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Last active October 15, 2016 01:59
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Install Caffe on EC2
git clone digits
git checkout digits-4.0
cd digits
sudo apt-get install graphviz gunicorn
for req in $(cat requirements.txt); do sudo pip install $req; done
# to run
./digits-devserver -p PORT
# default port is 5000
# ssh into the machine
ssh -i key.pem ubuntu@<ip>
# update the machine
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
# essentials
sudo apt-get install build-essential git htop
# download and extract cuda
chmox +x
mkdir nvidia_installers
./ -extract=`pwd`/nvidia_installers
# installing nvidia drivers #
# update kernel to be compatible
sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-virtual
# disable nouveau
sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf
blacklist nouveau
blacklist lbm-nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0
alias nouveau off
alias lbm-nouveau off
# then execute
echo options nouveau modeset=0 | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau-kms.conf
sudo update-initramfs -u
sudo reboot
# after reboot
sudo apt-get install linux-source
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
# download and install the drivers
cd nvidia_drivers
sudo /bin/bash ./
sudo reboot
# test nvidia drivers
# Install Cuda and cuDNN #
sudo modprobe nvidia
cd nvidia_installers
sudo ./
# install the samples in home directory
sudo ./
# to change sample permissions from root to ubuntu
sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu cuda_samples/
# add paths to bashrc
vim ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-7.5/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/usr/local/cuda-7.5/lib64
source ~/.bashrc
sudo ldconfig
# install cuDNN
# download cuDNN locally and then use scp
scp -i key.pem cudnn-7.5-linux-x64-v5.1.tgz ubuntu@<ip>:~/nvidia_installers
tar -zxf cudnn-7.5-linux-x64-v5.1.tgz
cd cuda
sudo cp lib64/* /usr/local/cuda-7.5/lib64/
sudo cp include/cudnn.h /usr/local/cuda/include/
# Installing Caffe #
# install dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y libprotobuf-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libopencv-dev libboost-all-dev libhdf5-serial-dev protobuf-compiler gfortran libjpeg62 libfreeimage-dev libatlas-base-dev git python-dev python-pip libgoogle-glog-dev libbz2-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev libgflags-dev liblmdb-dev python-yaml python-numpy
sudo easy_install pillow
# clone caffe
# git clone
# git clone
# install python requirements
cd caffe/python
for req in $(cat requirements.txt); do pip install $req; done
# build caffe
cd ~/caffe
cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config
vim Makefile.config
# Uncomment the line: USE_CUDNN := 1
# Make sure the CUDA_DIR correctly points to our CUDA installation.
make pycaffe -j32
make all -j32
make test -j32
# test caffe
echo -e "\nexport CAFFE_HOME=/home/ubuntu/caffe" >> ~/.bashrc
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