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Created June 5, 2018 14:36
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Copy vertex paint from a prop to a vehicle sub mesh. Apply and save AnimUV params.
// Anim UV Scripts
// Create scrolling or multi-frame animations for vehicle sub meshes.
// Run in asset editor and see effects in real time.
// AnimUV Params Mod is not required for using the scripts and saving the asset.
// It's only needed to load the data in-game.
// Animated faces must be vertex painted black! The rest reimains white.
// Shades of gray animate slower, don't use unless you know what you're doing.
// Google how to do vertex color painting in your 3d software of choice!
// for vehicles, vertex colors get generated and overwritten on import
// therefore you need to import the sub mesh as a prop, save, reload
// and then import the vehicle sub mesh,
// and copy the vertex paint from the prop to the vehicle sub mesh using this script:
var subMesh = 1; // vehicle sub mesh id, starting from 1
var asset2 = PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.FindLoaded("filename.Asset Name_Data"); // CHANGE TO PROP NAME
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as VehicleInfo;
Color[] colors = new Color[asset2.m_mesh.vertices.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < asset2.m_mesh.vertices.Length; i++) colors[i] = asset2.m_mesh.colors[i];
asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo.m_mesh.colors = colors;
// The LODs are not UV animated, they are like regular props.
// AnimUV Simplified Script (Vehicle Sub Mesh)
// Simple UV scrolling animation
var subMesh = 1; // Sub mesh id starting from 1
var time = 2; // Length of animation loop in seconds.
var fps = 30; // Frames per second, more than 60 not recommended.
var sideways = false; // Set to true if you want horizontal UV scroll.
var reverse = false; // Set to true to reverse the scrolling direction.
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as VehicleInfo;
var shader = Shader.Find("Custom/Props/Prop/AnimUV");
asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo.m_material.shader = shader;
shader = Shader.Find("Custom/Props/Prop/Default");
asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo.m_lodMaterial.shader = shader;
var tx=0f; var ty=0f;
if(sideways==true) tx=1f/(fps*time); else ty=1f/(fps*time);
if(reverse==true) { tx=0-tx; ty=0-ty; }
var frames = 1f*fps*time;
var cycles = 60f/time;
var vec = new Vector4(tx, ty, frames, cycles);
asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo.m_material.SetVector("_RollParams0", vec);
asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh]"AnimUV "+tx.ToString("R")+" "+ty.ToString("R")+" "+frames.ToString("R")+" "+ cycles.ToString("R");
// AnimUV Advanced Script (Vehicle Sub Mesh)
// Full control over AnimUV paramaters
var subMesh = 1; // Sub mesh id starting from 1
var tx = 0.05f; // X coordinate transform amount, 1f = full width of image
var ty = 0.1f; // Y coordinate transform amount, 1f = full height of image
var frames = 30f; // Amount of transforms per cycle. Amount of animation frames.
var cycles = 60f; // Animation cycles per minute.
var asset = ToolsModifierControl.toolController.m_editPrefabInfo as VehicleInfo;
var shader = Shader.Find("Custom/Props/Prop/AnimUV");
asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo.m_material.shader = shader;
shader = Shader.Find("Custom/Props/Prop/Default");
asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo.m_lodMaterial.shader = shader;
var vec = new Vector4(tx, ty, frames, cycles);
asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh].m_subInfo.m_material.SetVector("_RollParams0", vec);
asset.m_subMeshes[subMesh]"AnimUV "+tx.ToString("R")+" "+ty.ToString("R")+" "+frames.ToString("R")+" "+ cycles.ToString("R");
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