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Last active December 14, 2023 11:06
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Clash type level config of primitive
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
import Clash.Explicit.Prelude
import Clash.Annotations.Primitive
import GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat (KnownBool, boolVal)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Type.Bool (If)
import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
import Data.String.Interpolate.Util (unindent)
data ScaleOffsetConfig = ScaleOffsetConfig
{ _socNormalShift :: Nat
, _socOffsetShift :: Nat
, _socRounding :: Bool
, _socInReg :: Bool
, _socOutReg :: Bool
, _socMidReg :: Bool
type family BoolToNat (b :: Bool) :: Nat where
BoolToNat b = If b 1 0
type family SOCNormalShift (c :: ScaleOffsetConfig) :: Nat where
SOCNormalShift ('ScaleOffsetConfig v _ _ _ _ _) = v
type family SOCOffsetShift (c :: ScaleOffsetConfig) :: Nat where
SOCOffsetShift ('ScaleOffsetConfig _ v _ _ _ _) = v
type family SOCRounding (c :: ScaleOffsetConfig) :: Bool where
SOCRounding ('ScaleOffsetConfig _ _ v _ _ _) = v
type family SOCInReg (c :: ScaleOffsetConfig) :: Bool where
SOCInReg ('ScaleOffsetConfig _ _ _ v _ _) = v
type family SOCOutReg (c :: ScaleOffsetConfig) :: Bool where
SOCOutReg ('ScaleOffsetConfig _ _ _ _ v _) = v
type family SOCMidReg (c :: ScaleOffsetConfig) :: Bool where
SOCMidReg ('ScaleOffsetConfig _ _ _ _ _ v) = v
type family ScaleOffsetDelay (c :: ScaleOffsetConfig) :: Nat where
ScaleOffsetDelay c =
BoolToNat (SOCInReg c) + BoolToNat (SOCOutReg c) + BoolToNat (SOCMidReg c)
type KnownScaleOffsetConfig (config :: ScaleOffsetConfig)
= ( KnownNat (SOCNormalShift config)
, KnownNat (SOCOffsetShift config)
, KnownBool (SOCRounding config)
, KnownBool (SOCInReg config)
, KnownBool (SOCOutReg config)
, KnownBool (SOCMidReg config)
data ScaleOffset = ScaleOffset
{ _scale :: Signed 16
, _offset :: Signed 16
, _x :: Signed 16
deriving (Generic, BitPack, NFDataX)
scaleOffset :: forall config dom n.
KnownDomain dom
=> (KnownScaleOffsetConfig config)
=> Clock dom
-> Reset dom
-> DSignal dom n (Maybe ScaleOffset)
-> DSignal dom (n + ScaleOffsetDelay config) (Maybe (Signed 16))
scaleOffset clk rst scaleOffset
= let
toMaybe b x = if b then Just x else Nothing
scaleOffsetX = fromJustX <$> scaleOffset
roudingModeStr = if boolVal (Proxy @(SOCRounding config))
then "true"
else "false"
(valid, z) = unbundle $ scaleOffset#
(SNat @(SOCNormalShift config))
(SNat @(SOCOffsetShift config))
(SNat @(BoolToNat (SOCInReg config)))
(SNat @(BoolToNat (SOCOutReg config)))
(SNat @(BoolToNat (SOCMidReg config)))
(toSignal $ isJust <$> scaleOffset)
(toSignal $ _scale <$> scaleOffsetX)
(toSignal $ _offset <$> scaleOffsetX)
(toSignal $ _x <$> scaleOffsetX)
in unsafeFromSignal $ toMaybe <$> valid <*> z
scaleOffset# ::
KnownDomain dom
-- ^ ARG 0
=> SNat normalShift
-- ^ ARG 1
-> SNat offsetShift
-- ^ ARG 2
-> String
-- ^ ARG 3, roundingMode `"true"` or `"false"`
-> SNat inReg
-- ^ ARG 4
-> SNat outReg
-- ^ ARG 5
-> SNat midReg
-- ^ ARG 6
-> Clock dom
-- ^ Input clock, ARG 7
-> Reset dom
-- ^ Input reset, ARG 8
-> Signal dom Bool
-- ^ Valid, ARG 9
-> Signal dom (Signed 16)
-- ^ Scale, ARG 10
-> Signal dom (Signed 16)
-- ^ Offset, ARG 11
-> Signal dom (Signed 16)
-- ^ X, ARG 12
-> Signal dom (Bool, Signed 16)
scaleOffset# !_normalShift !_offsetShift !_roundingStr iRegSNat oRegSNat mRegSNat clk rst vld scl off x
= finReg $ bundle $ (vld, go <$> scl <*> off <*> x)
go scl' off' x' = x' * scl' + off'
-- TODO: Do something with roundingMode and shifts
reg = register clk rst enableGen undefined
ireg = if 1 == (snatToNum @Int iRegSNat) then reg else id
oreg = if 1 == (snatToNum @Int oRegSNat) then reg else id
mreg = if 1 == (snatToNum @Int mRegSNat) then reg else id
finReg = ireg . oreg . mreg
{-# ANN
( InlinePrimitive [VHDL] $
[ { "BlackBox" :
{ "name" : "Main.scaleOffset#"
, "kind" : "Declaration"
, "template" :
"// scaleOffset# begin
~GENSYM[scale_offset_inst][0] : ScaleOffset
generic map (
IN_REG => ~LIT[4],
OUT_REG => ~LIT[5],
MID_REG => ~LIT[6],
port map (
Clk => ~ARG[7],
Reset => ~ARG[8],
Valid => ~ARG[9],
Scale => ~ARG[10],
Offset => ~ARG[11],
X => ~ARG[12],
OutValid => ~RESULT[0],
Z => ~RESULT[1]
// scaleOffset# end"
{-# NOINLINE scaleOffset# #-}
type TestCfg = 'ScaleOffsetConfig 0 0 'True 'False 'True 'True
topEntity = scaleOffset @TestCfg @System @0
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