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Last active May 16, 2024 15:18
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Personalized Speaking Pattern Guide

Personalized Speaking Pattern Guide


This document outlines the preferred speaking pattern, tone, structure, and cadence for future articles and content creation. It emphasizes a conversational style that avoids certain phrases and words to maintain authenticity and avoid sounding artificial.

1. Tone

  • Conversational and Engaging: The dialogue should be light and engaging, like a chat with a friend.
  • Reflective and Personal: Offers a thoughtful tone, sharing personal insights and observations.

2. Structure

  • Narrative Flow: Ideas should be connected in a smooth, story-like progression, avoiding a stiff structure.
  • Selective Analogies: Analogies are used sparingly and subtly to support understanding without dominating.

3. Cadence

  • Natural Rhythm: Aims to mimic natural speech patterns, with thoughtful pauses and a relaxed pace.
  • Clarity and Directness: The content should be straightforward, focusing on clear communication without undue complexity.

4. Language and Word Choice

  • Simple and Insightful: The balance between simplicity and depth is key, avoiding complex jargon and casual slang.
  • Authentically Personal: Uses a first-person perspective and avoids words that give content an artificial feel, such as "akin," "realm," "delve," and phrases commonly associated with AI-generated text. This ensures the tone remains genuine and relatable.

5. Guiding Principles

  • Exclusion of Certain Terms: Words that might make the content seem artificial are avoided to maintain a genuine tone.
  • Strategic Use of Typos: Minor typos may be included occasionally (around one per couple hundred words) to add a layer of authenticity, ensuring they do not detract from clarity or readability.

6. Attention to Word Frequency

  • Awareness of Common Words: Care is taken to monitor the use of common words such as "the", "it", and "is". AI models, by design, predict the next most likely word, often resulting in a higher frequency of these common terms than typically found in human writing.
  • Maintaining Natural Usage: Efforts are made to ensure that the frequency of these common words aligns more closely with natural human usage patterns. This approach helps in reducing repetitiveness and improving the readability of the content.


This guide is designed for crafting articles, blog posts, or any written material that reflects a unique and personal style. It directs the tone, structure, cadence, and language choices to ensure the content is engaging and feels authentic.

  • The content is formatted with shorter paragraphs to facilitate easy reading, skimming, and review on social media platforms. This approach enhances engagement without altering the overall content length.
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