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Created September 10, 2021 14:44
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- (void)checkAllTheBadLaunchStates {
NSURL *bundleURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleURL];
if ([bundleURL.path hasPrefix:@"/Applications"] && [bundleURL ag_isQuarantined]) {
log_error(self, @"Application has been translocated");
NSString *title = OPLocalizedString(@"The system has quarantined 1Password.", @"title: 1Password has been quarantined by macOS.");
NSString *message = OPLocalizedString(@"1Password was not moved to the Applications folder correctly. To fix this issue, 1Password will copy a command to the Clipboard that you can paste in Terminal.", @"message: we're in AppTranlocation jail, updates will fail, no extensions will work.");
NSString *defaultButton = OPLocalizedString(@"Open Terminal", @"button: opens the Terminal app");
NSString *secondaryButton = OPLocalizedString(@"Quit 1Password", @"");
op_showAlert(title, message, defaultButton, secondaryButton, nil, NO, ^(NSAlert *alert, NSModalResponse response) {
if (response == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn) {
NSString *command = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"sudo xattr -r -d \"%@\" && open \"%@\"", [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath], [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]];
[[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] clearContents];
BOOL success = [[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] setString:command forType:NSPasteboardTypeString];
if (success) {
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:@"Terminal"];
NSString *title = OPLocalizedString(@"Command Copied", @"");
NSString *informativeText = OPLocalizedString(@"Choose Edit > Paste and press Return.", @"");
NSUserNotification *notification = [OPLocalNotificationHelper notificationForIdentifier:@"" title:title subtitle:nil informativeText:informativeText image: nil actionButtonTitle:nil userInfo: nil];
[[NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter] deliverNotification:notification];
else {
log_error(self, @"Failed to put the command on the pasteboard");
else if ([bundleURL.path containsString:@".Trash"]) {
log_error(self, @"Application is in the trash, this isn't a workable configuration");
NSString *title = OPLocalizedString(@"1Password is trashed. 🥃", @"title ");
NSString *message = OPLocalizedString(@"1Password can’t be opened from the Trash. To fix the issue, move 1Password to the Applications folder.", @"message; when the user has somehow managed to launch 1Password form the trash");
NSString *defaultButton = OPLocalizedString(@"Show 1Password in Finder", @"button: OK");
NSString *secondaryButton = OPLocalizedString(@"Quit 1Password", @"");
op_showAlert(title, message, defaultButton, secondaryButton, nil, NO, ^(NSAlert *alert, NSModalResponse response) {
if (response == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn) {
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] activateFileViewerSelectingURLs:@[bundleURL]];
else if ([bundleURL.path hasPrefix:@"/Applications"] == NO && isRunningFromXcode() == NO) {
log_error(self, @"Application is not in the /Applications folder");
NSString *title = OPLocalizedString(@"1Password can’t fill or save in your browser.", @"title: 1Password isn't in the /Applications folder, so none of the browser extension can work.");
NSString *message = OPLocalizedString(@"1Password must be in the Applications folder to fill and save in your browser. To fix this issue, move 1Password to the Applications folder.", @"message; when the user has 1Password located somewhere other than the /Applications folder.");
NSString *defaultButton = OPLocalizedString(@"Show 1Password in Finder", @"button: OK");
NSString *ignoreButton = OPLocalizedString(@"Ignore", @"button: OK");
op_showAlert(title, message, defaultButton, ignoreButton, nil, NO, ^(NSAlert *alert, NSModalResponse response) {
if (response == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn) {
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] activateFileViewerSelectingURLs:@[bundleURL]];
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