#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
# |
# Prerequisites: |
# brew install imagemagick ffmpeg sox gnuplot |
# |
# cd _web |
# wget https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/gnuplot/gnuplot/5.4.6/gnuplot-5.4.6.tar.gz |
# tar xf gnuplot-5.4.6.tar.gz |
# cd gnuplot-5.4.6 |
# ./configure && make -j$(nproc) |
# ./src/gnuplot --help |
# |
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html |
# |
import os.path as path |
from urllib.parse import quote as urlescape |
from pathlib import Path |
import os, sys, string, html, mimetypes, io, struct, subprocess, time |
import base64, hashlib, json, PIL.Image, math |
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool |
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory |
from os.path import basename |
from os.path import join as pjoin |
from datetime import datetime |
SELF_SCRIPT_NAME = basename(__file__) |
os.chdir(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))) |
ROOT_DIR = os.getcwd() |
print(f"cd {ROOT_DIR}") |
IMG_MAX_SIZE = 128 |
THUMBS_DIR = '_web/thumbs' |
MIRROR_DIR = '_web/mirror' |
# GNUPLOT = '_web/gnuplot-5.4.6/src/gnuplot' |
GNUPLOT = 'gnuplot' |
INDEX_TPL = string.Template(Path("_index.template.html").read_text()) |
DEFAULT_ITEM_TPL = string.Template(''' |
<a href="$path" class="item default$css_class" id="$id" $style_attr title="$name ($mtime)" data-mtime="$mtime_id"><span class=name>$name</span><span class=mtime>$mtime</span></a> |
'''.strip()) |
IMG_ITEM_TPL = string.Template(''' |
<a href="$path" class="item img$css_class" style="background-image:url($thumb_path)" id="$id" title="$name ($mtime)" data-mtime="$mtime_id"><div class="ani-overlay" style="background-image:url($thumb_gif)"></div><span class=name>$name</span><span class=mtime>$mtime</span></a> |
'''.strip()) |
DIR_ITEM_TPL = string.Template(''' |
<a href="$path" class="item dir" id=$id><span class=name>$name</span></a> |
'''.strip()) |
pool = ThreadPool(os.cpu_count()) |
thumbs = [] |
class UnknownImageFormat(Exception): |
pass |
def _image_size(file): |
# This function is licensed as follows: |
# |
# The MIT License (MIT) |
# |
# Copyright (c) 2013 Paulo Scardine |
# |
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of |
# this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in |
# the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to |
# use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of |
# the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, |
# subject to the following conditions: |
# |
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all |
# copies or substantial portions of the Software. |
# |
size = path.getsize(file) |
with io.open(file, "rb") as f: |
width = -1 |
height = -1 |
data = f.read(26) |
msg = " raised while trying to decode as JPEG." |
if (size >= 10) and data[:6] in (b'GIF87a', b'GIF89a'): |
# GIFs |
imgtype = 'GIF' |
w, h = struct.unpack("<HH", data[6:10]) |
width = int(w) |
height = int(h) |
elif ((size >= 24) and data.startswith(b'\211PNG\r\n\032\n') |
and (data[12:16] == b'IHDR')): |
# PNGs |
imgtype = 'PNG' |
w, h = struct.unpack(">LL", data[16:24]) |
width = int(w) |
height = int(h) |
elif (size >= 16) and data.startswith(b'\211PNG\r\n\032\n'): |
# older PNGs |
imgtype = 'PNG' |
w, h = struct.unpack(">LL", data[8:16]) |
width = int(w) |
height = int(h) |
elif (size >= 2) and data.startswith(b'\377\330'): |
# JPEG |
imgtype = 'JPEG' |
f.seek(0) |
f.read(2) |
b = f.read(1) |
try: |
while (b and ord(b) != 0xDA): |
while (ord(b) != 0xFF): |
b = f.read(1) |
while (ord(b) == 0xFF): |
b = f.read(1) |
if (ord(b) >= 0xC0 and ord(b) <= 0xC3): |
f.read(3) |
h, w = struct.unpack(">HH", f.read(4)) |
break |
else: |
f.read( |
int(struct.unpack(">H", f.read(2))[0]) - 2) |
b = f.read(1) |
width = int(w) |
height = int(h) |
except struct.error: |
raise UnknownImageFormat("StructError" + msg) |
except ValueError: |
raise UnknownImageFormat("ValueError" + msg) |
except Exception as e: |
raise UnknownImageFormat(e.__class__.__name__ + msg) |
elif (size >= 26) and data.startswith(b'BM'): |
# BMP |
imgtype = 'BMP' |
headersize = struct.unpack("<I", data[14:18])[0] |
if headersize == 12: |
w, h = struct.unpack("<HH", data[18:22]) |
width = int(w) |
height = int(h) |
elif headersize >= 40: |
w, h = struct.unpack("<ii", data[18:26]) |
width = int(w) |
# as h is negative when stored upside down |
height = abs(int(h)) |
else: |
raise UnknownImageFormat( |
"Unkown DIB header size:" + |
str(headersize)) |
elif (size >= 8) and data[:4] in (b"II\052\000", b"MM\000\052"): |
# Standard TIFF, big- or little-endian |
# BigTIFF and other different but TIFF-like formats are not |
# supported currently |
imgtype = 'TIFF' |
byteOrder = data[:2] |
boChar = ">" if byteOrder == "MM" else "<" |
# maps TIFF type id to size (in bytes) |
# and python format char for struct |
tiffTypes = { |
1: (1, boChar + "B"), # BYTE |
2: (1, boChar + "c"), # ASCII |
3: (2, boChar + "H"), # SHORT |
4: (4, boChar + "L"), # LONG |
5: (8, boChar + "LL"), # RATIONAL |
6: (1, boChar + "b"), # SBYTE |
7: (1, boChar + "c"), # UNDEFINED |
8: (2, boChar + "h"), # SSHORT |
9: (4, boChar + "l"), # SLONG |
10: (8, boChar + "ll"), # SRATIONAL |
11: (4, boChar + "f"), # FLOAT |
12: (8, boChar + "d") # DOUBLE |
} |
ifdOffset = struct.unpack(boChar + "L", data[4:8])[0] |
try: |
countSize = 2 |
f.seek(ifdOffset) |
ec = f.read(countSize) |
ifdEntryCount = struct.unpack(boChar + "H", ec)[0] |
# 2 bytes: TagId + 2 bytes: type + 4 bytes: count of values + 4 |
# bytes: value offset |
ifdEntrySize = 12 |
for i in range(ifdEntryCount): |
entryOffset = ifdOffset + countSize + i * ifdEntrySize |
f.seek(entryOffset) |
tag = f.read(2) |
tag = struct.unpack(boChar + "H", tag)[0] |
if(tag == 256 or tag == 257): |
# if type indicates that value fits into 4 bytes, value |
# offset is not an offset but value itself |
type = f.read(2) |
type = struct.unpack(boChar + "H", type)[0] |
if type not in tiffTypes: |
raise UnknownImageFormat( |
"Unkown TIFF field type:" + |
str(type)) |
typeSize = tiffTypes[type][0] |
typeChar = tiffTypes[type][1] |
f.seek(entryOffset + 8) |
value = f.read(typeSize) |
value = int(struct.unpack(typeChar, value)[0]) |
if tag == 256: |
width = value |
else: |
height = value |
if width > -1 and height > -1: |
break |
except Exception as e: |
raise UnknownImageFormat(str(e)) |
elif size >= 2: |
# see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICO_(file_format) |
imgtype = 'ICO' |
f.seek(0) |
reserved = f.read(2) |
if 0 != struct.unpack("<H", reserved)[0]: |
raise UnknownImageFormat() |
format = f.read(2) |
assert 1 == struct.unpack("<H", format)[0] |
num = f.read(2) |
num = struct.unpack("<H", num)[0] |
if num > 1: |
import warnings |
warnings.warn("ICO File contains more than one image") |
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms997538.aspx |
w = f.read(1) |
h = f.read(1) |
width = ord(w) |
height = ord(h) |
else: |
raise UnknownImageFormat() |
# return (width, height, imgtype, size) |
return (width, height) |
def image_size_identify(file): |
# print(f"_image_size({file}) PIL failed, trying identify") |
p = subprocess.run(['identify', '-format', r'%w %h;', file], capture_output=True) |
try: |
# note re ';': some file formats like .psd have many sizes |
t = [int(s) for s in p.stdout.split(b';', 1)[0].split(b' ')] |
return (t[0], t[1]) |
except: |
return (0, 0) |
def image_size(file): |
try: |
return _image_size(file) |
except UnknownImageFormat: |
# print(f"_image_size({file}) failed, trying PIL") |
try: |
img = PIL.Image.open(file) |
bbox = img.getbbox() |
w = bbox[2] - bbox[0] |
h = bbox[3] - bbox[1] |
return (w, h) |
except: |
return image_size_identify(file) |
def thumb_filename(filename, size=THUMB_SIZE, ext=''): |
with open(filename, "rb") as f: |
f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) |
filesize = f.tell() |
f.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET) |
hash = hashlib.file_digest(f, "sha1") |
hash = base64.b64encode(hash.digest(), b'+_').strip(b'=').decode('utf8') |
filename_ext = path.splitext(filename)[1] |
thumbfile = filename |
if filesize > 10*1024 or \ |
filename_ext in ('.gif', '.psd') or \ |
(ext != '' and ext != filename_ext): |
thumbfile = pjoin(THUMBS_DIR, hash) |
if ext == '': |
ext = '.png' if size < THUMB_SIZE or filename_ext == '.pdf' else '.jpg' |
if filename_ext == '.png': |
# force use of png for images with transparency |
# print(f"checking for transparency in {filename}...") |
p = subprocess.run([ |
'convert', filename, '-format', '%[opaque]', 'info:', |
], capture_output=True) |
if p.returncode == 0 and p.stdout.find(b'False') != -1: |
ext = '.png' |
thumbfile += ext |
return (thumbfile, hash) |
def gen_thumb_img(filename, thumbfile, w=0, h=0): |
print(f"gen_thumb_img {filename} -> {thumbfile}") |
ext = path.splitext(filename)[1] |
# note re "[0]": only extract first/primary image from files like gif, pdf, psd etc. |
args = ['convert'] |
# args += ['-verbose'] |
if ext == '.pdf': |
if min(w,h) == 0: |
w, h = image_size_identify(filename) |
if w != 0 and min(w,h) < THUMB_SIZE: |
args += [ '-density', str(int(72 * (THUMB_SIZE/min(w,h)))) ] |
args += [ |
filename + "[0]", '-strip', |
'-colorspace','sRGB','-type','truecoloralpha', # make greyscale images color |
# '-define','png:color-type=2', # make greyscale images color |
] |
if ext == '.pdf': |
# no special args |
pass |
elif w == 0 or h == 0 or w > THUMB_SIZE or h > THUMB_SIZE: |
args += [ |
'-resize','x1024', |
'-sharpen','2x2', |
'-resize', 'x' + str(THUMB_SIZE), |
'-quality','60', |
] |
elif w <= THUMB_SIZE/1.5 or h <= THUMB_SIZE/1.5: |
args += [ |
'-interpolate', 'nearest-neighbor', |
'-filter', 'point', |
'-resize', 'x' + str(THUMB_SIZE), |
'-quality','90', |
] |
else: |
args += [ |
'-quality','60', |
] |
args += [ thumbfile ] |
subprocess.run(args, check=True) |
def gen_video_thumb_gif(filename, thumbfile_gif, thumbfile_png): |
paletteuse = '[s1][p]paletteuse' |
paletteuse += '=dither=bayer' |
scale_filter = f'scale={THUMB_SIZE}:-1:flags=lanczos' |
common_args = [ |
'ffmpeg', '-nostdin', '-loglevel','warning', '-y', '-i', filename, |
] |
fps = 15 |
# gif |
print(f"gen_video_thumb_gif {filename} -> {thumbfile_gif}") |
filters = [ |
f'fps={fps}', |
scale_filter, |
f'split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen=stats_mode=full:max_colors=32[p];{paletteuse}', |
] |
interval = 5 |
nframes = int(fps/3) |
limit_filters = [ |
f"select='if(not(floor(mod(t,{interval})))*lt(ld(1),1),st(1,1)+st(2,n)+st(3,t));if(eq(ld(1),1)*lt(n,ld(2)+{nframes}),1,if(trunc(t-ld(3)),st(1,0)))'", |
f"setpts=N/{fps}/TB", |
] |
# limit_filters = [ "select=between(mod(n\\,120)\\,0\\,7),setpts=N/24/TB" ] |
is_short = False |
p = subprocess.run(common_args + [ |
'-ss','00:00:01', '-t','30', # start at 1sec into video, stop after 30 seconds |
'-vf', ','.join(filters + limit_filters), |
'-loop', '0', |
thumbfile_gif], check=True, capture_output=True) |
if p.stderr.find(b'Output file is empty') != -1: |
print(f"gen_video_thumb_gif {filename} -> {thumbfile_gif} (full)") |
is_short = True |
p = subprocess.run(common_args + [ |
'-vf', ','.join(filters), |
'-loop', '0', |
thumbfile_gif], check=True) |
# single-frame png |
print(f"gen_video_thumb_gif {filename} -> {thumbfile_png}") |
times = ['00:00:03', '00:00:02', '00:00:01', ''] |
if is_short: |
times = [''] |
for ss in times: |
p = subprocess.run(common_args + ([] if ss == '' else ['-ss',ss]) + [ |
'-update','0', '-frames:v','1', |
'-vf', scale_filter, |
thumbfile_png], check=True, capture_output=True) |
if p.stderr.find(b'Output file is empty') == -1: |
break |
def audio_duration_secs(filename): |
p = subprocess.run(['sox', '--info', '-D', filename], capture_output=True) |
# print(f"soxi {filename}: returncode={p.returncode} stderr={p.stderr}") |
if p.returncode != 0: |
print(f"skip audio file {filename}: {p.stderr.decode('utf8')}") |
return float(p.stdout) if p.returncode == 0 else 0.0 |
def gen_audio_thumb(filename, thumbfile, duration_secs): |
with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='stuff-audio-') as tmpdir: |
datfile1 = pjoin(tmpdir, 'audio1.dat') |
datfile = pjoin(tmpdir, 'audio.dat') |
gpifile = pjoin(tmpdir, 'audio.gpi') |
print(f"gen_audio_thumb {filename} -> {thumbfile} ({duration_secs} sec)") |
trim_start = min(int(duration_secs / 8), 4) # seconds |
trim_len = min(60, max(1, int(duration_secs / 4))) # seconds |
#print(f"trim_start={trim_start} trim_len={trim_len}") |
subprocess.run([ |
'sox', filename, datfile1, |
'trim', str(trim_start), f'00:{trim_len}', |
], check=True) |
with open(datfile, 'wb') as wf: |
with open(datfile1, 'rb') as rf: |
for line in rf: |
if not line.startswith(b';'): |
break |
wf.write(rf.read()) |
h = int(THUMB_SIZE / 2) |
gpitext = f''' |
# set output format and size |
set terminal pngcairo size {THUMB_SIZE},{h} transparent truecolor |
#set output file |
set output "{thumbfile}" |
# set y range |
set yr [-1:1] |
# we want just the data |
unset key |
unset tics |
unset border |
set lmargin 0 |
set rmargin 0 |
set tmargin 0 |
set bmargin 0 |
# draw rectangle to change background color |
# set obj 1 rectangle behind from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 |
# set obj 1 fillstyle solid 1.0 fillcolor rgbcolor "#222222" |
set style line 1 linetype 2 linecolor 'blue' linewidth 2 |
# draw data with foreground color |
plot "{datfile}" every 32 with lines lt rgb '#44000000',\\ |
'' every 64 with lines lt rgb '#66000000',\\ |
'' every 128 with lines lt rgb '#77000000',\\ |
'' every 256 with l smooth mcsplines lw 4 lc '#aa000000' |
'''.strip().replace(' ', '') + '\n' |
Path(gpifile).write_text(gpitext, encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') |
subprocess.run([GNUPLOT, gpifile], check=True) |
def gen_dir_item(name, filename): |
kw = dict( |
id = html.escape(name), |
name = html.escape(name), |
path = urlescape(name) + "/", |
) |
return DIR_ITEM_TPL.substitute(**kw) |
def gen_item(dir, name, filename): |
mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.stat(filename).st_mtime).isoformat(sep=' ') |
kw = dict( |
id = html.escape(name), |
name = html.escape(name), |
path = urlescape(name), |
style_attr = '', |
mtime_id = mtime.replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace(':', ''), |
mtime = mtime.split(' ')[0], |
) |
ext = path.splitext(filename)[0] |
types = mimetypes.MimeTypes() |
types.add_type('audio/m4a', '.m4a') |
types.add_type('video/mp4', '.m4v') |
types.add_type('video/x-ms-wmv', '.wmv') |
types.add_type('image/vnd.adobe.photoshop', '.psd') |
types.add_type('font/ttf', '.ttf') |
types.add_type('font/woff', '.woff') |
types.add_type('font/woff2', '.woff2') |
types.add_type('font/otf', '.otf') |
types.add_type('image/svg+xml', '.svg') |
types.add_type('application/octet-stream', '.dmg') |
types.add_type('audio/midi', '.mid') |
types.add_type('application/ogg', '.ogg') |
types.add_type('audio/ogg', '.oga') |
typ = types.guess_type(filename) |
typ = typ[0] if typ[0] else '?' |
ext = path.splitext(filename)[1] |
thumbfile = '' |
thumbfile_gif = '' |
css_classes = [] |
w = 0 |
h = 0 |
exts_unsupported_by_sox = ('.m4a',) |
if typ == 'application/pdf': |
thumbfile, thumbhash = thumb_filename(filename) |
thumbs.append((thumbfile, thumbhash)) |
if not os.access(thumbfile, os.R_OK): |
pool.apply_async(gen_thumb_img, (filename, thumbfile)) |
elif typ.startswith('audio/') and typ != 'audio/midi': |
css_classes.append('audio') |
duration = 0.0 |
thumbfile, thumbhash = thumb_filename(filename, ext='.png') |
if os.access(thumbfile, os.R_OK): |
duration = -1.0 |
elif os.access(GNUPLOT, os.R_OK) and ext not in exts_unsupported_by_sox: |
duration = audio_duration_secs(filename) |
if duration == 0.0: |
thumbfile = '' |
elif duration > 0.0: |
thumbs.append((thumbfile, thumbhash)) |
if not os.access(thumbfile, os.R_OK): |
# gen_audio_thumb(filename, thumbfile, duration) |
pool.apply_async(gen_audio_thumb, (filename, thumbfile, duration)) |
elif typ.startswith('video/'): |
css_classes.append('video') |
thumbfile_gif, thumbhash = thumb_filename(filename, ext='.gif') |
thumbfile = path.splitext(thumbfile_gif)[0] + '.png' |
thumbs.append((thumbfile, thumbhash)) |
if not os.access(thumbfile_gif, os.R_OK) or not os.access(thumbfile, os.R_OK): |
# gen_video_thumb_gif(filename, thumbfile_gif, thumbfile) |
pool.apply_async(gen_video_thumb_gif, (filename, thumbfile_gif, thumbfile)) |
elif typ.startswith('image/'): |
if path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.gif': |
thumbfile_gif = basename(filename) |
w, h = image_size(filename) |
if w > 0: |
thumbfile, thumbhash = thumb_filename(filename, max(w, h)) |
thumbs.append((thumbfile, thumbhash)) |
if not os.access(thumbfile, os.R_OK): |
pool.apply_async(gen_thumb_img, (filename, thumbfile, w, h)) |
else: |
print(f"{typ}\t{name}\t(image_size failed)") |
elif typ == 'application/x-shockwave-flash': |
css_classes.append('flash') |
elif typ == '?' or typ.startswith('application/'): |
kw["style_attr"] = 'style="display:none"' |
css_classes.append('bin') |
elif typ.startswith('font/'): |
css_classes.append('font') |
elif typ == 'text/html': |
css_classes.append('html') |
elif typ.find('/') != -1: |
css_classes.append(typ[:typ.find('/')]) |
else: |
print(f"{typ}\t{name}") |
if thumbfile != '': |
if max(w, h) < IMG_MAX_SIZE and max(w, h) > 0: |
css_classes.append('small') |
if thumbfile == filename: |
thumb_path = path.basename(filename) |
else: |
thumb_path = path.relpath(pjoin(ROOT_DIR, thumbfile), pjoin(ROOT_DIR, dir)) |
if thumbfile_gif.startswith(THUMBS_DIR + '/'): |
thumbfile_gif = path.relpath(pjoin(ROOT_DIR, thumbfile_gif), pjoin(ROOT_DIR, dir)) |
kw["thumb_path"] = urlescape(thumb_path) |
kw["thumb_gif"] = urlescape(thumbfile_gif) |
if thumbfile_gif != '': |
css_classes.append('animated') |
if typ == 'image/gif': |
css_classes.append('gif') |
tpl = IMG_ITEM_TPL |
kw["css_class"] = ' ' + ' '.join(css_classes) if css_classes else '' |
return tpl.substitute(**kw) |
ROOT_TITLE = "stuff" |
def gen_title(dir): |
url = path.relpath(ROOT_DIR, pjoin(ROOT_DIR, dir)) |
v = [] |
if dir == '': |
v.append(f'<a>{html.escape(ROOT_TITLE)}</a>') |
dir = 'stuff' |
else: |
url = path.relpath(ROOT_DIR, pjoin(ROOT_DIR, dir)) |
v.append(f'<a href="{html.escape(url)}">{html.escape(ROOT_TITLE)}</a>') |
parentdir = '.' |
pathv = dir.split('/') |
for i in range(len(pathv)): |
s = pathv[i] |
parentdir += '/' + s |
url = path.relpath(pjoin(ROOT_DIR, parentdir), pjoin(ROOT_DIR, dir)) |
if i == len(pathv) - 1: |
v.append(f'<a>{html.escape(s)}</a>') |
else: |
v.append(f'<a href="{html.escape(url)}">{html.escape(s)}</a>') |
return dir, '/'.join(v) |
def gen_index(dir, subdirs, files): |
dir = dir[2:] # strip leading "./" |
print(f"generating index for {dir if dir else '.'}/") |
items = [] |
files.sort(key=str.casefold) |
# sorted(sorted(l1), key=str.casefold) |
for f in files: |
if f == SELF_SCRIPT_NAME or f[0] == '.' or f == 'index.html' or f.endswith(".template.html"): |
continue |
items.append(gen_item(dir, f, pjoin(dir, f))) |
for f in subdirs: |
if f[0] == '.' or f == "_web": |
continue |
items.append(gen_dir_item(f, pjoin(dir, f))) |
title, title_html = gen_title(dir) |
htmltext = INDEX_TPL.substitute( |
title = html.escape(title), |
title_html = title_html, |
items = '\n'.join(items), |
rooturl = urlescape(os.path.relpath(ROOT_DIR, ROOT_DIR + '/' + dir)), |
) |
indexfile = pjoin(dir, 'index.html') |
Path(indexfile).write_text(htmltext, encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') |
def s3_sync(dry_run): |
# https://awscli.amazonaws.com/v2/documentation/api/latest/reference/s3/sync.html |
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/s3/index.html#use-of-exclude-and-include-filters |
common_args = [ |
'aws','s3','sync', |
'--no-follow-symlinks', |
'--delete', |
'--acl', 'public-read', |
'--exclude', '*.DS_Store', |
] |
if dry_run: |
common_args.append('--dryrun') |
# sync thumbnails |
args = common_args + [ |
'--expires', '2900-01-01T00:00:00Z', |
'--cache-control', 'max-age=31536000,immutable', |
'./' + THUMBS_DIR, |
's3://d.rsms.me/stuff/' + THUMBS_DIR, |
] |
env = dict(os.environ) |
env['AWS_CONFIG_FILE'] = '_web/aws-credentials.conf' |
print(f"s3 sync {THUMBS_DIR}/") |
subprocess.run(args, check=True, env=env) |
# sync everything else |
args = common_args + [ |
'--exclude', THUMBS_DIR, |
'--exclude', MIRROR_DIR, |
'--exclude', '_web/gnuplot*', |
'--exclude', '_web/aws*', |
'--exclude', '_gen.py', |
'--exclude', '*.template.html', |
'./', |
's3://d.rsms.me/stuff/', |
] |
env = dict(os.environ) |
env['AWS_CONFIG_FILE'] = '_web/aws-credentials.conf' |
print("s3 sync ./") |
subprocess.run(args, check=True, env=env) |
# ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |
try: |
os.makedirs(THUMBS_DIR) |
except FileExistsError: |
pass |
for root, subdirs, files in os.walk("."): |
try: subdirs.remove('hunch-digest-blog-archive') |
except: pass |
try: subdirs.remove('_web') |
except: pass |
gen_index(root, subdirs, files) |
# wait for background jobs |
pool.close() |
pool.join() |
if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] != '--no-s3': |
s3_sync(dry_run=False) |