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Created March 10, 2016 13:00
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# Created 07 Jan 2016 by Jordan Robert Dobson / @jordandobson /
# Valid & Tested InputField Types: "text", "email", "number", "url", "tel", "password", "search"
# These types REQUIRE a value: property in the correct format and IGNORE the placeholder property.
# * time: "12:38"
# * month: "2016-01"
# * date: "2016-01-04"
# * datetime-local: "2016-01-04T12:44:31.192"
class exports.InputField extends Layer
constructor: (@options={}) ->
@.options.backgroundColor ?= ""
@.options.borderRadius ?= 0
@.options.fontSize ?= 32
@.options.indent ?= 0
@.options.placeHolderFocus ?= null
@.options.type ?= "text" ?= "#{@.options.type}Input"
if @.options.superLayer?
@.options.width ?= @.options.maxWidth or @.options.superLayer.width
@.options.height ?= @.options.superLayer.height
@.options.minX ?= @.options.x or 0
@.options.minY ?= @.options.y or 0
if @.options.superLayer? and not @.options.maxWidth
@.options.maxX ?= @.options.superLayer?.width
@.options.maxY ?= @.options.superLayer?.height
@.options.onInputFunction ?= null
@.options.onBlurFunction ?= null
@.options.onKeyupFunction ?= null
if @.options.type is "number"
@.options.type = "text"
@.options.pattern = PATTERN_NUMBER
super @.options
if @.options.type is "text" and @.options.pattern is PATTERN_NUMBER
@.html = """
<style type='text/css'>
input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
-webkit-appearance: none;
margin: 0; }
@.input = document.createElement "input"
@.input.type = @.options.type
@.input.value = @.options.value if @.options.value?
@.input.placeholder = @.options.placeHolder if @.options.placeHolder?
@.input.pattern = @.options.pattern if @.options.pattern?
@.input.setAttribute("maxLength", @.options.maxLength) if @.options.maxLength?
@.input.setAttribute("autocapitalize", (if @.options.autoCapitalize is true then "on" else "off"))
@._element.appendChild @.input
inputStyle =
font: "300 #{@.options.fontSize}px/1.25 Proxima Nova"
outline: "none"
textIndent: "#{@.options.indent}px"
backgroundColor: "transparent"
height: "100%"
width: "100%"
pointerEvents: "none"
"-webkit-appearance": "none"[key] = val for key, val of inputStyle = @.options.color if @.options.color?
@.input.onfocus = =>
document.body.scrollTop = 0
@.input.placeholder = @.options.placeHolderFocus if @.options.placeHolderFocus?
document.body.scrollTop = 0
@.options.onFocusFunction(@.input.value, if @.options.onFocusFunction?
@.input.onblur = =>
document.body.scrollTop = 0
unless @.input.placeholder is @.options.placeHolder or !@.options.placeHolder?
@.input.placeholder = @.options.placeHolder
@.options.onBlurFunction(@.input.value, if @.options.onBlurFunction?
@.on Events.TouchEnd, -> @.input.focus()
@.input.oninput = =>
@.options.onInputFunction(@.input.value, if @.options.onInputFunction?
@.input.onkeyup = (e) =>
if e.keyCode is 13
@.options.onKeyupFunction(@.input.value, if @.options.onKeyupFunction?
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