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Building Resynthesizer for GIMP 2.10.10 on macOS

Building Resynthesizer for GIMP 2.10.10 on macOS - V1

Note: These instructions are likely missing key details. Feedback is welcome and appreciated.

The following is my attempt at documenting the steps I took to compile the latest version of Resynthesizer on macOS Sierra (10.12.6) for GIMP 2.10.10.

Homebrew was used to fulfill as many dependencies as possible.

GIMP must be installed from source in order to provide the necessary libraries for Resynthesizer, but I was able to use the plugin with GIMP installed by Homebrew (brew cask install GIMP). At this time, the cask provided is version 2.10.10.


  1. Setup build directory
  2. Acquire sources
  3. Install dependencies
  4. Compile GIMP
  5. Compile Resynthesizer
  6. Install Resynthesizer

1 - Setup build directory

# I setup my build directory as recommended by [this howto]( on
# It allows us to keep things contained.

# You can put your build directory wherever is convenient.
# However, it's best if it's a new, empty directory unless you know what you're doing.

# We will assume that our build directory is '~/Code/build-gimp'.
# Let's refer to this directory with a variable

# We need to create this directory if it does not exist.
mkdir -p $PREFIX

# We also need to create a couple other important directories.
mkdir -p $PREFIX/share # This is where should be placed.
mkdir -p $PREFIX/bin

# In my case, I had installed perl from Homebrew at some point in the past.
# It did not come with a module GIMP needed to compile, so rather than install
# that module which may have worked, I symlinked the system perl into $PREFIX/bin
# to make GIMP use it instead of the Homebrew version.
# You may or may not have this issue.
# ln -s /usr/bin/perl $PREFIX/bin/perl

# Make sure you've placed '' in $PREFIX/share

2 - Acquire sources

# Now we're going to get the sources we need.
# Make sure we're in our build directory

# First is GIMP
git clone

# Next is mypaint-brushes, a library required by GIMP
git clone

# And finally, Resynthesizer
git clone git://

# Now we need to make sure we have the proper versions of our sources

# GIMP, we're compiling for 2.10.10
git checkout GIMP_2_10_10
cd ..

# mypaint-brushes, GIMP requires v1.3.x
cd mypaint-brushes
git checkout v1.3.x
cd ..

# Resynthesizer, we're compiling the latest version, so nothing to do here

3 - Install dependencies

# We need to install all of GIMP's dependencies. Thankfully, almost all of them are
# available in Homebrew.
# These instructions have not yet been tested on a fresh homebrew installation.
# However, I believe we have tracked down all of the dependencies.
# If any are missing, GIMP should list them in the
# next step. Please mention them in the comments.
# They should be a simple `brew install` away.

# Install build tools
brew install autoconf automake intltool libffi libtool pkg-config

# The Homebrew formula for GEGL is built without Cairo. GIMP requires GEGL with Cairo, so we must edit
# its formula before installing it. 
# In the editor that appears, add 'depends_on "cairo"' and 'depends_on "pango"' with the other 'depends_on' lines.
# Then comment out or delete the '--without-cairo' line below. Save and exit the file.
brew edit gegl

# Install gegl from source so our edits are used
brew install gegl --build-from-source

# Install the rest of GIMP's dependencies
brew install babl cairo gettext gexiv2 glib-networking gtk-mac-integration lcms2 libmypaint librsvg pango poppler pygtk

4 - Compile GIMP

# This is where things get interesting.
# We actually have to compile mypaint-brushes before GIMP, but it should be straightforward.

# Make sure our environment is setup correctly. This should be done by configure, but GIMP
# bails before configure if we don't do this early. Might as well do it now.

. share/ # Source - sets env vars for, configure, and compiling.

cd mypaint-brushes
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX
make install
cd ..

# If all went well there should be a mypaint-data directory in share
ls -ld share/mypaint-data

# Now we build GIMP.

cd gimp
./ --prefix=$PREFIX --without-libxpm # libxpm does not seem to be available and is unnecessary for our needs

# If you happen to encounter missing dependencies here. Please note them in the comments.
# In the meantime, you can probably find them with `brew search` and `brew install`
# Remember, we are only trying to get GIMP to build successfully. All the optional
# image libraries should not be needed (my assumption) for us to build a working
# copy of Resynthesizer. We're not going to use this copy of GIMP for actual editing tasks.

# Once you've gotten that command to complete successfully, you can proceed with the build.
make install

cd ..

# To verify that this worked
$PREFIX/bin/gimp # This should start the copy of GIMP that we just compiled.

# You can quit GIMP and proceed

5 - Compile Resynthesizer

# We're on the home stretch now
cd resynthesizer

# NOTE: @SimplyTheOther found the following change to be unnecessary on their system.
#       You should be able to skip editing the Resynthesizer source. I'm going to leave
#       the info here for now just in case.
# ** You can likely skip this ** #
# In order to get Resynthesizer to compile on macOS, I had to make a small change in the source.
# Open lib/engineTypes.h in your editor of choice.
# At the end of the file is the definition for swap_vector_elements.
# Add 'static' in front of 'inline void'.
# Save and exit.
# Without this change I was getting a 'symbol(s) not found' error.
# I got the idea to add 'static' from
# I do not know what the ramifications of this change are, I only know that it compiled and seems to work.
# ** end skip ** #

./ --prefix=$PREFIX
# I don't believe `make install` will do what we want here, so skip it.

# If there are no errors, proceed to the next step.

6 - Install Resynthesizer

# You could copy the plugin files to one of GIMP's default plugin directories, 
# but I decided to put them in their own directory and tell GIMP about it.

mkdir plug-ins
cp src/resynthesizer/resynthesizer plug-ins/
cp src/resynthesizer-gui/resynthesizer_gui plug-ins/
cp PluginScripts/*.py plug-ins/
chmod a+x plug-ins/*.py

# Now open your system's copy of GIMP (installed by Homebrew Cask in my case),
# open Preferences, expand the folders dropdown, select Plug-ins, and add the plug-ins folder
# we just created to the list.
# Click OK. Then restart GIMP.

# Filters > Enhance > Heal Selection and several others should now be available.
# Build Notes
# Gimp:
# Had two versions of perl installed. Had to symlink the correct one (/usr/bin/perl) into
# $PREFIX/bin/perl
# Had to unlink coreutils because they conflict with gegl when installed from Homebrew
# The flags below should allow unlinking gegl so that coreutils can be re-linked after gegl is installed. This has not been tested.
# Had to `brew install gtk-mac-integration` even though it wasn't flagged as required by
# Had to `brew edit gegl`, add 'depends_on "cairo"', add 'depends_on "pango"', comment out '--without-cairo' and install from source
# Cloned mypaint-brushes, checked out v1.3.x and installed
# Configured --without-libxpm
# resynthesizer:
# Added 'static' to swap_vector_elements definition in lib/engineTypes.h
# A convenient reference for our Homebrew install dir
: ${HOMEBREW_ROOT:=$(brew --prefix)}
export PATH="$PREFIX/bin:$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/gettext/bin:$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/gegl/bin:$PATH"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig:$PREFIX/share/pkgconfig:$HOMEBREW_ROOT/lib/pkgconfig:$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/gegl/lib/pkgconfig:$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/libffi/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
# I used these flags that contain specific versions, but they are not ideal
#export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I $PREFIX/share/aclocal -I $HOMEBREW_ROOT/Cellar/glib/2.60.2/share/aclocal/ -I $HOMEBREW_ROOT/Cellar/intltool/0.51.0/share/aclocal -I $HOMEBREW_ROOT/Cellar/gettext/ -I $HOMEBREW_ROOT/share/aclocal $ACLOCAL_FLAGS"
# This should work, untested
export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I $PREFIX/share/aclocal -I $HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/glib/share/aclocal/ -I $HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/intltool/share/aclocal -I $HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/gettext/share/aclocal/ -I $HOMEBREW_ROOT/share/aclocal $ACLOCAL_FLAGS"
export LDFLAGS="-L$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/gettext/lib -L$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/gegl/lib -L$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/gegl/lib/gegl-0.4 -L$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/libffi/lib -L$HOMEBREW_ROOT/lib -L$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/gtk-mac-integration/lib $LDFLAGS"
export CPPFLAGS="-I$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/gettext/include -I$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/gegl/include/gegl-0.4 -I$HOMEBREW_ROOT/include $CPPFLAGS"
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lindsayrutter commented Nov 3, 2019

Hello @ryan-robeson:

Yes, I can verify that echo $PREFIX shows the expected directory that I set up in Step 1.

I also should clarify that where I receive the warning aclocal-1.16: warning: couldn't open directory '/share/aclocal': No such file or directory under Step 4 happens after I cd into mypaint-brushes.

Continuing along Step 4 (if I ignore that initial warning), make and make install in the mypaint-brushes directory do not produce warnings/errors.

I then cd into GIMP (for me all caps) and upon running ./ --prefix=$PREFIX --without-libxpm see the same warning (aclocal-1.16: warning: couldn't open directory '~/Code/build-gimp/share/aclocal': No such file or directory) followed by the errors:

checking whether the C compiler works... no
configure: error: in `~/Code/build-gimp/GIMP':
configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables

The config.log file only provides the additional errors:

configure:4291: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0-clang -V >&5
clang-4.0: error: argument to '-V' is missing (expected 1 value)
clang-4.0: error: no input files
configure:4302: $? = 1
configure:4291: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0-clang -qversion >&5
clang-4.0: error: unknown argument: '-qversion'
clang-4.0: error: no input files

Side note: I did notice a few different versions than you (glib/2.62.2 and gettext/0.20.1), which I updated in the file. I tried both versions of the file (in terms of whether I set export ACLOCAL_FLAGS with specific flags or not)

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Hello @ryan-robeson:

I managed to remove the previous error by upgrading my system to Catalina, upgrading XCode to the latest version, and also running perl-cleanup procedures. I still have the warning aclocal-1.16: warning: couldn't open directory '/share/aclocal': No such file or directory. However, for the most part, I can follow the entire tutorial with no errors. I can set the plug-in field in the Preferences tab of GIMP to the created plug-in folder. However, even after restarting GIMP, when I select Filters > Enhance, all options are grayed out.

I am still troubleshooting this issue but thought I would mention it in case you may be familiar with its causes/solutions.

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Hello @ryan-robeson:

Now, this is interesting. I think I had access to the plug-ins 4 hours ago but didn't realize it. The trick is (at least for me) a photo must already be opened in GIMP in order to view these Filters > Enhance and Filters > Map > Resynthesize features. Without a photo loaded, these options (as well as many other options in general) appear grayed out.

Thank you again for this helpful tutorial! Really happy to have access to these plug-ins!

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Hey @lindsayrutter,

Looks like you were using an older version of the guide. If you haven't tried the latest version (as of 11/04/2019), it may save you some trouble in the future.

Glad you were able to figure it out, and thank you for sharing your solution!

Also, thinking about it more, I believe that aclocal warning is normal. IIRC it searches several places and as long as the correct files are in $PREFIX it's not an issue. I had forgotten about that.

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Hello @ryan-robeson:

Unfortunately, I am noticing that, while these features (Resynthesize etc.) are now no longer grayed out, when I tried to apply them, I receive errors: Could not execute plug-in "resynthesizer" (~/Code/build-gimp-plugins/resynthesizer/plug-ins/resynthesizer) because it uses an obsolete version of the plug-in protocol.

This happened to me when I followed the Version 1 (which installed 2.10.14 GIMP) of your guide and the latest version of your guide (both when I installed 2.10.10 and 2.10.14 versions of GIMP from websites).

Sorry to post again about this. I am still trying multiple paths, but I would be curious to know if you may happen to have advice as well. Thank you again.

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@lindsayrutter, I can reproduce the error on 2.10.14 (downloaded to test), however it's working for me on 2.10.12 (what I currently have installed).

I'm not sure what might be causing this.

If you've used my tap for libgimp2.0, you could also try brew install resynthesizer and follow the instructions listed in the Caveats. Also, be sure to remove your version of resynthesizer from the list of plugin directories so they do not conflict.

If that doesn't work, you could also try:

brew uninstall resynthesizer
brew uninstall libgimp2.0
brew install --build-from-source libgimp2.0
brew install --build-from-source resynthesizer

But, that's really just a shot in the dark.

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Hello @ryan-robeson:

Thank you again for your support. I installed 2.10.12 and the heal tool and resynthesizer tool are now available and working. So, I see the same as you did, that different GIMP versions view these plug-ins as obsolete. Now I am excited to have them working and thank you again for your helpful guide!

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Hello @ryan-robeson:

I encountered the following issue while trying to install the "libgimp2.0", could you please tell me how to solve it, thanks.

> brew install --build-from-source libgimp2.0
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
No changes to formulae.

==> Installing libgimp2.0 from ryan-robeson/gimp
Error: No available formula with the name "pygtk" (dependency of ryan-robeson/gimp/libgimp2.0)
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
Warning: homebrew/core is shallow clone. To get complete history run:
  git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" fetch --unshallow

pygtk was deleted from homebrew/core in commit 6258719db6:
  pygtk: delete
  pygtk has been deprecated since a very long time,
  and does not support Python 3.

To show the formula before removal run:
  git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" show 6258719db6^:Formula/pygtk.rb

If you still use this formula consider creating your own tap:

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Hi @flyisland,

Thanks for reaching out! I added the pygtk formula to my Tap, so hopefully that will solve that issue.

I believe you should be able to brew update and brew install --build-from-source libgimp2.0 now.

Please let me know if it works.

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Hi @ryan-robeson, thanks for your quick response!

Please check the blow output, it seems that there're still some components missing due to the python 3.

$ brew update
Updated 3 taps (homebrew/core, homebrew/cask and ryan-robeson/gimp).
==> New Formulae
==> Updated Formulae
azure-cli ✔                  dmd                          docker-compose               dub                          ejdb                         icecast                      mercurial                    pipx

$ brew install --build-from-source libgimp2.0
==> Installing libgimp2.0 from ryan-robeson/gimp
Error: No available formula with the name "pygobject" (dependency of ryan-robeson/gimp/libgimp2.0)
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
Warning: homebrew/core is shallow clone. To get complete history run:
  git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" fetch --unshallow

pygobject was deleted from homebrew/core in commit fcfa254fcf:
  pygobject: delete
  Does not support Python 3, and needs pygtk which has been removed.

To show the formula before removal run:
  git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" show fcfa254fcf^:Formula/pygobject.rb

If you still use this formula consider creating your own tap:

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@flyisland, I've now added pygobject to my Tap as well.

Hopefully that will get things working.

I tried to check for other dependencies being removed, and couldn't find any, but I may have missed something.

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hi @ryan-robeson, please check ryan-robeson/homebrew-gimp#2 , thanks.

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rljhaines commented Oct 25, 2020

Are you doing all this as root? When I begin to follow your guide as User, which from my home directory is the most natural jumping-off point, I end up with an undesirable directory (for building gimp plugins) under my home path of "~" (such that when I'm in build-gimp-plugins, it's ~/~/Code/build-gimp-plugins). Then, when attempting to proceed from / as User in the interest of creating the Code directly into the user path (~, to realize ~/Code/build-gimp-plugins), I'm advised / is a read-only directory (for User). The first reality all this seems to suggest is that this process is being done as root. Please advise. Thank you!

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Hi @rljhaines, all of this is done with a standard user account. Root should not be necessary.

It sounds like an issue of quoting if you are ending up with a directory structure like:

- ~
  |- ~
    |- Code
      |- build-gimp-plugins

Please post the commands you are using.

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Here's a screenshot (maybe).

Screen Shot 2020-10-25 at 2 24 38 PM

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It is a quoting issue. Thanks for catching that.

Try PREFIX=~/Code/build-gimp-plugins instead. I'll update the instructions accordingly

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Thank you! I should maybe have guessed as much, but I sometimes become linear in my thinking when following instruction :-D

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Do you have guidance to offer regarding my failed I have all the files in a few different places on my Catalina machine, but I don't know what 'autoconf macro directory' refers to. And I don't know if I can set the ACLOCAL_FLAGS -I [eye] /some/dir twice, as glib-gettext.m4 and intltool.m4 are in different places. Please advise. Thank you!

Screen Shot 2020-10-25 at 5 04 09 PM

Screen Shot 2020-10-25 at 5 03 42 PM

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Did you add the above to $PREFIX/share?

It also looks like you are using perl from Homebrew. I had to link the system perl into the $PREFIX/bin directory to get the build to succeed.

ln -s /usr/bin/perl $PREFIX/bin/perl

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Crud. I always do intend to be more careful. I'd made a mental note to attempt using the link to /usr/bin/perl if I didn't have success without it, but I guess when those other error messages seemed to indicate more it slipped my mind.

Anyway, that didn't cut it, and I'm getting the same error messages, including the Parser Perl Module error.

Yes, I have the in the share directory, copied and pasted. I made it executable, not knowing if that was necessary, and still no luck.

It feels like the next step is to link all the requisite m4 files to the proper directory, but I don't know what that directory is :-(

Screen Shot 2020-10-26 at 11 26 10 AM

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Ok, for the Perl error, let's verify that XML::Parser is not installed for the system Perl:

/usr/bin/perl -MXML::Parser -e 1

If that returns an error (it likely will), then you can try cpan XML::Parser. Assuming that works, you can delete the symlink rm $PREFIX/bin/perl as the previous command should have installed the module under your Homebrew install of Perl.

For the aclocal errors:

First, make sure you have glib, gettext, and intltool installed: brew info gettext, brew info intltool, brew info glib. Then, if necessary, you can modify the ACLOCAL_FLAGS variable to include their aclocal directories. However once installed, on my machine at least, the relevant files were automatically symlinked into $(brew --prefix)/share/aclocal which is already included in as $HOMEBREW_ROOT/share/aclocal. So, you may only need to install the missing formula.

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Hello, Ryan. The /usr/bin/perl -MXML::Parser -e 1 command returned nothing whatsoever, and the cpan XML::Parser command seems to have put my perl aright. I now have Resynthesizer compiled and installed.

The compile complained about the aclocal files again as shown in the attached image, but I have confirmed that I do have functional Enhance > Heal Selection in gimp.

As to the aclocal files, I do have them on my system and prior to compiling I symlinked them all to $PREFIX/share/aclocal, which you have included in So, the fact that I have Heal Selection (etc) doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, and raises some concern that I'm missing some functionality.

If I'm in the mood sometime, can I symlink those files (shown in the image) to $(brew —prefix)/share/aclocal and compile again to see if I'm greeted with the same message?

Thank you.

Screen Shot 2020-10-27 at 6 47 32 PM

Screen Shot 2020-10-27 at 7 07 01 PM

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Glad you've gotten it working for the most part.

If I'm in the mood sometime, can I symlink those files (shown in the image) to $(brew —prefix)/share/aclocal and compile again to see if I'm greeted with the same message?

I would guess that it would be equivalent to what you've already done, but may be worth a shot.

I did notice that some of your links point to /opt/local instead of /usr/local. That leads me to believe you're also using MacPorts. Combining files from MacPorts and Homebrew can occasionally lead to strange problems.

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Thank you for Resynthesizer and the assistance!

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Happy to help! Can't take credit for Resynthesizer though. I've just tried to make compiling GIMP plugins for macOS a little more straightforward.

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@ryan-robeson I just installed the dependencies using brew install libgimp2.0 and ran into an error:

==> Pouring python@2-2.7.17_1.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open '/Users/kevin/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/323d92a2d15821382d03c20caaadab64fed10ad8f0d0da64ddccea6326ce4a6a--python@2-2.7.17_1.catalina.bottle.tar.gz'
Error: Failure while executing; `tar xof /Users/kevin/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/323d92a2d15821382d03c20caaadab64fed10ad8f0d0da64ddccea6326ce4a6a--python@2-2.7.17_1.catalina.bottle.tar.gz -C /var/folders/r5/6pm7b2214wb6km4nvfb39nfw0000gn/T/d20210201-7614-vk1yt9` exited with 1. Here's the output:
tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open '/Users/kevin/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/323d92a2d15821382d03c20caaadab64fed10ad8f0d0da64ddccea6326ce4a6a--python@2-2.7.17_1.catalina.bottle.tar.gz'

Warning: Bottle installation failed: building from source.
==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.17_1 --enable-ipv6 --datarootdir=/usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.17_1/share --datadir=/usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.17_1/share --enable-framew
==> make
Last 15 lines from /Users/kevin/Library/Logs/Homebrew/python@2/02.make:
  File "/private/tmp/python-2-20210201-13470-bhg0mw/Python-2.7.17/Lib/distutils/command/", line 127, in run
  File "/private/tmp/python-2-20210201-13470-bhg0mw/Python-2.7.17/Lib/distutils/", line 326, in run_command
  File "/private/tmp/python-2-20210201-13470-bhg0mw/Python-2.7.17/Lib/distutils/", line 972, in run_command
  File "/private/tmp/python-2-20210201-13470-bhg0mw/Python-2.7.17/Lib/distutils/command/", line 340, in run
  File "./", line 228, in build_extensions
    missing = self.detect_modules()
  File "./", line 805, in detect_modules
    (tuple(int(n) for n in dep_target.split('.')[0:2])
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'split'
make: *** [sharedmods] Error 1

I'm running Big Sur- so I figured that's why I'm seeing this error. How's the best way to address this?

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beebird commented Feb 25, 2021

@ryan-robeson I have successfully built Resynthesizer and get the plugin loaded by gimp-2.10.22 which is installed via brew.

However, every time when I select an area and run "Heal selection", gimp throws a RuntimeError: The texture source is empty. Does any selection include non-transparent pixels?

Do you have any idea? I'm running Big Sur.

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yorkshirelandscape commented Jan 3, 2023

Hi @ryan-robeson - Looks like it's been a little while since people have tried this, but in case there's life in it...
I'm running into trouble at installing libgimp2.0 under MacOS Ventura on Apple Silicon. I consistently get:
Error: libgimp2.0@2.10.18: undefined method 'cellar' for #<BottleSpecification:0x0000000147d15d10>

Any thoughts? Any help you can offer is much appreciated, as is putting all this together to begin with.

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I consistently get: Error: libgimp2.0@2.10.18: undefined method 'cellar' for #<BottleSpecification:0x0000000147d15d10>

I am getting the same error.

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I am on Sonoma 14.1.2 and Homebrew 4.1.25 on Apple Silicon. Following these two commands – brew tap ryan-robeson/gimp and brew install libgimp2.0@2.10.18 – I am getting the same error as prior two posters. @ryan-robeson Any guidance you can provide? Thanks.

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