FieldInfo fieldInfo2 = array[i];
if (fieldInfo2.Name == fieldName)
fieldInfo = fieldInfo2;
fieldInfo.SetValue(o, value);
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