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Created April 19, 2024 17:01
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LionAGI Code Bot
import asyncio
from pathlib import Path
from lionagi.libs import SysUtil, ParseUtil
from typing import Any
from pydantic import Field
from lionagi.core import Session
from lionagi.core.form.action_form import ActionForm
import importlib
import subprocess
import sys
from os import getenv
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pathlib import Path
Guidance from super intelligent code bot:
Please generate Python functions that satisfies the prompt and follows the provided guidance, while adhering to these coding standards:
- Use descriptive and meaningful names for variables, functions, and classes.
- Follow the naming conventions: lowercase with underscores for functions and variables, CamelCase for classes.
- Keep functions small and focused, doing one thing well.
- Use 4 spaces for indentation, and avoid mixing spaces and tabs.
- Limit line length to 79 characters for better readability.
- Use docstrings to document functions, classes, and modules, describing their purpose, parameters, and return values.
- Use comments sparingly, and prefer descriptive names and clear code structure over comments.
- Handle exceptions appropriately and raise exceptions with clear error messages.
- Use blank lines to separate logical sections of code, but avoid excessive blank lines.
- Import modules in a specific order: standard library, third-party, and local imports, separated by blank lines.
- Use consistent quotes (single or double) for strings throughout the codebase.
- Follow the PEP 8 style guide for more detailed coding standards and best practices.
PLAN_PROMPT = "Please design coding instructions for the following prompt and provide guidance for the coder to follow."
WRITE_PROMPT = "Please write a Python function that satisfies the prompt and follows the provided guidance."
REVIEW_PROMPT = "Please review the following code and remove any unnecessary markdown or descriptions:\n\n{code}\n"
Please generate updated code based on the previous code and the additional request.
### Previous code: \n\n{code}\n
### Additional request: \n\n{additional_request}\n
please debug the code, fix the error and provide the correctly updated code to satisfy the prompt according to the guidance provided.
### code: \n\n {code}\n , ran into the following
### error: \n\n {error}\n
"plan_code": PLAN_PROMPT,
"write_code": WRITE_PROMPT,
"review_code": REVIEW_PROMPT,
"modify_code": MODIFY_PROMPT,
"debug_code": DEBUG_PROMPT,
def extract_code_blocks(code):
print("Extracting code blocks...")
code_blocks = []
lines = code.split('\n')
inside_code_block = False
current_block = []
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('```'):
if inside_code_block:
current_block = []
inside_code_block = False
inside_code_block = True
elif inside_code_block:
if current_block:
print(f"Extracted {len(code_blocks)} code block(s).")
return '\n\n'.join(code_blocks)
def install_missing_dependencies(required_libraries):
print("Checking for missing dependencies...")
missing_libraries = [
for library in required_libraries
if not is_library_installed(library)
if missing_libraries:
print(f"Missing libraries: {', '.join(missing_libraries)}")
for library in missing_libraries:
print(f"Installing {library}...")
print("Installation completed.")
print("All required dependencies are already installed.")
def is_library_installed(library):
print(f"{library} is already installed.")
return True
except ImportError:
print(f"{library} is not installed.")
return False
def install_library(library):
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", library])
print(f"Successfully installed {library}.")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"Error occurred while installing {library}: {str(e)}")
print("Please check the error message and ensure you have the necessary permissions to install packages.")
print("You may need to run the script with administrative privileges or use a virtual environment.")
class Coder:
def __init__(self, prompts=None, session=None, session_kwargs=None, required_libraries=None):
print("Initializing Coder...")
self.prompts = prompts or CODER_PROMPTS
self.session = session or self._create_session(session_kwargs)
self.required_libraries = required_libraries or ["lionagi"]
print("Coder initialized.")
def _create_session(self, session_kwargs=None):
print("Creating session...")
session_kwargs = session_kwargs or {}
session = Session(system=self.prompts['system'], **session_kwargs)
print("Session created.")
return session
def _set_up_interpreter(self, interpreter_provider="e2b", key_scheme=E2B_KEY_SCHEME):
print(f"Setting up interpreter with provider: {interpreter_provider}")
if interpreter_provider == "e2b":
from e2b_code_interpreter import CodeInterpreter
api_key = getenv(key_scheme)
print(f"Using API key: {api_key}")
return CodeInterpreter(api_key=api_key)
raise ValueError("Invalid interpreter provider")
async def _plan_code(self, context):
print("Planning code...")
plans = await["plan_code"], context=context)
print("Code planning completed.")
return plans
async def _write_code(self, context=None):
print("Writing code...")
code = await["write_code"], context=context)
print("Code writing completed.")
return extract_code_blocks(code)
async def _review_code(self, context=None):
print("Reviewing code...")
code = await["review_code"], context=context)
print("Code review completed.")
return code
async def _modify_code(self, context=None):
print("Modifying code...")
code = await["modify_code"], context=context)
print("Code modification completed.")
return code
async def _debug_code(self, context=None):
print("Debugging code...")
code = await["debug_code"], context=context)
print("Code debugging completed.")
return code
def _handle_execution_error(self, execution, required_libraries=None):
print("Handling execution error...")
if execution.error and == 'ModuleNotFoundError':
print("ModuleNotFoundError detected. Installing missing dependencies...")
print("Dependencies installed. Retrying execution.")
return "try again"
elif execution.error:
print(f"Execution error: {execution.error}")
return execution.error
def execute_code(self, code, **kwargs):
print("Executing code...")
interpreter = self._set_up_interpreter()
with interpreter as sandbox:
print("Running code in sandbox...")
execution = sandbox.notebook.exec_cell(code, **kwargs)
error = self._handle_execution_error(execution, required_libraries=kwargs.get('required_libraries'))
if error == "try again":
print("Retrying code execution...")
execution = sandbox.notebook.exec_cell(code, **kwargs)
print("Code execution completed.")
return execution
async def main():
print("Starting main function...")
coder = Coder()
code_prompt = '''
write a pure python function that takes a list of integers and returns the sum of all the integers in the list. write a couple tests as well
print(f"Code prompt: {code_prompt}")
print("Planning code...")
code_plan = await coder._plan_code(context=code_prompt)
print("Code plan generated.")
print("Writing code...")
code = await coder._write_code()
print("Code written.")
print("Executing code...")
execution_result = coder.execute_code(code)
print("Code execution completed.")
from IPython.display import Markdown
print("Displaying code plan...")
print("Displaying generated code...")
print("Displaying execution result...")
print("Main function completed.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Running script...")
print("Script execution completed.")
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