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Last active November 20, 2021 16:51
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angular libraries

Angular Libraries


$ ng g library <library-name>

Configuration files to make build with Organization name

The library path can contain @<organization-name>/ to indicate that package are encapsulated to an organization, because the package belongs to it. The files below must be adapted its keys that reference paths. They must contain the @<organization-name>/.


  "projects": {
    "<project-name>": {
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          "options": {
    "<library-name>": {
      "sourceRoot": "projects/<library-name>"
      "architect": {
        "test": {
          "options": {
        "lint": {
          "options": {
            "tsconfig": [


  "dest": "../../dist/@<organization-name>/<library-name>"

The dest property sets the path to call the library file index implicitly (the compiler will create a index.d.ts file), this file is referenced in lib.entryFile property with public-api.ts value, or, if you are working with namespace, with the file name where the namespace was defined.

Note.: all source code must be nested to directory or subdirectory from the ng-package.json file.


  "name": "@<organization-name>/<library-name>"

To support accessing nested libraries in subpaths.


  "compileOptions": {
    "paths": {
      "<library-name>/*": [


Inside the project path, run:

$ ng build <library-name> --prod

For just test purpose don't use the flag --prod.

Note.: the library-name must not contain @<organization-name>/.


Inside the folder dist/@<organization-name>/<library-name>, run that.

See more.

Working with subfolders

All library nested in source root library should contain ng-package.json file at least, so it'll be compiled when you run $ ng build.

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