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Last active December 14, 2023 19:47
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org-mode agenda calendar in the terminal
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 Nicolas P. Rougier - BSD License
# from reading org-mode emacs files, display a formated calendar in the
# terminal showing holidays and busy days and upcomiing events.
import holidays #
import calendar
import datetime
import orgparse #
# Colors for displaying things
color = { "month" : "\033[1;37;40m",
"week" : "\033[30m",
"weekend": "\033[0;2m",
"vacant": "\033[0;2m",
"busy-0" : "\033[0m",
"busy-1" : "\033[48;5;223m",
"busy-2" : "\033[48;5;216m",
"busy-3" : "\033[48;5;209m",
"busy-4" : "\033[48;5;202m",
"deadline": "\033[1;31m",
"today" : "\033[1m",
"reset" : "\033[0m" }
markers = {
"busy-0" : " ",
"busy-1" : "⠁",
"busy-2" : "⠃",
"busy-3" : "⠇",
"busy-4" : "⠏",
"busy-5" : "⠟",
"busy-6" : "⠿",
# French holidays + Inria holidays
class InriaHolidays(holidays.France):
def _populate(self, year):
holidays.France._populate(self, year)
self[, 5, 22)] = "RTT"
self[, 7, 13)] = "RTT"
inria_holidays = InriaHolidays()
def yearday(date):
return (,date.month, -, 1, 1)).days + 1
def daterange(start, end):
for n in range(int ((end - start).days)+1):
yield start + datetime.timedelta(n)
def is_today(year, month, day):
return, month, day) ==
def is_weekend(year, month, day):
return, month, day).weekday() in [5,6]
def is_vacant(year, month, day):
return, month, day) in inria_holidays
def is_busy(year, month, day):
date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day)
return busydays[yearday(date)]
def is_deadline(year, month, day):
date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day)
return yearday(date) in deadlines
def format_month(year, month):
day_names = [day[:2] for day in list(calendar.day_name)]
month_names = list(calendar.month_name)[1:]
width = 7*3-1
lines = [""]*8
# Month name
# ----------
name = month_names[month-1]
lines[0] = color["month"] + + color["reset"] + " "
# Week day names
# --------------
s = color["week"]
for name in day_names[:5]: s += name + " "
s += color["reset"] + color["weekend"]
for name in day_names[5:]: s += name + " "
s += color["reset"]
lines[1] = s
# Week days
# ---------
first = calendar.weekday(year, month, 1)
last = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
for line in range(6):
s = ""
for column in range(7):
day = line*7 + column - first + 1
if day < 1 or day > last:
s += " "
c = ""
c += color["busy-" + str( min(is_busy(year, month, day),4))]
if is_weekend(year, month, day):
c += color["weekend"]
c += color["week"]
if is_today(year, month, day):
c += color["today"]
if is_vacant(year, month, day):
c += color["vacant"]
s += c + "%2d" % day
# s += color["reset"]
if is_deadline(year, month, day):
s += color["deadline"] + "!"
s += markers["busy-" + str(min(is_busy(year, month, day),6))]
s += color["reset"]
lines[2+line] = s
return lines
# Fill in busy days from
busydays = { i:0 for i in range(366+1) }
deadlines = set()
events = []
for filename in ["/Users/rougier/Documents/org/",
agenda = orgparse.load(filename)
for node in agenda:
if hasattr(node, "datelist") and node.datelist:
for date in node.datelist:
d = date.start
d =,d.month,
# busydays.add(yearday(d))
busydays[yearday(d)] += 1
events.append([d, None, node.heading, 0, list(node.tags)])
if hasattr(node, "rangelist") and node.rangelist:
for date in node.rangelist:
ds,de = date.start, date.end
ds =, ds.month,
de =, de.month,
if de > ds: events.append([ds, de, node.heading, 0, list(node.tags)])
else: events.append([ds, None, node.heading, 0, list(node.tags)])
for i,d in enumerate(daterange(date.start, date.end)):
# busydays.add(yearday(d))
busydays[yearday(d)] += 1
if hasattr(node, "deadline") and node.deadline:
d = node.deadline.start
d =,d.month,
events.append([d, None, node.heading, 1, list(node.tags)])
events.sort(key=lambda data: data[0])
# Print agenda (3 months per line)
n = 4
lines = []
print("\033[2J;\033[H") # clear terminal
for month in range(1, 13, n):
months = [format_month(2020, month+i) for i in range(n)]
for i in range(8):
line = ""
for j in range(n):
line += months[j][i] + " "
for line in lines: print(" "+line)
# Print details for upcoming events
print("\033[1;30m Upcoming events (next 2 weeks):")
print(" ───────────────────────────────")
today =
n = 0
for start, stop, heading, deadline, tags in events:
if today <= start < today+datetime.timedelta(days=28):
n += 1
print("\033[0m", end="")
if deadline:
print("\033[31m", end="")
elif start == today:
print("\033[1;30m", end="")
if deadline:
print(" ! ", end="")
print(" ", end="")
if stop is None:
print("{0}: {1}".format(start, heading), end="")
print("{0} to {1}: {2}".format(start, stop, heading), end="")
if tags: print("\033[2m ({0})".format(tags[0]))
if n > 21: break
for i in range(22-n):
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rougier commented May 29, 2023

Color comes from your terminal (but the colored day)

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