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Created November 18, 2022 12:03
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Emacs Mastodon client mockup
;;; init-mastodon.el --- Mastodon layout mockup -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2022 Nicolas P. Rougier
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
;; see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Work in progress ( = dirty code, may break at any point...)
;;; Code:
(require 'mastodon)
(require 'nano-theme) ;; not striclty necessary
(defface mastodon-read-face
`((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face))
"Face for read toots."
:group 'mastodon)
(defface mastodon-separator-face
`((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face))
"Face for line separating toots."
:group 'mastodon)
(defface mastodon-status-face
`((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face))
"Face for toot status (below separator)."
:group 'mastodon)
(defcustom mastodon-show-toot-action t
"Whether to show toot action menu."
:group 'mastodon)
(defcustom mastodon-show-toot-separator t
"Whether to show separatino between toots."
:group 'mastodon)
(defcustom mastodon-show-toot-status t
"Whether to show toot status."
:group 'mastodon)
(defcustom mastodon-shorten-url t
"Whether to shorten url in toots."
:group 'mastodon)
(defcustom mastodon-box-boosted t
"Whether to enclose boosted toots in a text box."
:group 'mastodon)
(defcustom mastodon-symbols '((reply . "")
(boost . "")
(favourite . "")
(bookmark . "")
(media . ""))
"Set of symbols or strings to be used for displaying toot status")
(defvar mastodon--overlay-home nil
"Overaly for read toots in the home feed.")
(defvar mastodon--overlay-local nil
"Overaly for read toots in the local feed.")
(defvar mastodon--overlay-federated nil
"Overaly for read toots in the federated feed.")
(defun mastodon--shorten-url (url)
"Shorten a url to its domain. For example,
https// would become [] and the echo help will display the original url and keymap statys untouched."
(insert url)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward-regexp "\\(\\w+://\\([^/]+\\)[^ \n]*\\)" nil t)
(propertize (format "[%s]" (match-string 2))
'face 'shr-link
'shr-url (match-string 1)
'mastodon-tab-stop 'shr-url
'keymap mastodon-tl--shr-map-replacement
'follow-link t
'mouse-face 'highlight
'help-echo (format "URL: %s" (match-string 1)))))
(buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
(defun mastodon--mark-read ()
"Mark a whole feed (buffer) as read using an overlay. Ideally,
this should be ran just before an update."
(when-let* ((name (buffer-name))
(feed (when (string-match "\\*mastodon-\\(\\w+\\)\\*" name)
(match-string 1 name))))
(let ((overlay (cond ((string= feed "home") mastodon--overlay-home)
((string= feed "local") mastodon--overlay-local)
((string= feed "federated") mastodon--overlay-federated))))
(unless overlay
(setf overlay (make-overlay (point-min) (point-max) nil t nil))
(overlay-put overlay
'face '(:inherit mastodon-read-face :extend t)))
(move-overlay overlay (point-min) (point-max)))))
(defun mastodon--enbox (text &optional size prefix)
"Enclose TEXT with a unicode box with given SIZE and prefix the
(let* ((prefix (or prefix ""))
(size (or size (- (window-width) 1)))
(text (with-temp-buffer
(insert text)
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((fill-column (- size 6))
(sentence-end-double-space nil))
(fill-region (point-min) (point-max)))
(buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
(line-format (format "%s│ %%s %s│\n" prefix
(propertize " " 'display `(space :align-to ,(+ size 1))))))
(concat prefix "┌" (make-string (- size 2) ?─) "┐\n"
(mapconcat (lambda (line)
(format line-format line))
(split-string text "[\n]+") "")
prefix "└" (make-string (- size 2) ?─) "┘")))
;; (set-fontset-font t 'emoji nil)
;; (setq use-default-font-for-symbols nil)
(setq mastodon-tl--display-media-p nil)
(set-fontset-font t 'emoji '("Apple Color Emoji" . "iso10646-1") nil 'prepend)
(set-fontset-font t 'symbol (font-spec :family "Symbola") nil 'prepend)
(defun mastodon-tl--update ()
"Update timeline with new toots."
(let* ((endpoint (mastodon-tl--get-endpoint))
(update-function (mastodon-tl--get-update-function))
(id (mastodon-tl--newest-id))
(json (mastodon-tl--updated-json endpoint id)))
(when json
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(goto-char (or mastodon-tl--update-point (point-min)))
(funcall update-function json))))))
(defun mastodon-tl--more ()
"Append older toots to timeline, asynchronously."
(message "Loading older toots...")
(if (string= (buffer-name (current-buffer)) "*mastodon-favourites*")
;; link-header: can't build a URL with --more-json-async, endpoint/id:
(let* ((next (car (mastodon-tl--link-header)))
(prev (cadr (mastodon-tl--link-header)))
(url (mastodon-tl--build-link-header-url next)))
(mastodon-http--get-response-async url 'mastodon-tl--more* (current-buffer)
(point) :headers))
(mastodon-tl--more-json-async (mastodon-tl--get-endpoint) (mastodon-tl--oldest-id)
'mastodon-tl--more* (current-buffer) (point)))))
(defun mastodon-tl--insert-status (toot body author-byline action-byline
&optional id parent-toot detailed-p)
"Display the content and byline of timeline element TOOT.
BODY will form the section of the toot above the byline.
AUTHOR-BYLINE is an optional function for adding the author
portion of the byline that takes one variable. By default it is
ACTION-BYLINE is also an optional function for adding an action,
such as boosting favouriting and following to the byline. It also
takes a single function. By default it is
ID is that of the toot, which is attached as a property if it is
a notification. If the status is a favourite or a boost,
PARENT-TOOT is the JSON of the toot responded to.
DETAILED-P means display more detailed info. For now
this just means displaying toot client."
(let ((start-pos (point))
(reblog (alist-get 'reblog toot))
(info (string-trim (or (mastodon-tl--format-faves-count toot) "")))
(body (mastodon--shorten-url body)))
(propertize "\n" 'face '(:extend t
:strike-through t
:inherit nano-faded))
(concat (propertize "follow | reply | mute | block" 'face 'nano-faded)
(propertize " " 'display `(space :align-to (- right ,(+ (length info) 2))))
(propertize info 'face 'nano-faded)
(if reblog
(mastodon--enbox body 72 " ")
(string-fill body 72))
(unless (string= (substring body -1) "\n")
(mastodon-tl--byline toot author-byline action-byline detailed-p))
'toot-id (or id ; for notifications
(alist-get 'id toot))
'base-toot-id (mastodon-tl--toot-id
;; if a favourite/boost notif, get ID of toot responded to:
(or parent-toot toot))
'toot-json toot
'parent-toot parent-toot)
(when mastodon-tl--display-media-p
(mastodon-media--inline-images start-pos (point)))))
(defun mastodon-tl--format-faves-count (toot)
"Format a favourites, boosts, replies count for a TOOT.
Used as a help-echo when point is at the start of a byline, i.e.
where `mastodon-tl--goto-next-toot' leaves point. Also displays a
toot's media types and optionally the binding to play moving
image media from the byline."
(let* ((toot-to-count
;; simply praying this order works
(alist-get 'status toot) ; notifications timeline
;; fol-req notif, has 'type
;; placed before boosts coz fol-reqs have a (useless) reblog entry:
;; TODO: cd also test for notifs buffer before we do this to be sure
(when (alist-get 'type toot)
(alist-get 'reblog toot) ; boosts
toot)) ; everything else
(fol-req-p (or (string= (alist-get 'type toot-to-count) "follow")
(string= (alist-get 'type toot-to-count) "follow_request"))))
(unless fol-req-p
(let* ((media-types (mastodon-tl--get-media-types toot))
(format-faves (format "%s  | %s  | %s "
(alist-get 'favourites_count toot-to-count)
(alist-get 'reblogs_count toot-to-count)
(alist-get 'replies_count toot-to-count)))
(format-media (when media-types
(format " | "
(mapconcat #'identity media-types " "))))
(format-media-binding (when (and (or
(member "video" media-types)
(member "gifv" media-types))
(require 'mpv nil :no-error))
(format " | C-RET to view with mpv"))))
(format "%s" (concat format-faves format-media format-media-binding))))))
(defun mastodon-tl--byline (toot author-byline action-byline &optional detailed-p)
"Generate byline for TOOT.
AUTHOR-BYLINE is a function for adding the author portion of
the byline that takes one variable.
ACTION-BYLINE is a function for adding an action, such as boosting,
favouriting and following to the byline. It also takes a single function.
By default it is `mastodon-tl--byline-boosted'.
DETAILED-P means display more detailed info. For now
this just means displaying toot client."
(let* ((created-time
;; bosts and faves in notifs view
;; (makes timestamps be for the original toot
;; not the boost/fave):
(or (mastodon-tl--field 'created_at
(mastodon-tl--field 'status toot))
;; all other toots, inc. boosts/faves in timelines:
;; (mastodon-tl--field auto fetches from reblogs if needed):
(mastodon-tl--field 'created_at toot)))
(parsed-time (date-to-time created-time))
(faved (equal 't (mastodon-tl--field 'favourited toot)))
(boosted (equal 't (mastodon-tl--field 'reblogged toot)))
(bookmarked (equal 't (mastodon-tl--field 'bookmarked toot)))
(bookmark-str (if (fontp (char-displayable-p #10r128278))
(visibility (mastodon-tl--field 'visibility toot)))
;; Boosted/favourited markers are not technically part of the byline, so
;; we don't propertize them with 'byline t', as per the rest. This
;; ensures that `mastodon-tl--goto-next-toot' puts point on
;; author-byline, not before the (F) or (B) marker. Not propertizing like
;; this makes the behaviour of these markers consistent whether they are
;; displayed for an already boosted/favourited toot or as the result of
;; the toot having just been favourited/boosted.
(concat (when boosted
(mastodon-tl--format-faved-or-boosted-byline "B"))
(when faved
(mastodon-tl--format-faved-or-boosted-byline "F"))
(when bookmarked
(mastodon-tl--format-faved-or-boosted-byline bookmark-str)))
;; we propertize help-echo format faves for author name
;; in `mastodon-tl--byline-author'
(funcall author-byline toot)
(cond ((equal visibility "direct")
(if (fontp (char-displayable-p #10r9993))
" ✉"
" [direct]"))
((equal visibility "private")
(if (fontp (char-displayable-p #10r128274))
" 🔒"
" [followers]")))
(funcall action-byline toot)
" "
;; TODO: Once we have a view for toot (responses etc.) make
;; this a tab stop and attach an action.
(format-time-string mastodon-toot-timestamp-format parsed-time)
'timestamp parsed-time
'display (if mastodon-tl--enable-relative-timestamps
(mastodon-tl--relative-time-description parsed-time)
(when detailed-p
(let* ((app (alist-get 'application toot))
(app-name (alist-get 'name app))
(app-url (alist-get 'website app)))
(when app
(propertize " via " 'face 'default)
(propertize app-name
'face 'mastodon-display-name-face
'follow-link t
'mouse-face 'highlight
'mastodon-tab-stop 'shr-url
'shr-url app-url
'help-echo app-url
'keymap mastodon-tl--shr-map-replacement)))))
;;(propertize "\n ------------\n" 'face 'default)
'favourited-p faved
'boosted-p boosted
'bookmarked-p bookmarked
'byline t))))
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