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Last active April 26, 2021 19:36
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News Analysis with Neo4j, APOC and Google Cloud NLP

Quickly making sense of the news with Neo4j, APOC and Google's NLP engine

The setup

Search for articles on

Download as .csv file

Or put it into a google sheet:, which you can download as CSV from

Setup the indexes

create index on :Article(title);
create index on :Article(body);
create index on :Source(name);

Load from the csv

load csv with headers from "" as line 
    create (a:Article)
    set a = line;

Refactor the article sources

match (a:Article)
merge (s:Source {name: a.`source.title`, uri: a.`source.uri`})
create (s)-[:PUBLISHES]->(a);

Enrich the news articles with GCP NLP

Take a look at the APOC page: Uses the Google Cloud Natural Language API: Install APOC Install the dependencies on local Neo4j server:

Prepare the GCP

Create API key on

:param apiKey =>("<<your API KEY>>")

Think about the languages

match (a:Article)
return a.lang, count(*);

Otherwise error: Failed to invoke procedure apoc.nlp.gcp.entities.graph: Caused by: Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: ...

Therefore work with different queries for different languages:

For Spanish:

MATCH (a:Article)
where a.lang = "spa"
CALL apoc.nlp.gcp.entities.graph(a, {
  key: $apiKey,
  nodeProperty: "body",
  scoreCutoff: 0.01,
  writeRelationshipType: "HAS_ENTITY",
  writeRelationshipProperty: "gcpEntityScore",
  write: true
YIELD graph AS g
RETURN "Success!";

For English:

MATCH (a:Article)
where a.lang = "eng"
CALL apoc.nlp.gcp.entities.graph(a, {
  key: $apiKey,
  nodeProperty: "body",
  scoreCutoff: 0.01,
  writeRelationshipType: "HAS_ENTITY",
  writeRelationshipProperty: "gcpEntityScore",
  write: true
YIELD graph AS g
RETURN "Success!";

For German:

MATCH (a:Article)
where a.lang = "deu"
CALL apoc.nlp.gcp.entities.graph(a, {
  key: $apiKey,
  nodeProperty: "body",
  scoreCutoff: 0.01,
  writeRelationshipType: "HAS_ENTITY",
  writeRelationshipProperty: "gcpEntityScore",
  write: true
YIELD graph AS g
RETURN "Success!";

For French:

MATCH (a:Article)
where a.lang = "fra"
CALL apoc.nlp.gcp.entities.graph(a, {
  key: $apiKey,
  nodeProperty: "body",
  scoreCutoff: 0.01,
  writeRelationshipType: "HAS_ENTITY",
  writeRelationshipProperty: "gcpEntityScore",
  write: true
YIELD graph AS g
RETURN "Success!";

Result in Bloom!

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