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Created January 12, 2015 17:45
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Graph Karaoke - Billie Jean
//create the karaoke graph
load csv with headers from "" as csv
with csv.Songpart as songpart, csv.Songpartsentence as songpartsentence, csv.Songsentence as row
unwind row as text
with songpart, songpartsentence, reduce(t=tolower(text), delim in [",",".","!","?",'"',":",";","'","-"] | replace(t,delim,"")) as normalized
with songpart, songpartsentence, [w in split(normalized," ") | trim(w)] as words
unwind range(0,size(words)-2) as idx
MERGE (w1:Word {name:words[idx]})
MERGE (w2:Word {name:words[idx+1]})
MERGE (w1)-[r:NEXT {songpart:toInt(songpart), songpartsentence:toInt(songpartsentence)}]->(w2)
ON CREATE SET r.count = 1 ON MATCH SET r.count = r.count +1
//find the words
match (w:Word) return;
//find the songpart
match (w:Word)-[n:NEXT {songpart:1}]->()
return w,n
//find the sentences
match (start)-[n:NEXT {songpart:5, songpartsentence:1}]->(end)
return start, n, end
//find the central words
//degree centrality
match (n:Word)-[r]-(m:Word)
return, count(r) as degree
order by degree desc;
//betweenness centrality query using UNWIND
MATCH p=allShortestPaths((source:Word)-[*]-(target:Word))
WHERE id(source) < id(target) and length(p) > 1
UNWIND nodes(p)[1..-1] as n
RETURN, count(*) as betweenness
ORDER BY betweenness DESC;
//store betweenness centrality on the nodes
MATCH p=allShortestPaths((source:Word)-[*]-(target:Word))
WHERE id(source) < id(target) and length(p) > 1
UNWIND nodes(p)[1..-1] as n
with n, count(*) as betweenness
set n.betweenness=betweenness;
//query betweenness by property
match (n:Word)
where n.betweenness is not null
return, n.betweenness order by n.betweenness desc
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