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Last active June 8, 2020 13:40
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Simple console commands to add a bootswatch theme switcher to top of page
// I switched a basic bootstrap template site over to using bootswatch,
// but I wanted to swap the themes on it so i could see some of the colors and
// font sizes as i still had some items from the old theme in there.
// There are probably lots of ways to do this, but this is how I did it
// Go to and then you can run this on the
// page with all of the cdn links to copy and use with hashes, etc
//var vals = [...document.querySelectorAll('input[id*="html_"]')].map(x => ['html_', ''), x.value]).reduce(
// (acc, val) => (acc[val[0]] = val[1], acc), {}
//the above will give you the values to copy/paste below for the theme list,
// ,but note i have added 'media="none"' to the end of each link. you can add
// that to the code above, i simply did a search and replace as this media
// swapping was a later revision.
// start copying below this line
var themes = {
"cerulean": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-b+jboW/YIpW2ZZYyYdXczKK6igHlnkPNfN9kYAbqYV7rNQ9PKTXlS2D6j1QZIATW\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"cosmo": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-9/chHLTCcBULgxOFoUyZXSgEF0uFXs+NrQqzcy/DXqcR+Sk8C1l4EgmUXAEzTb92\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"cyborg": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-GKugkVcT8wqoh3M8z1lqHbU+g6j498/ZT/zuXbepz7Dc09/otQZxTimkEMTkRWHP\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"darkly": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-Bo21yfmmZuXwcN/9vKrA5jPUMhr7znVBBeLxT9MA4r2BchhusfJ6+n8TLGUcRAtL\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"flatly": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-mhpbKVUOPCSocLzx2ElRISIORFRwr1ZbO9bAlowgM5kO7hnpRBe+brVj8NNPUiFs\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"journal": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-vjBZc/DqIqR687k5rf6bUQ6IVSOxQUi9TcwtvULstA7+YGi//g3oT2qkh8W1Drx9\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"litera": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-Gr51humlTz50RfCwdBYgT+XvbSZqkm8Loa5nWlNrvUqCinoe6C6WUZKHS2WIRx5o\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"lumen": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-VMuWne6iwiifi8iEWNZMw8sDatgb6ntBpBIr67q0rZAyOQwfu/VKpnFntQrjxB5W\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"lux": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-smnSwzHqW1zKbeuSMsAM/fMQpkk7HY11LuHiwT8snL/W2QBoZtVCT4H5x1CEcJCs\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"materia": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-uKLgCN8wZ+yo4RygxUNFhjywpL/l065dVTzvLuxys7LAIMmhZoLWb/1yP6+mF925\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"minty": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-HqaYdAE26lgFCJsUF9TBdbZf7ygr9yPHtxtg37JshqVQi6CCAo6Qvwmgc5xclIiV\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"pulse": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-t87SWLASAVDfD3SOypT7WDQZv9X6r0mq1lMEc6m1/+tAVfCXosegm1BvaIiQm3zB\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"sandstone": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-ztQCCdmKhYHBDMV3AyR4QGZ2/z6veowJBbsmvDJW/sTuMpB9lpoubJuD0ODGSbjh\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"simplex": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-6ge4b1Lr1zrvyGvm5pdAkc3NMa97XYhFPBWsZsT6O3eOU+hqURR1bQEMm11Grf3a\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"sketchy": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-NkI/Nlr1DZ5rUXWWdnuZb97FQRgCCcwC66DC+HUCY0oVx6BgBHUfPcwL1vwp93JZ\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"slate": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-idNH3UIOiZbCf8jxqu4iExnH34y5UovfW/Mg8T5WfNvoJolDvknoNqR69V2OexgF\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"solar": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-iDw+DjLp94cdk+ODAgTY4IZ6d9aaRpG9KHr168TPxrfQ9wv/DTVC+cWyojoxjHBT\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"spacelab": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-sIQOcNYer0kt7oTyFe/YrGzKMFP/qxsJbXTxq0/uiZQgpwXwEu41sVz2M61lWbai\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"superhero": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-rvwYMW9Z/bbxZfgxHQEKx6D91KwffWAG+XnsoYNCGWi/qL1P9dIVYm1HBiHFqQEt\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"united": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-Uga2yStKRHUWCS7ORqIZhJ9LIAv4i7gZuEdoR1QAmw6H+ffhcf7yCOd0CvSoNwoz\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">",
"yeti": "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" integrity=\"sha384-chJtTd1EMa6hQI40eyJWF6829eEk4oIe7b3nNtUni7VxA3uHc/uIM/8ppyjrggfV\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"none\">"
//add all of the themes but with the media set to none, this makes switching themes faster vs just swapping out the live link html
//tack a div on top to put the theme links in, i picked the alert-light because of the initial
//theme i was starting with since it was grey and kind of easy to see. you don't really
//need one at all, but i also thought it was nice to see how these items changed as i didn't
//use any a tags or alert classes on my page anyway
$('body').prepend(`<div class="alert-light text-center" style="width:100%" id="themepicker">`);
//you can simply use object.keys in the map down below to put the links in,
//but when i did this it was a little bit too long so i just split it as below
//$('#themepicker').append(Object.keys(themes).map(x=> `<a href="#" id="${x}">${x}</a>`).join("&bull;&nbsp;"));
var yourArray = Object.keys(themes);
var m = Math.floor(yourArray.length/2);
var [leftSide,rightSide] = [yourArray.slice(0,m), yourArray.slice(m,yourArray.length)];
$('#themepicker').append(> `<a href="#" id="${x}">${x}</a>`).join("&bull;&nbsp;"));
$('#themepicker').append(> `<a href="#" id="${x}">${x}</a>`).join("&bull;&nbsp;"));
//function to swap the theme, basically disable all of the bootstrap css, then enable the one
// with the matching id for the button that was clicked. in an older version of this
// i simply replaced the outerHTML with the new link html, but this way speeds up theme switching
// as the themes are preloaded and you are just swapping them. better for my purposes anyway.
var swaptheme = (e) => {
.forEach(n => = 'none')
.forEach(n => = '')
//add event for clicks, originally i put this in the anchors, but seems like chrome protects
//you from adding in line script on the buttons so i did this instead. understandable as this
//*is* kind of janky, but it does work. =)
Object.keys(themes).forEach(x=>document.getElementById(x).addEventListener("click", swaptheme))
//stop copying above this line, then you can just paste into a console
//alternatively, you can simply copy/paste the lines into the console:
//var gist = '';
//please note, never do this unless you 100% know what's at the other end of that fetch. =)
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