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$ cc -std=c11 -g miniast.c -o miniast && ./miniast
AST: (28 B of memory)
    (int 1)
    (int 2))
    (int 8)
    (int 4)))
result: (int 12)
// cc -std=c11 miniast.c -o miniast && ./miniast
#include "xcommon.h"
typedef enum AKind {
AKindInt, // 123
AKindAdd, // +
AKindSub, // -
AKindMul, // *
} AKind;
typedef u16 AOffs;
#define AALIGN alignof(AOffs)
typedef struct AInt {
u8 kind;
u8 valClass;
u16 val; // literal value when valClass == AIntValClass_i16
} AInt;
enum AIntValClass {
AIntValClass_i16 = 0,
AIntValClass_i32 = 1,
AIntValClass_i64 = 2,
AIntValClass_i128 = 3,
typedef struct ABinOp {
u8 kind;
u8 _unused;
AOffs op1;
// op2 is always offset 0
} ABinOp;
u8 __attribute__((aligned(AALIGN))) astack_base[1024*1024];
void* astack_top = (void*)astack_base + sizeof(astack_base);
void* AStackAllocBytes(usize nbyte) {
assert((uintptr)astack_top - nbyte >= (uintptr)astack_base); // else out of memory
astack_top -= ALIGN2(nbyte, AALIGN);
return astack_top;
#define AStackAlloc(STRUCT_TYPE, KIND) ({ \
STRUCT_TYPE* n__##__LINE__ = AStackAllocBytes(sizeof(STRUCT_TYPE)); \
n__##__LINE__->kind = KIND; \
n__##__LINE__; \
usize AStackUsage() {
return (usize)(((uintptr)astack_base + sizeof(astack_base)) - (uintptr)astack_top);
const char* StrOfAKind(AKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case AKindInt: return "int";
case AKindAdd: return "add";
case AKindSub: return "sub";
case AKindMul: return "mul";
static char tmpbuf[16];
sprintf(tmpbuf, "?(%u)", kind);
return tmpbuf;
AKind AKindOf(const void* node) { return *(u8*)node; }
// AOffsOfChild returns the offset to child from parent
AOffs AOffsOfChild(const void* parent, usize parent_nbyte, const void* child) {
assert((uintptr)parent % AALIGN == 0);
assert(parent_nbyte % AALIGN == 0);
assert((uintptr)child % AALIGN == 0);
// astack_base[ ... {parent} {child2} {child1} ]astack_top
// |~~~~~~~~~~|
// result is the distance in multiples of AALIGN from child1 to end of parent
uintptr parent_end = (uintptr)parent + parent_nbyte;
assert((uintptr)child - parent_end <= U16_MAX); // check for overflow & order
return ((uintptr)child - parent_end) / AALIGN;
const void* ChildOfAOffs(const void* parent, usize parent_nbyte, AOffs child_offs) {
assert((uintptr)parent % AALIGN == 0);
assert(parent_nbyte % AALIGN == 0);
return (parent + parent_nbyte) + ((uintptr)child_offs * AALIGN);
#define CHILD(parentp, child_offs) \
ChildOfAOffs((parentp), sizeof(*(parentp)), child_offs)
AInt* PushAInt16(u16 val) {
AInt* n = AStackAlloc(AInt, AKindInt);
n->valClass = AIntValClass_i16;
n->val = val; assert(val <= U16_MAX);
return n;
ABinOp* PushABinOp(u8 kind, const void* op1, const void* op2) {
ABinOp* n = AStackAlloc(ABinOp, kind);
n->op1 = AOffsOfChild(n, sizeof(ABinOp), op1);
assert(AOffsOfChild(n, sizeof(ABinOp), op2) == 0); // op2 is implicit (adjacent to n)
return n;
void printstr(const char* cstr) { fwrite(cstr, strlen(cstr), 1, stdout); }
void _APrint(const void* n, int maxdepth, int depth) {
if (depth) printf("\n%*.s", depth*2, "");
printf("(%s ", StrOfAKind(AKindOf(n)));
switch (AKindOf(n)) {
case AKindInt: printf("%u", ((AInt*)n)->val); goto end;
case AKindAdd:
case AKindSub:
case AKindMul: {
if (depth >= maxdepth) break;
const ABinOp* binop = n;
_APrint(CHILD(binop, binop->op1), maxdepth, depth+1);
putc(' ', stdout);
_APrint(CHILD(binop, 0), maxdepth, depth+1);
goto end;
fwrite(")\n", 2 - (int)(depth > 0), 1, stdout);
void APrint(const void* n, int maxdepth) {
return _APrint(n, maxdepth < 0 ? I32_MAX : maxdepth, 0);
void* nullable AEval(void* SB, void* SP, const void* n);
u64 AEvalToI64(void* SB, void* SP, const void* n) {
if (AKindOf(n) == AKindInt) return (u64)((AInt*)n)->val;
AInt* res = AEval(SB, SP, n);
assert(AKindOf(res) == AKindInt);
return (u64)res->val;
void* nullable AEval(void* SB, void* SP, const void* n) {
assert((uintptr)SP % AALIGN == 0);
//printf("eval [SP %p] ", SP); APrint(n, 1);
switch (AKindOf(n)) {
case AKindInt: {
AInt* res = SP - sizeof(AInt); assert((uintptr)res >= (uintptr)SB);
memcpy(res, n, sizeof(AInt));
return res;
case AKindAdd:
case AKindSub:
case AKindMul: {
const ABinOp* binop = n;
u64 x, y;
x = AEvalToI64(SB, SP - sizeof(AInt), CHILD(binop, binop->op1));
y = AEvalToI64(SB, SP, CHILD(binop, 0));
if (AKindOf(n) == AKindAdd) x = x + y;
else if (AKindOf(n) == AKindSub) x = x - y;
else if (AKindOf(n) == AKindMul) x = x * y;
assert(x <= (1<<14)-1); // TODO: valClass
AInt* res = SP - sizeof(AInt); assert((uintptr)res >= (uintptr)SB);
res->kind = AKindInt;
res->val = (u16)x;
//printf(" res "); APrint(res, -1);
return res;
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
┌───────────────┐ mul
│ 1 + 2 * 6 - 3 │ ⟶ ╱ ╲
└───────────────┘ add sub
int int int int
1 2 6 3
memory representation:
│ u32: │ 0 │
│ u16: │ 0 ╷ 1 │
│ u8: │ 0 ╷ 1 │ 2 ╷ 3 │
│ ~ ~ ~ ~
│ FFE7 │ mul │ │ 12 │ 12 = operand 1 offset (FFF7)
│ FFEB │ sub │ │ 4 │ 4 = operand 1 offset (FFF3)
│ FFEF │ int │ 0 │ 3 │ 0 = small, 3 = value
│ FFF3 │ int │ 0 │ 6 │ 0 = small, 6 = value
│ FFF7 │ add │ │ 4 │ 4 = operand 1 offset (FFFF)
│ FFFB │ int │ 0 │ 2 │ 0 = small, 2 = value
│ FFFF │ int │ 0 │ 1 │ 0 = small, 1 = value
AInt* i_1 = PushAInt16(1);
AInt* i_2 = PushAInt16(2);
ABinOp* add = PushABinOp(AKindAdd, i_1, i_2);
AInt* i_8 = PushAInt16(8);
AInt* i_4 = PushAInt16(4);
ABinOp* sub = PushABinOp(AKindSub, i_8, i_4);
ABinOp* mul = PushABinOp(AKindMul, add, sub);
printf("AST: (%zu B of memory)\n", AStackUsage());
APrint(mul, -1);
u8 __attribute__((aligned(AALIGN))) stack[1024];
void* res = AEval(stack, stack+sizeof(stack), mul);
printf("result: "); APrint(res, -1);
return 0;
#pragma once
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
typedef int8_t i8;
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef int16_t i16;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef int32_t i32;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef int64_t i64;
typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef size_t usize;
typedef ssize_t isize;
typedef intptr_t intptr;
typedef uintptr_t uintptr;
typedef _Float16 f16;
typedef float f32;
typedef double f64;
#define I8_MAX 0x7f
#define I16_MAX 0x7fff
#define I32_MAX 0x7fffffff
#define I64_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffffll
#define ISIZE_MAX __LONG_MAX__
#define I8_MIN (-0x80)
#define I16_MIN (-0x8000)
#define I32_MIN (-0x80000000)
#define I64_MIN (-0x8000000000000000ll)
#define ISIZE_MIN (-__LONG_MAX__ -1L)
#define U8_MAX 0xff
#define U16_MAX 0xffff
#define U32_MAX 0xffffffff
#define U64_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffllu
#ifdef __SIZE_MAX__
#define USIZE_MAX __SIZE_MAX__
#define USIZE_MAX (__LONG_MAX__ *2UL+1UL)
#ifdef __UINTPTR_MAX__
#ifndef __has_feature
#define __has_feature(...) 0
#ifndef nullable
#if __has_feature(nullability)
#define nullable _Nullable
#define nullable
#if defined(__clang__) && __has_feature(nullability)
_Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
_Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wnullability-completeness\"") \
_Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wnullability-inferred-on-nested-type\"") \
_Pragma("clang assume_nonnull begin")
_Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
_Pragma("clang assume_nonnull end")
#ifndef alignof
// named "_Alignof" in C11 until C23, in C23 it is available as "alignof"
#define alignof _Alignof
// T ALIGN2<T>(T n, T w) rounds up n to closest boundary w (w must be a power of two)
#define ALIGN2(n,w) ({ \
__typeof__(n) w__ = (w); \
assert((w__ & (w__ - 1)) == 0); /* alignment w is not a power of two */ \
((n) + (w__ - 1)) & ~(w__ - 1); \
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