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Last active October 19, 2017 18:27
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Practice Midterm

Practice Midterm

I apologize for not posting this over the weekend. Because I ended up not making this available, we will do this as the in class activity for today. You don't need to turn it in. I will provide the answers on Thursday and we will spend some time on any questions you might have then.

The questions on this test are meant to be representative of the type and structure of the questions that you will be asked on the midterm and the range of difficulty - not the content of the questions themselves. The content could be the same as what is covered here but it can also include anything listed in any the objectives up to and including class 12. The midterm will consist of about half as many questions as this practice test. The practice test is harder than the midterm.

It is possible that you will see one or more of these questions, nearly verbatim on the midterm.

On the day of the midterm you will be provided a printed copy of the exam.


Define computer program.


class 1 notes


What is one advantage of a high level computer programming language over a low level computer programming language.


class 5 notes - slide 3


What is the difference between program syntax and program semantics.


class 1 notes


In your home directory on the UMBC Linux server, you have a a directory called cmsc104. In the cmsc104 directory are two directories called class1 and class2.

You have just used the terminal (or PuTTY) to log into the UMBC Linux server. What command would you type to get to the class2 directory?


the class 4 assignment


Define variable


class 6 notes


Which of the follow are valid variables names in C?

32items radius hello;world printf return theNumber32


class 6 notes


Given the following:

#include <stdio.h>  // A refers to this line

int main()
  // B refers to this line

  printf("Hello, world!\n"); // C refers to this line

  return 0; // D refers to this line

For each of items below, which line from the code above best fits the description

The start of the execution of the program

Exits the program

A function call

Preprocessor directive


class 5 notes


Given the following program:

#include <studio.h>

int main()
  printf('Hello, world!\n")

  return 0;

Identify 3 errors and their corrective action


Any program we've written in this class.


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

double area(radius)
  return radius * radius * 3.14;

int main()
  double radius1 = 5.0
  double area = area(double radius1);

  printf("The area of the circle with radius %lf, is %lf", radius1, area);

  return 0;

Identify 3 errors and their corrective action


The in class assignments for classes 7 and 8


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  int theNumber10 = 10;
  int theNumber20 = 20;
  int theNumber30 = 30;

  printf("the first number is %d\n", theNumber20);
  printf("the second number is %d\n", theNumber10);
  printf("the third number is %d\n", theNumber30);

  return 0;

Write the output below:


class 6 notes

class 6 assignment part 2


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  int theNumber10 = 10;
  int theNumber20 = 20;
  int theNumber30 = 30;

  theNumber10 = 35;

  printf("the first number is %d\n", theNumber20);
  printf("the second number is %d\n", theNumber10);
  printf("the third number is %d\n", theNumber30);

  theNumber30 = 55;

  return 0;

Write the output below:


class 6 notes

class 6 assignment part 2


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  int theNumber10 = 10;
  int theNumber20 = 20;
  int theNumber30 = 30;

    int theNumber20 = 100;
    printf("the first number is %d\n", theNumber20);

    int theNumber10 = 0;

  printf("the second number is %d\n", theNumber10);

    theNumber30 = 5;

  printf("the third number is %d\n", theNumber30);

  printf("the fourth number is %d\n", theNumber20);

  return 0;

Write the output below:


class 6 notes

class 6 assignment part 2


Choose the best answer from the four options.

The three categories of basic data types in C are:

1) double, float, int

2) integers, decimal numbers, characters

3) functions, statements, expressions

4) high level, low level, compiled


class 6 notes

class 6 assignment part 2


Define variable initialization


class 6 notes


Write a variable declaration that you would use to store the result of calculating the area of triangle where the base is 4.2 (you just need to declare a variable with a valid name of the correct type).


class 6 notes


Write a variable declaration that you would use to store the result of calculating the area of triangle where the base is 4.2 (you just need to declare a variable with a valid name of the correct type).


class 6 notes


What mathematical operator would you use to divide 4.2 by 5.3 in C (the operator as you would type it in your source code - i.e. the character)?


class 6 notes

class 6 assignment part 1


What mathematical operator would you use to calculate the remainder of dividing 7 by 4 in C (the operator as you would type it in your source code - i.e. the character)?


class 6 notes

class 6 assignment part 1


Define function arguments


class 7 notes


Given the following function definition

    A      B           C 
    ⬇     ⬇          ⬇                     
  double power(double base, double power)
    // D is this section betwen `{` and `}`

For each of items below, which item from the code above best fits the description

A function argument

The function body

The function return type

The function name


defining a function from class 7 notes

the sample program from class 7


If I told you that the function from #19 returns the calculation of the first argument (base) raised to the power of the second argument (power), write the code to declare an appropriate variable and store the result of 3 raised to the power of 4 (don't write the whole program, just the part that declares the variable, calls the function and assigns the result).


using a function from class 7 notes

the sample program from class 7


What is a benefit of using a function over repetitive logic in your code


class 8 notes


Given the following four lines of code:

double theNumber;
printf("Enter a number: ");
printf("1.0 plus %lf is %lf", theNumber, 1.0 + theNumber);
scanf("%d", theNumber);

Identify 3 errors and their corrective actions


class 9 assignment


Given the following line of code:

printf("The number is: %lf", 24.65);

Modify it so that it prints 24.65 to three decimal places in a field that is 6 characters wide


class 9 assignment


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  if (10 < 12)

What is the output?


class 12 assignment


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  if (13 < 12)
  else if(10 == 11)

What is the output?


class 12 assignment


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  if (13 < 12)
  else if (10 == 10)

  if (11 < 12)

What is the output?


class 12 assignment


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  int number1 = 10;
  int number2 = 15;
  int number3 = 0;

  if (number1 > number2)
    number3 = number2 - number1;
    number1 = number2;
    number3 = number1 * number2;
    number2 = number1 + number2;

  if (number1 == number2)
    number3 = number3 / 2;
  else if (number1 < number2)
    number3 = number3 - 5;
    number3 = number3 + number1;

  printf("Number 3 is %d\n", number3);

  return 0;

What is the output of the program?


class 12 assignment

Answers to the Practice Midterm


Define computer program.

A collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer.


What is one advantage of a high level computer programming language over a low level computer programming language.

Any of the following (or similar) answers would be acceptable:

  • The source code for higher level computer programming languages can be the same (or more similar) when written for different types of computers
  • Higher level computer languages are more similar to natural language making them easier to read.
  • Higher level computer languages make the programmer more productive


What is the difference between program syntax and program semantics.

Semantics refers to programmer intent whereas syntax refers to the structure of the source code.


In your home directory on the UMBC Linux server, you have a a directory called cmsc104. In the cmsc104 directory are two directories called class1 and class2.

You have just used the terminal (or PuTTY) to log into the UMBC Linux server. What command would you type to get to the class2 directory?

cd cmsc104/class2


Define variable

A name given to a location in the computer's memory where a programmer can store and/or access data


Which of the follow are valid variables names in C?

32items radius hello;world printf return theNumber32

radius, printf, theNumber32

Note that if I ask a question like this on the test, I will provide you a list of C reserved words.


Given the following:

#include <stdio.h>  // A refers to this line

int main()
  // B refers to this line

  printf("Hello, world!\n"); // C refers to this line

  return 0; // D refers to this line

For each of items below, which line from the code above best fits the description

The start of the execution of the program: B

Exits the program: D

A function call: C

Preprocessor directive: A


Given the following program:

#include <studio.h>

int main()
  printf('Hello, world!\n")

  return 0;

Identify 3 errors and their corrective action

  1. Rename studio.h to stdio.h
  2. Change 'Hello, world!\n" to "Hello, world!\n"
  3. Add a semicolon to the end of the line that has the printf call

It would have also been acceptable for you to write out the corect program, e.g.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  printf("Hello, world!\n");

  return 0;


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

double area(radius)
  return radius * radius * 3.14;

int main()
  double radius1 = 5.0
  double area = area(double radius1);

  printf("The area of the circle with radius %lf, is %lf", radius1, area);

  return 0;

Identify 3 errors and their corrective action

  1. We can't have both a variable a function with the same name. Rename the area function, to areaOfCircle (in both the definition and the function call)
  2. The argument radius in the function definition is missing its data type - it should be double
  3. When calling the area (or areaOfCircle once its renamed) function, we don't specify the data type of the argument we're passing

It would also have been acceptable to simply write out the correct program, e.g:

#include <stdio.h>

double areaOfCircle(double radius)
  return radius * radius * 3.14;

int main()
  double radius1 = 5.0
  double area = areaOfCircle(radius1);

  printf("The area of the circle with radius %lf, is %lf", radius1, area);

  return 0;


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  int theNumber10 = 10;
  int theNumber20 = 20;
  int theNumber30 = 30;

  printf("the first number is %d\n", theNumber20);
  printf("the second number is %d\n", theNumber10);
  printf("the third number is %d\n", theNumber30);

  return 0;

Write the output below:

the first number is 20
the second number is 10
the third number is 30


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  int theNumber10 = 10;
  int theNumber20 = 20;
  int theNumber30 = 30;

  theNumber10 = 35;

  printf("the first number is %d\n", theNumber20);
  printf("the second number is %d\n", theNumber10);
  printf("the third number is %d\n", theNumber30);

  theNumber30 = 55;

  return 0;

Write the output below:

the first number is 20
the second number is 35
the third number is 30


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  int theNumber10 = 10;
  int theNumber20 = 20;
  int theNumber30 = 30;

    int theNumber20 = 100;
    printf("the first number is %d\n", theNumber20);

    int theNumber10 = 0;

  printf("the second number is %d\n", theNumber10);

    theNumber30 = 5;

  printf("the third number is %d\n", theNumber30);

  printf("the fourth number is %d\n", theNumber20);

  return 0;

Write the output below:

the first number is 100
the second number is 10
the third number is 5
the fourth number is 20


Choose the best answer from the four options.

The three categories of basic data types in C are:

1) double, float, int

2) integers, decimal numbers, characters

3) functions, statements, expressions

4) high level, low level, compiled



Define variable initialization

Assigning a variable a value for the first time


Write a variable declaration that you would use to store the result of calculating the area of triangle where the base is 4.2 (you just need to declare a variable with a valid name of the correct type).

double baseOfTriangle;


double base;


double triangleBase;



Oops! 16 was a duplicate of 15. It was supposed to be something like:

Write a variable declaration that you would use to store the result of calculating the area of a circle. Assign the variable a value of 10.2.

double areaOfCircle = 10.2;


double areaOfCircle;
areaOfCircle = 10.2;

What mathematical operator would you use to divide 4.2 by 5.3 in C (the operator as you would type it in your source code - i.e. the character)?


Define function arguments

The input to the function


Given the following function definition

    A      B           C 
    ⬇     ⬇          ⬇                     
  double power(double base, double power)
    // D is this section betwen `{` and `}`

For each of items below, which item from the code above best fits the description

A function argument: C

The function body: D

The function return type: A

The function name: B


If I told you that the function from #19 returns the calculation of the first argument (base) raised to the power of the second argument (power), write the code to declare an appropriate variable and store the result of 3 raised to the power of 4 (don't write the whole program, just the part that declares the variable, calls the function and assigns the result).

double powerResult = power(3.0, 4.0);


double powerResult;
powerResult = power(3.0, 4.0);



What is a benefit of using a function over repetitive logic in your code

Would accept any of the following (or similar) answers:

  • Using function makes the code more concise and readable
  • Using functions makes your code less error prone

Note - be prepared to answer alternative forms of this question, like "How do functions make your code less error prone?"


Given the following four lines of code:

double theNumber;
printf("Enter a number: ");
printf("1.0 plus %lf is %lf", theNumber, 1.0 + theNumber);
scanf("%d", theNumber);

Identify 3 errors and their corrective actions

  1. printing the result happens before getting the input values. flip the order of the scanf call and the second printf call
  2. the scanf call has the wrong placeholder - it should be %lf
  3. Missing the & before the variable name in the scanf call - it should be &theNumber

You could also just write out the corrected code:

double theNumber;
printf("Enter a number: ");
scanf("%lf", &theNumber);
printf("1.0 plus %lf is %lf", theNumber, 1.0 + theNumber);


Given the following line of code:

printf("The number is: %lf", 24.65);

Modify it so that it prints 24.65 to three decimal places in a field that is 6 characters wide

printf("The number is: %6.3lf", 24.65);


Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  if (10 < 12)

What is the output?



Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  if (13 < 12)
  else if(10 == 11)

What is the output?



Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  if (13 < 12)
  else if (10 == 10)

  if (11 < 12)

What is the output?



Given the following program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

  int number1 = 10;
  int number2 = 15;
  int number3 = 0;

  if (number1 > number2)
    number3 = number2 - number1;
    number1 = number2;
    number3 = number1 * number2;
    number2 = number1 + number2;

  if (number1 == number2)
    number3 = number3 / 2;
  else if (number1 < number2)
    number3 = number3 - 5;
    number3 = number3 + number1;

  printf("Number 3 is %d\n", number3);

  return 0;

What is the output of the program?

Number 3 is 145
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