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Last active July 16, 2020 22:36
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DTR Refactor Tractor


Project: Refactor Tractor

Group Member Names: Jake West, Rachel Williams, Katy St Saveur, Horacio Borrego

Schedule: Most of us like to cut off working by 8pm during weekdays, so we plan to work each day starting in the afternoon around 1pm through 8pm. We will generally be available on weekends to work as well. We will meet each day either after class or after lunch each day to check in, plan for the day, and make sure we are all on the same page.

Working Style: We want to be strategic about how we do the work. When we are learning new skills, we all think it is important to start working on each of those tasks together as a group with driver/navigator, to enhance our learning. Once we are all feeling more comfortable with everything, we can do more of a divide/conquer style approach to be more efficient, while still being open to pairing whenever a group member feels it is appropriate.

Goals and Expectations for the Project: We do not feel the need to get extensions done, as we would rather focus on making sure we all understand every line of code, and improve the MVP before moving on to anything additional. We also feel that with this project, it is the time to learn and get comfortable with new skills, and get in good practice rather than feeling the need to be perfect on everything. We want to get more practice specifically with get & fetch so we all feel comfortable with it for our final solo project and all other future work.

Communication Style/Preferences: We all plan to be available on Slack during the hours we agreed upon above. With regard to how to deal with PRs, we still need to figure out how to coordinate if we all have to review each PR. We'll double-check with instructors if that is necessary. If we are waiting on a PR to be merged for a significant amount of time, we can create branches off of branches to continue building off the work that we have created rather than having to wait for a merge.

Poms/Breaks Some people prefer a more strict 30/7 schedule of poms, while others don't tend to take as many breaks. However, we are all flexible to take breaks whenever other members of the group need it when we are working together.

Day 1 Agenda: Turn in the DTR, clone down directory & create project board. We will also start looking through all of the code, beginning to understand what the classes and scripts files are doing, and making notes on where we see things that could be improved, specifically with regard to repetitive CSS and opportunities for improved accessibility in the html.

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This looks really great!! Thanks so much for documenting this all.

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