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Last active December 18, 2015 03:18
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This is an idea for a Guard based Asset Pipeline for Laravel 4
return array(
| Pipelines
| In this configuration, you will specify your asset pipelines,
| For each pipeline you can specify what files you want included in
| your final minified production file
'pipelines' => array(
'application' => array(
'styles' => array(
'scripts' => array(
| The Path To Your Assets Directory
| Here, you'll specify where you want your assets directory to go.
| This will be the base directory, where sass, less, and coffee directories
| will be inserted.
'assets_path' => 'app/assets',
| The Path To Your Coffeescript Assets
| This is an optional config in case you don't store your .coffee files
| in $asset_path . '/coffee/'
// 'coffee_assets_path' => 'app/assets/coffee',
| The Path To Your Less Assets
| This is an optional config in case you don't store your .less files
| in $asset_path . '/less/'
// 'less_assets_path' => 'app/assets/less',
| Your Compiled Assets Path
| This is the folder where your assets will be compiled to.
| This is where all of your assets will compile to and should not be used
| for minified production code.
'compile_dir' => 'public/src',
| Your Compiled CSS Path
| This is an optional cofig in case you don't want your compiled CSS files
| in $compile_dir . '/css/'
// 'css_compile_dir' => 'public/src/css',
| Your Compiled JS Path
| This is an optional cofig in case you don't want your compiled JS files
| in $compile_dir . '/js/'
// 'js_compile_dir' => 'public/src/js',
| Your Production Folder
| This folder is the location where your minified and concatinated production
| files will be placed
'production_dir' => 'public/assets',
| Your Production CSS Folder
| This optional config specifies the folder where your minified and
| concatinated CSS production files will be placed
'css_production_dir' => 'public/assets/css',
| Your Production JS Folder
| This optional config specifies the folder where your minified and
| concatinated JS production files will be placed
'js_production_dir' => 'public/assets/js',
| |-coffee/
| | |-main.coffe
| |-less/
| | |-main.less
| |-css
| | |-application.css
| |-js
| | |-application.js
| |-css
| | |-lib/
| | | |-bootstrap.css
| | |-main.css
| |-js
| | |-lib/
| | | |-jquery.js
| | |-main.js
guard :coffeescript, :input => "app/assets/coffee", :output => "public/src/js"
guard :less, :all_on_start => true, :all_on_start => false, :output => 'public/src/css' do
guard :concat, :type => "css", :files => %w[lib/bootstrap main], :input_dir => "public/src/css", :output => "public/assets/css/application"
guard :concat, :type => "js", :files => %w[lib/jquery main], :input_dir => "public/src/js", :output => "public/src/js/application"
# Refresh the browser on save
guard 'livereload' do
guard :phpunit, :all_on_start => false, :tests_path => 'app/tests/', :cli => '--colors -c phpunit.xml' do
# Run any test in app/tests upon save.
# When a view file is updated, run tests.
# Tip: you probably only want to run your integration tests.
watch(%r{app/views/.+\.php}) { Dir.glob('app/tests/**/*.php') }
# When a file is edited, try to run its associated test.
# Save app/models/User.php, and it will run app/tests/models/UserTest.php
watch(%r{^app/(.+)/(.+)\.php$}) { |m| "app/tests/#{m[1]}/#{m[2]}Test.php"}
module ::Guard
class Refresher < Guard
def run_all
# refresh
def run_on_additions(paths)
def run_on_removals(paths)
def refresh
`php artisan guard:refresh`
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