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Created August 11, 2014 21:14
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rx::text v2
#pragma once
namespace rx {
using UChar = uint32_t;
using Text = std::basic_string<UChar>; // Unicode text
static const UChar UCharMax = UINT32_MAX;
namespace text {
using std::string;
Text decodeUTF8(const string&);
// Convert a UTF8 string to Unicode text.
string encodeUTF8(const Text&);
string encodeUTF8(UChar);
// Convert Unicode text into a UTF8 string.
string repr(UChar);
string repr(const Text&);
// Printable UTF8 representation with non-graphic characters encoded as U+X{4,8}
bool isValidChar(UChar); // True if assigned by Unicode
bool isDecimalDigit(UChar); // 0-9
bool isHexDigit(UChar); // 0-9,A-F,a-f
bool isWhitespaceChar(UChar); // True if considered whitespace (Category::NormativeZs)
bool isControlChar(UChar); // True if control (Category::NormativeCc)
bool isLinebreakChar(UChar); // True if pure linebreak (LF, CR, LINE- and PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR)
bool isGraphicChar(UChar); // True if the char can be printed to represent itself graphically.
UChar caseFold(UChar); // Normalize case of character through Unicode folding (1:1/basic)
enum Category : uint8_t;
Category category(UChar);
// Look up the Unicode category classification of a character.
enum Category : uint8_t {
Unassigned = 0, // Not Assigned
InformativeLm, // Letter, Modifier
InformativeLo, // Letter, Other
InformativePc, // Punctuation, Connector
InformativePd, // Punctuation, Dash
InformativePe, // Punctuation, Close
InformativePf, // Punctuation, Final quote (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
InformativePi, // Punctuation, Initial quote (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
InformativePo, // Punctuation, Other
InformativePs, // Punctuation, Open
InformativeSc, // Symbol, Currency
InformativeSk, // Symbol, Modifier
InformativeSm, // Symbol, Math
InformativeSo, // Symbol, Other
NormativeCc, // Other, Control
NormativeCf, // Other, Format
NormativeCo, // Other, Private Use
NormativeCs, // Other, Surrogate
NormativeLl, // Letter, Lowercase
NormativeLt, // Letter, Titlecase
NormativeLu, // Letter, Uppercase
NormativeMc, // Mark, Spacing Combining
NormativeMe, // Mark, Enclosing
NormativeMn, // Mark, Non-Spacing
NormativeNd, // Number, Decimal Digit
NormativeNl, // Number, Letter
NormativeNo, // Number, Other
NormativeZl, // Separator, Line
NormativeZp, // Separator, Paragraph
NormativeZs, // Separator, Space
Assigned, // Special category returned by `category` when the character is not unassigned,
// but we don't have detailed category information. Used by `isValidChar`.
// This enum must match that of text.def's RX_TEXT_CHAR_CAT_* constants.
// See and
// END============================================================================================
inline bool isValidChar(UChar c) { return category(c) != Category::Unassigned; }
inline bool isDecimalDigit(UChar c) { return c > ('0'-1) && c < ('9'+1); }
inline bool isHexDigit(UChar c) {
return isDecimalDigit(c) || (c > ('A'-1) && c < ('F'+1)) || (c > ('a'-1) && c < ('f'+1));
inline bool isWhitespaceChar(UChar c) { return category(c) == Category::NormativeZs; }
inline bool isControlChar(UChar c) { return category(c) == Category::NormativeCc; }
inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const rx::Text& v) {
return os << rx::text::encodeUTF8(v);
}} // namespace
namespace std {
inline std::string to_string(const rx::Text& text) { return rx::text::encodeUTF8(text); }
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