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Created March 1, 2024 18:09
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window.tasmota_tls_fingerprint = (_=>{
// golfed SHA1; the data to be already padded
// based on an old version of
const raw_sha1 = u8 => {
for (var blockstart=0,
i = 0,
W = [],
A = 0x67452301,
B = 0xEFCDAB89,
C, D, F, G,
H = [A, B, ~A, ~B, 0xC3D2E1F0],
word_array = [],
n = u8.length;
word_array[i>>2] |= (u8[i])<<(8*(3-i++%4));
n /= 4;
for (; blockstart < n; blockstart += 16) {
A = H,i=0;
for (; i < 80;
A = [[
(G = ((s=A[0])<<5|s>>>27) + A[4] + (W[i] = (i<16) ? ~~word_array[blockstart + i] : G<<1|G>>>31) + 1518500249) + ((B=A[1]) & (C=A[2]) | ~B & (D=A[3])),
F = G + (B ^ C ^ D) + 341275144,
G + (B & C | B & D | C & D) + 882459459,
F + 1535694389
][i++/5>>2] | 0, s, B<<30|B>>>2, C, D]
) {
G = W[i - 3] ^ W[i - 8] ^ W[i - 14] ^ W[i - 16];
for (i = 5; i;) {
H[--i] += A[i];
// hex encode with a space between each byte
for (str1 = ''; i < 40;) {
str1 += (i && !(i&1) ? ' ' : '') +
(H[i >> 3] >> (7 - i++) * 4 & 15).toString(16);
return str1.toUpperCase();
// base64 decode to Uint8Array
const b64d = str => {
// atob returns the byte values in a string... :-(
str = atob(str);
for (var n = str.length, u8 = new Uint8Array(n); n;) {
u8[--n] = str.charCodeAt(n);
return u8;
// the OID for rsaEncryption
const rsaEncryption = b64d('KoZIhvcNAQEB');
// constant time check whether two Uint8Arrays are equal
const u8Equal = (a, b) => {
let n = a.length, ret = n ^ b.length;
if (!ret) {
while (n--) {
ret |= a[n] ^ b[n];
return !ret;
// strip e.g. -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY--- and base64 decode
const pemToDer = str => b64d(str.replace(/(?:-+[^-]+-+|\n)/gm, ''));
// crude ASN.1 tag-length-value decoder
const getAsn1TLV = (u8, off) => {
let tmp, len;
// first two bits are class, next is form, last five are number
let class_ = u8[off] >> 6;
let form = (u8[off] >> 5) & 1;
let type = u8[off++] & 31;
// values larger than 30 are encoded in additional bytes
if (type === 31) {
type = 0;
do {
tmp = u8[off++];
// the high bit is a "more bytes follow" flag
type = (type << 7) + (tmp & 127);
} while (tmp & 128);
// lengths longer than 127 set the high bit, then use the lower 7 bits to
// indicate how many bytes were used to store the actual length
len = tmp = u8[off++];
if (tmp & 128) {
len = 0;
// set tmp to end offset
for (tmp = (tmp & 127) + off; off < tmp;) {
len = len * 256 + u8[off++];
if (len >= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
throw new Error("Excessive ASN.1 length!");
// new_offset, class, form, number, length, value
return [off, class_, form, type, len, u8.slice(off, off+len)];
return data => {
const pubKeyData = [b64d('c3NoLXJzYQ==')]; // "ssh-rsa"
const resultU8 = new Uint8Array(2048);
const resultDV = new DataView(resultU8.buffer);
let der = pemToDer(data);
let offset = 0, toSave = 0;
// crudely parse the ASN.1 data
while (offset < der.length) {
const [new_offset, _, form, type, len, value] = getAsn1TLV(der, offset);
// we discard everyting until we find an rsa public key oui
if (len && !form && type != 3) {
if (toSave < 1) {
toSave = u8Equal(value, rsaEncryption) && 2;
} else {
// save the rsa public key data... if there's a leading zero, it
// needs to be removed for compatibility with Tasmota and BearSSL
pubKeyData[toSave] = value.slice(value[0] ? 0 : 1);
// we're done once we have the key
if (!(--toSave)) {
// skip over the data unles the form bit is set
offset = new_offset + (form ? 0 : len);
// type 3 is "BIT STRING" and should contain the key as ASN.1 data
if (type == 3) {
// need to skip the first byte, not sure why
offset = 1;
// deeper!
der = value;
// serialize the public key in tasmota's "new" format
offset = 0;
for (let n, i = 0; i < pubKeyData.length; ++i) {
// 4 byte big endian length
resultDV.setUint32(offset, n = pubKeyData[i].length, false);
offset += 4;
// actual data
resultU8.set(pubKeyData[i], offset);
offset += n;
// add SHA1 padding
resultU8[offset] = 0x80;
let blockEnd = offset + 72 & ~63;
resultDV.setUint32(blockEnd-4, offset * 8, false);
// truncate and hash
return raw_sha1(resultU8.slice(0, blockEnd));
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