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Created September 3, 2019 14:40
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import { EventEmitter } from "./event"
const print = console.log.bind(console)
const _indexedDB = (window.indexedDB
|| window["mozIndexedDB"]
|| window["webkitIndexedDB"]
|| window["msIndexedDB"]) as IDBFactory
// UpgradeFun is a function provided to and is called when an upgrade is needed.
// The function can modify object stores and indexes during immediate execution.
// In other words: Any code in a promise (or after await) can not modify object stores or indexes.
type UpgradeFun = (t :UpgradeTransaction)=>Promise<void>
interface StoreInfo {
readonly autoIncrement: boolean
readonly indexNames: DOMStringList
readonly keyPath: string | string[]
interface DatabaseSnapshot {
readonly storeNames :string[]
readonly storeInfo :Map<string,StoreInfo>
type RemoteChangeEvent = RemoteStoreChangeEvent | RemoteRecordChangeEvent
interface RemoteStoreChangeEvent {
store: string
type : "clear"
interface RemoteRecordChangeEvent {
store: string
type : "update" // record was updated (put or add)
| "delete" // record was removed
key: IDBValidKey
interface DatabaseEventMap {
"remotechange": RemoteChangeEvent
// interface Migrator {
// // upgradeSchema is called for every version step, i.e. upgrading from
// // version 3 -> 5 will call:
// // - upgradeSchema(3, 4, t)
// // - upgradeSchema(4, 5, t)
// upgradeSchema(prevVersion :number, newVersion :number, t :UpgradeTransaction)
// // migrateData is called only once and after all calls to upgradeSchema.
// migrateData(prevVersion :number, newVersion :number)
// }
// open opens a database, creating and/or upgrading it as needed.
export function open(name :string, version :number, upgradefun? :UpgradeFun) :Promise<Database> {
let db = new Database(name, version)
return => db)
// delete removes an entire database
export { _delete as delete };function _delete(name :string, onblocked? :()=>void) :Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
let r = _indexedDB.deleteDatabase(name)
r.onblocked = onblocked || (() => {
r.onblocked = undefined
r.onsuccess = undefined
r.onerror = undefined
reject(new Error("db blocked"))
r.onsuccess = () => {
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari\//)) {
// Safari <=12.1.1 has a race condition bug where even after onsuccess is called,
// the database sometimes remains but without and actual object stores.
// This condition causes a subsequent open request to succeed without invoking an
// upgrade handler, and thus yielding an empty database.
// Running a second pass of deleteDatabase seem to work around this bug.
let r = _indexedDB.deleteDatabase(name)
r.onsuccess = () => { resolve() }
r.onerror = () => { reject(r.error) }
} else {
r.onerror = () => { reject(r.error) }
export class Database extends EventEmitter<DatabaseEventMap> {
readonly db :IDBDatabase // underlying object
readonly name :string
readonly version :number
// autoReopenOnClose controls if the database should be reopened and recreated when the
// user deletes the underlying data in their web browser. When this is false, all operations
// will suddenly start failing if the user deleted the database, while when this is true,
// operations always operate in transactions either on the old (before deleting) database or
// a new recreated database.
autoReopenOnClose :boolean = true
_isClosing = false
_lastSnapshot :DatabaseSnapshot
_broadcastChannel :BroadcastChannel|undefined
constructor(name :string, version :number) {
super() = name
this.version = version
// open the database, creating and/or upgrading it as needed using optional upgradefun
open(upgradefun? :UpgradeFun) :Promise<void> {
return openDatabase(this, upgradefun).then(() => {
return this._onopen(upgradefun)
_reopen(upgradefun? :UpgradeFun) :Promise<void> {
// print("_reopen (database is closing)")
if (!this.autoReopenOnClose) {
this._isClosing = true
let db = this
let delayedTransactions :DelayedTransaction[] = []
this.transaction = function(mode: IDBTransactionMode, ...stores :string[]) :Transaction {
let resolve :()=>void
let reject :(e:Error)=>void
let t = new DelayedTransaction((_resolve, _reject) => {
resolve = _resolve
reject = _reject
t._resolve = resolve
t._reject = reject
t._db = db
t._stores = stores
t._mode = mode
return t
// reopen
return openDatabase(this, upgradefun).then(db => {
this._isClosing = false
delete this.transaction // remove override
for (let t of delayedTransactions) {
return this._onopen(upgradefun)
async _onopen(upgradefun? :UpgradeFun) :Promise<void> {
this.db.onclose = () => { this._reopen(upgradefun) }
_snapshot() {
let storeNames = this.storeNames
let storeInfo = new Map<string,StoreInfo>()
if (storeNames.length > 0) {
let t = this.db.transaction(storeNames, "readonly")
// @ts-ignore workaround for Safari bug
// eval("1+1")
for (let storeName of storeNames) {
let s = t.objectStore(storeName)
storeInfo.set(storeName, {
autoIncrement: s.autoIncrement,
indexNames: s.indexNames,
keyPath: s.keyPath,
} as StoreInfo)
this._lastSnapshot = {
_setupCoordination() {
if (typeof BroadcastChannel == "undefined") {
// environment doesn't support BroadcastChannel. No coordination.
this._broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel(`xdb:${}.${this.version}`)
this._broadcastChannel.onmessage = ev => {
this.emitEvent("remotechange", as RemoteChangeEvent)
_broadcastChange(ev :RemoteChangeEvent) {
if (this._broadcastChannel) {
// close the database.
// The connection is not actually closed until all transactions created using this
// connection are complete. No new transactions can be created for this connection once
// this method is called. Methods that create transactions throw an exception if a closing
// operation is pending.
close() :void {
// Note: This does NOT cause a "close" event to be emitted. There's a disctinction
// between calling close() on a database object vs the "close" event occurring.
// - Calling close() causes the database object to become invalid and allows for
// Database.delete.
// - The "close" event occurs when the user deletes the database. However, any instance
// of a database object remains valid.
// A "close" event occurs when the database is deleted by the user, for instance
// via "delete website data" in web browser settings or use of developer console.
// Since that action renders the database object useless, we automatically reopen
// the database when this happens, and run the upgrade function which will handle
// initialization of the database.
// storeNames is a list of objects store names that currently exist in the database.
// Use ObjectStore.indexNames to list indexes of a given store.
get storeNames() :string[] { return Array.from(this.db.objectStoreNames) }
// getStore starts a new transaction in mode on the named store.
// You can access the transaction via ObjectStore.transaction.
getStore(store :string, mode :IDBTransactionMode) :ObjectStore {
return this.transaction(mode, store).objectStore(store)
// transaction starts a new transaction.
// Its operations need to be defined immediately after creation.
// Transactions are Promises and complete when the transaction finishes.
// It's usually better to use read() or modify() instead of transaction() as those methods
// handle transaction promise as part of operation promises.
transaction(mode: IDBTransactionMode, ...stores :string[]) :Transaction {
return createTransaction(this, this.db.transaction(stores, mode))
// modify encapsulates operations on object stores in one transaction.
// Returns the results of the input functions' results.
// This is uesful since working simply with transaction objects, it's easy to forget to catch
// all cases of promise resolution. Consider the following code:
// let [foo] = this.readwrite("foo")
// await foo.add({ message: "hello" })
// await foo.transaction
// What happens if the record already exists and the "add" call fails?
// An error is thrown early and we never get to await the transaction (= unhandled rejection.)
// To fix this, we would need to rewrite the above code as:
// let [foo] = this.readwrite("foo")
// await Promise.all([
// foo.add({ message: "hello" }),
// foo.transaction,
// ])
// And that's exactly what this function does. We can rewrite the above as:
// await this.modify(["foo"], foo => foo.add({ message: "hello" }))
// For multiple independent operations, you can provide multiple functions:
// await this.modify(["foo"],
// foo => foo.add({ message: "hello" }),
// asnyc foo => {
// let msg = await foo.get("1")
// await foo.put({ message: msg.message + " (copy)" })
// },
// )
modify(stores :string[], ...f :((...s:ObjectStore[])=>Promise<any>)[]) :Promise<any[]> {
let t = this.transaction("readwrite", ...stores)
let sv = => t.objectStore(name))
return Promise.all([ t, => f( ]).then(r => (r.shift(), r))
// read is like modify but operates on a read-only snapshot of the database.
// To read a single object, perfer to use get() instead.
// Returns the values of the input functions' results.
// Example of retrieving two objects:
// let [message, user] = await["messages", "users"],
// (m, _) => m.get("hello"),
// (_, u) => u.get("")
// )
read(stores :string[], ...f :((...s:ObjectStore[])=>Promise<any>)[]) :Promise<any[]> {
let t = this.transaction("readonly", ...stores)
let sv = => t.objectStore(name))
return Promise.all( => f( // note: ignore transaction promise
// get a single object from store. See ObjectStore.get
get(store :string, query :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange) :Promise<any|null> {
return this.getStore(store, "readonly").get(query)
// getAll retrieves multiple values from store. See ObjectStore.getAll
getAll(store :string, query?: IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange, count?: number): Promise<any[]> {
return this.getStore(store, "readonly").getAll(query, count)
// add a single object to store. See ObjectStore.add
add(store :string, value :any, key? :IDBValidKey): Promise<IDBValidKey> {
let s = this.getStore(store, "readwrite")
return Promise.all([s.add(value, key), s.transaction]).then(v => v[0])
// put a single object in store. See ObjectStore.put
put(store :string, value: any, key?: IDBValidKey): Promise<IDBValidKey> {
let s = this.getStore(store, "readwrite")
return Promise.all([s.put(value, key), s.transaction]).then(v => v[0])
// delete a single object from store. See ObjectStore.delete
delete(store :string, key :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange): Promise<void> {
let s = this.getStore(store, "readwrite")
return Promise.all([s.delete(key), s.transaction]) as any as Promise<void>
// getAllKeys retrieves all keys. See ObjectStore.getAllKeys
store :string,
query? :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange,
count? :number,
) :Promise<IDBValidKey[]> {
return this.getStore(store, "readonly").getAllKeys(query, count)
export class UpgradeTransaction {
readonly prevVersion :number
readonly nextVersion :number
_t :Transaction // the one transaction all upgrade operations share
db :Database
constructor(db :Database, t :IDBTransaction, prevVersion :number, nextVersion :number) {
this._t = createTransaction(db, t)
this.db = db
this.prevVersion = prevVersion
this.nextVersion = nextVersion
// storeNames is a list of objects store names that currently exist in the database.
// Use ObjectStore.indexNames to list indexes of a given store.
get storeNames() :string[] { return Array.from(this.db.db.objectStoreNames) }
// hasStore returns true if the database contains the named object store
hasStore(name :string) :boolean {
return this.db.db.objectStoreNames.contains(name)
// getStore retrieves the names object store
getStore(name :string) :ObjectStore {
return this._t.objectStore(name)
// createStore creates a new object store
createStore(name :string, params? :IDBObjectStoreParameters) :ObjectStore {
let os = this.db.db.createObjectStore(name, params)
return new ObjectStore(this.db, os, this._t)
// deleteStore deletes the object store with the given name
deleteStore(name :string) :void {
export class Transaction extends Promise<void> {
readonly db :Database
transaction :IDBTransaction // underlying transaction object
readonly aborted :boolean = false // true if abort() was called
// when true, abort() causes the transaction to be rejected (i.e. error.)
// when false, abort() causes the transaction to be fulfilled.
errorOnAbort :boolean = true
abort() :void {
;(this as any).aborted = true
objectStore(name :string) :ObjectStore {
return new ObjectStore(this.db, this.transaction.objectStore(name), this)
export class ObjectStore {
readonly db :Database
readonly store :IDBObjectStore
readonly transaction :Transaction // associated transaction
// autoIncrement is true if the store has a key generator
get autoIncrement() :boolean { return }
// indexNames is the names of indexes
get indexNames() :DOMStringList { return }
// name of the store. Note: Can be "set" _only_ within an upgrade transaction.
get name() :string { return }
set name(name :string) { = name }
constructor(db :Database, store :IDBObjectStore, transaction: Transaction) {
this.db = db = store
this.transaction = transaction
// clear deletes _all_ records in store
clear() :Promise<void> {
return this._promise(() => => {
this.db._broadcastChange({ type:"clear", store: })
// count the number of records matching the given key or key range in query
count(key? :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange) :Promise<number> {
return this._promise(() =>
// get retrieves the value of the first record matching the given key or key range in query.
// Returns undefined if there was no matching record.
get(query :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange) :Promise<any|undefined> {
return this._promise(() =>
// getAll retrieves the values of the records matching the given key or key range in query,
// up to count, if provided.
getAll(query? :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange, count? :number) :Promise<any[]> {
return this._promise(() =>, count))
// Retrieves the key of the first record matching the given key or key range in query.
// Returns undefined if there was no matching key.
getKey(query :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange) :Promise<IDBValidKey|undefined> {
return this._promise(() =>
// getAllKeys retrieves the keys of records matching the given key or key range in query,
// up to count if given.
getAllKeys(query? :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange, count? :number) :Promise<IDBValidKey[]> {
return this._promise(() =>, count))
// add inserts a new record. If a record already exists in the object store with the key,
// then an error is raised.
add(value :any, key? :IDBValidKey) :Promise<IDBValidKey> {
return this._promise(() =>, key)).then(key =>
(this.db._broadcastChange({ type: "update", store:, key }), key)
// put inserts or updates a record.
put(value :any, key? :IDBValidKey) :Promise<IDBValidKey> {
return this._promise(() =>, key)).then(key =>
(this.db._broadcastChange({ type: "update", store:, key }), key)
// delete removes records in store with the given key or in the given key range in query.
// Deleting a record that does not exists does _not_ cause an error but succeeds.
delete(key :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange) :Promise<void> {
return this._promise(() => =>
(this.db._broadcastChange({ type: "delete", store:, key }), key)
// createIndex creates a new index in store with the given name, keyPath and options and
// returns a new IDBIndex. If the keyPath and options define constraints that cannot be
// satisfied with the data already in store the upgrade transaction will abort with
// a "ConstraintError" DOMException.
// Throws an "InvalidStateError" DOMException if not called within an upgrade transaction.
createIndex(name :string, keyPath :string|string[], options? :IDBIndexParameters) :IDBIndex {
return, keyPath, options)
// deleteIndex deletes the index in store with the given name.
// Throws an "InvalidStateError" DOMException if not called within an upgrade transaction.
deleteIndex(name :string) :void {
// getIndex retrieves the named index.
getIndex(name :string) :Index {
return new Index(this,
_promise<R,T extends IDBRequest = IDBRequest>(f :()=>IDBRequest<R>) :Promise<R> {
return new Promise<R>((resolve, reject) => {
let r = f()
r.onsuccess = () => { resolve(r.result) }
r.onerror = () => { reject(r.error) }
class Index {
readonly store :ObjectStore
readonly index :IDBIndex
constructor(store :ObjectStore, index :IDBIndex) { = store
this.index = index
get keyPath(): string | string[] { return this.index.keyPath }
get multiEntry(): boolean { return this.index.multiEntry }
get name(): string { return }
set name(v :string) { = v } // only valid during upgrade
get unique(): boolean { return this.index.unique }
count(key? :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange) :Promise<number> {
return this._promise(() => this.index.count(key))
get(key :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange) :Promise<any|undefined> {
return this._promise(() => this.index.get(key))
getAll(query? :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange, count? :number) :Promise<any[]> {
return this._promise(() => this.index.getAll(query, count))
// TOOD: implement more methods
_promise<R,T extends IDBRequest = IDBRequest>(f :()=>IDBRequest<R>) :Promise<R> {
return new Promise<R>((resolve, reject) => {
let r = f()
r.onsuccess = () => { resolve(r.result) }
r.onerror = () => { reject(r.error) }
// used for zero-downtime database re-opening
class DelayedTransaction extends Transaction {
_db :Database
_mode :IDBTransactionMode
_stores :string[]
_resolve :()=>void
_reject :(e:Error)=>void
_delayed :DelayedObjectStore[] = []
_flushDelayed() {
// print("DelayedTransaction _flushDelayed")
this.abort = Transaction.prototype.abort
this.objectStore = Transaction.prototype.objectStore
this.transaction = this._db.db.transaction(this._stores, this._mode)
if (this.aborted) {
for (let os of this._delayed) {
this._delayed = []
abort() :void {
;(this as any).aborted = true
objectStore(name :string) :ObjectStore {
let info = this._db._lastSnapshot.storeInfo.get(name)!
if (!info) { throw new Error("object store not found") }
let os = new DelayedObjectStore(
autoIncrement: info.autoIncrement,
indexNames: info.indexNames,
keyPath: info.keyPath,
} as any as IDBObjectStore,
// TODO: support ObjectStore.getIndex(name:string):IDBIndex
return os
interface DelayedObjectStoreAction<R> {
resolve :(v:R)=>any
reject :(e:Error)=>void
f :()=>IDBRequest<R>
class DelayedObjectStore extends ObjectStore {
_delayed :DelayedObjectStoreAction<any>[] = []
_flushDelayed() {
// print("DelayedObjectStore _flushDelayed", this._delayed)
;(this as any).store = this.transaction.transaction.objectStore(
this._promise = ObjectStore.prototype._promise
this._delayed.forEach(({ f, resolve, reject }) => {
let r = f()
r.onsuccess = () => { resolve(r.result) }
r.onerror = () => { reject(r.error) }
this._delayed = []
_promise<R,T extends IDBRequest = IDBRequest>(f :()=>IDBRequest<R>) :Promise<R> {
return new Promise<R>((resolve, reject) => {
this._delayed.push({ f, resolve, reject })
// export class MemoryDatabase extends Database {
// close() :void {}
// open(upgradefun? :UpgradeFun) :Promise<void> {
// return Promise.resolve()
// }
// transaction(mode: IDBTransactionMode, ...stores :string[]) :MemTransaction {
// return new MemTransaction(this, stores, mode)
// }
// }
// class MemObjectStore extends ObjectStore {
// _data = new Map<any,any>()
// clear() :Promise<void> {
// this._data.clear()
// return Promise.resolve()
// }
// count(key? :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange) :Promise<number> {
// // TODO count keys
// return Promise.resolve(this._data.size)
// }
// get(query :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange) :Promise<any|undefined> {
// return Promise.resolve(this._data.get(query))
// }
// getAll(query? :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange, count? :number) :Promise<any[]> {
// // TOOD: get multiple
// return Promise.resolve(this._data.get(query))
// }
// getKey(query :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange) :Promise<IDBValidKey|undefined> {
// let key :IDBValidKey|undefined
// for (let k of this._data.keys()) {
// key = k as IDBValidKey
// break
// }
// return Promise.resolve(key)
// }
// getAllKeys(query? :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange, count? :number) :Promise<IDBValidKey[]> {
// return Promise.resolve(Array.from(this._data.keys()))
// }
// add(value :any, key? :IDBValidKey) :Promise<IDBValidKey> {
// if (this._data.has(key)) {
// }
// }
// // put inserts or updates a record.
// put(value :any, key? :IDBValidKey) :Promise<IDBValidKey> {
// return this._promise(() =>, key)).then(key =>
// (this.db._broadcastChange({ type: "update", store:, key }), key)
// )
// }
// // delete removes records in store with the given key or in the given key range in query.
// // Deleting a record that does not exists does _not_ cause an error but succeeds.
// delete(key :IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange) :Promise<void> {
// return this._promise(() => =>
// (this.db._broadcastChange({ type: "delete", store:, key }), key)
// )
// }
// }
// class MemTransaction extends Transaction {
// db :MemoryDatabase
// stores :string[]
// mode :IDBTransactionMode
// constructor(db :MemoryDatabase, stores :string[], mode: IDBTransactionMode) {
// super(resolve => resolve())
// this.db = db
// this.stores = stores
// this.mode = mode
// }
// abort() :void {
// ;(this as any).aborted = true
// }
// objectStore(name :string) :ObjectStore {
// let os = new MemObjectStore(
// this._db,
// {
// name,
// autoIncrement: info.autoIncrement,
// indexNames: info.indexNames,
// keyPath: info.keyPath,
// } as any as IDBObjectStore,
// this
// )
// // TODO: support ObjectStore.getIndex(name:string):IDBIndex
// this._delayed.push(os)
// return os
// }
// }
function activateDelayedTransaction(t :DelayedTransaction) {
let tr = t.transaction
let resolve = t._resolve ; (t as any)._resolve = undefined
let reject = t._reject ; (t as any)._reject = undefined
tr.oncomplete = () => { resolve() }
tr.onerror = () => { reject(tr.error) }
tr.onabort = () => {
;(t as any).aborted = true
if (t.errorOnAbort) {
reject(new Error("transaction aborted"))
} else {
function createTransaction(db :Database, tr :IDBTransaction) :Transaction {
// Note: For complicated reasons related to Promise implementation in V8, we
// can't customize the Transaction constructor.
var t = new Transaction((resolve, reject) => {
tr.oncomplete = () => { resolve() }
tr.onerror = () => { reject(tr.error) }
tr.onabort = () => {
;(t as any).aborted = true
if (t.errorOnAbort) {
reject(new Error("transaction aborted"))
} else {
;(t as any).db = db
t.transaction = tr
return t
function openDatabase(db :Database, upgradef? :UpgradeFun) :Promise<IDBDatabase> {
return new Promise<IDBDatabase>((_resolve, reject) => {
// Note on pcount: upgradef may take an arbitrary amount of time to complete.
// The semantics of open() are so that open() should complete when the database
// is ready for use, meaning we need to include any upgrades into the "open" action.
// The onsuccess handler is called whenever the last operation in an update function
// completes, which may be sooner than when other code in the upgrade function completes,
// like for instance "post upgrade" code run that e.g. logs on the network.
// To solve for this, we simply count promises with pcount and resolve when pcount
// reaches zero (no outstanding processes.)
let openReq =, db.version)
let pcount = 1 // promise counter; starts with 1 outstanding process (the "open" action)
let resolve = () => {
if (--pcount == 0) {
;(db as any).db = openReq.result
if (upgradef) {
openReq.onupgradeneeded = ev => {
;(db as any).db = openReq.result
let u = new UpgradeTransaction(db, openReq.transaction, ev.oldVersion, ev.newVersion)
let onerr = err => {
// abort the upgrade if upgradef fails
try { u._t.abort() } catch(_) {}
try {
} catch (err) {
openReq.onsuccess = () => { resolve() }
openReq.onerror = () => { reject(openReq.error) }
import * as xdb from "./xdb"
const print = console.log.bind(console)
const DB_VERSION = 1
let db :xdb.Database
async function openDatabase() {
print("deleting database")
await xdb.delete("mydb", () => print("delete is blocked -- waiting"))
print("opening database")
db = await"mydb", DB_VERSION, async t => {
print(`upgrade database ${t.prevVersion} -> ${t.nextVersion}`)
let articles = t.createStore("articles", { keyPath: "id" })
// articles.createIndex("hours", "hours", { unique: false })
await articles.add({ id: "hello", code: `print("hello")` })
// let rec = await articles.get("hello")
// let store2 = t.createStore("articles2", { keyPath: "id" })
print("upgrade done")
print("opened database")
let script = await db.get("articles", "hello")
print(`db.get("articles", "hello") =>`, script)
script = await db.get("articles", "helloz")
print(`db.get("articles", "helloz") =>`, script)
await db.put("articles", { id: "meow", meow: "Meow meow" })
print(`db.get("articles", "meow") =>`, await db.get("articles", "meow"))
print("getAll =>", await db.getAll("articles"))
print("getAllKeys =>", await db.getAllKeys("articles"))
// print("deleting a record that exists")
// await db.modify(["articles"], s => s.delete("hello"))
// print("deleting a record that does not exist")
// await db.modify(["articles"], s => s.delete("hellozzzz"))
;[script] = await["articles"], s => s.get("hello"))
print(`["articles"], s => s.get("hello")) =>`, script)
// await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100))
// simulate the user deleting the database in the browser
// db.db.onclose(undefined as any as Event)
// print("db.get()...")
// script = await db.get("articles", "hello")
// print("script:", script)
print("db.put() ...")
let key = await db.put("articles", { id: "closetest", message: "close event test" })
print(`db.put("articles", {...}) => ${key}`)
script = await db.get("articles", "closetest")
print("script:", script)
// setInterval(
// () => {
// (async () => {
// await db.put("articles", { id: "closetest", message: "close event test" })
// script = await db.get("articles", "closetest")
// print("script:", script)
// })().catch(err => console.error(err.stack))
// },
// 1000
// )
// print("making transaction and aborting it")
// try {
// let t = db.transaction("readonly", "articles")
// t.abort()
// await t
// print("transaction completed")
// } catch (e) {
// print("transaction failed: " + e)
// }
type EventHandler<T=any> = (data :T)=>void
const events = Symbol('events')
export class EventEmitter<EventMap = {[k:string]:any}> {
_events :Map<keyof EventMap,Set<EventHandler>>
addListener<K extends keyof EventMap>(e :K, handler :EventHandler<EventMap[K]>) {
let m = this._events
let s :Set<EventHandler>
if (!m) {
this._events = m = new Map()
} else if (s = m.get(e)) {
s = new Set<EventHandler>([handler])
m.set(e, s)
on<K extends keyof EventMap>(e :K, handler :EventHandler<EventMap[K]>) {
return this.addListener(e, handler)
removeListener<K extends keyof EventMap>(e :K, handler :EventHandler<EventMap[K]>) {
let m = this._events
let s :Set<EventHandler>
if (m && (s = m.get(e))) {
if (s.size == 0) {
emitEvent<K extends keyof EventMap>(e :K, data? :EventMap[K]) {
let m = this._events
let s :Set<EventHandler<EventMap[K]>>
if (m && (s = m.get(e))) {
for (let handler of s) {
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