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Created May 10, 2023 23:49
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bluesky public api blocklist scanner
async function json_fetch(url) {
return (await fetch(url)).json();
async function bsky_resolve_handle(id) {
if (id.length && id.charAt(0) == '@') { id = id.substr(1); }
const url = `${id}`;
const j = await json_fetch(url);
return j.did;
handles = new Map();
async function bsky_resolve_did(id) {
if (handles.has(id)) { return handles.get(id); }
if (!id.startsWith('did:plc:')) { id = await bsky_resolve_handle(id); }
const url = `${id}`;
const j = await json_fetch(url);
handles.set(id, j.handle);
return j.handle;
async function bsky_profile(id) {
if (!id.startsWith('did:plc:')) { id = await bsky_resolve_handle(id); }
const results = await bsky_records(id, '');
return results.length ? results[0] : {};
async function bsky_records(id, collection) {
if (!id.startsWith('did:plc:')) { id = await bsky_resolve_handle(id); }
const url = `${id}&collection=${collection}`;
const results = [];
let j = {};
do {
j = await json_fetch(url + (j.cursor ? `&cursor=${j.cursor}` : ''));
for (let v of j.records) {
} while (j.cursor && j.cursor != 'self');
return results;
blocks = {}, follows = new Set();
follow = await bsky_records('', 'app.bsky.graph.follow');
for (let fid of follow) {
console.log('scanning blocks of', fid.subject, '@' + (await bsky_resolve_did(fid.subject)));
let block = await bsky_records(fid.subject, 'app.bsky.graph.block');
for (let bid of block) {
if (!(bid.subject in blocks)) {
blocks[bid.subject] = [];
s = '';
for (let blocked of Object.keys(blocks)) {
let n = blocks[blocked].length;
if (n) {
let handle = (await bsky_resolve_did(blocked)) || 'unknown';
let name = (await bsky_profile(blocked)).displayName;
name = name ? JSON.stringify(name) : 'Unknown';
let line = `${n} ${blocked} @${handle} ${name} [`
for (let blocker of blocks[blocked]) {
line += ' @' + (await bsky_resolve_did(blocker));
s += line + ' ]\n';
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