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Created April 19, 2015 21:03
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import sys
import itertools
import collections
from struct import pack, pack_into, unpack, unpack_from, calcsize
from binascii import crc32, hexlify, unhexlify
from pprint import pprint
f = open(sys.argv[1])
fdat =
if len(sys.argv) == 4:
# for running distributed
offset = int(sys.argv[2])
everyn = int(sys.argv[3])
offset = 0
everyn = 1
out = open('out.png', 'w')
expected_types = ['sBIT', 'IHDR', 'pHYs', 'tEXt', 'IDAT', 'IEND']
chunk_idx = 0
chunks = []
# the chunk size has to have a leading zero
# because the file is less than 16MB in size
for m in re.finditer(r'\0.{0,3}[A-Za-z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Za-z]', fdat, re.M):
end = m.end(0)
start = end - 8
ctype = fdat[start+4:start+8]
clen_bytes = fdat[start:start+4]
pcrc_bytes = fdat[start-4:start]
# this doesn't happen on the challenge file, so don't worry about it
if re.match(r'\x0a', clen_bytes, re.M):
print 'WARNING: len might be bad'
if re.match(r'\x0a', pcrc_bytes, re.M):
print 'WARNING: pcrc might be bad'
if ctype in expected_types:
clen = unpack('!L', clen_bytes)[0]
pcrc = unpack('!l', pcrc_bytes)[0]
ccrc = unpack('!l', fdat[start+clen+8:start+clen+12])[0]
print '%s %8u %8u %d %d' % (ctype, start+8, clen, pcrc, ccrc)
chunks.append([ctype, start+8, clen, None, ccrc, chunk_idx])
if chunk_idx > 0:
plen = chunks[chunk_idx-1][2]
poff = start - (chunks[chunk_idx-1][1] + 4)
repl = plen - poff
chunks[chunk_idx-1][3] = repl
chunks[chunk_idx-1][4] = pcrc
chunk_idx += 1
def nth(iterable, n):
"Returns every nth item"
#return next(itertools.islice(iterable, 0, None, n), None)
return itertools.islice(iterable, 0, None, n)
def consume(iterator, n):
"Advance the iterator n-steps ahead. If n is none, consume entirely."
# Use functions that consume iterators at C speed.
if n is None:
# feed the entire iterator into a zero-length deque
collections.deque(iterator, maxlen=0)
# advance to the empty slice starting at position n
next(itertools.islice(iterator, n, n), None)
def addcr_at(data, pos):
return data[0:pos] + '\x0d' + data[pos:]
def fix_data(data, pos_tup):
for pos in sorted(pos_tup)[::-1]:
data = addcr_at(data, pos)
return data
# values from previous runs
known_errors = [
# 0-4
None, None, None, None, (553,),
# 5-9
(502, 26274, 125131), (71426,), None, (9618, 51473, 67850), (100443,),
# 10-14
(88347, 120996), None, (112266,), None, None,
# 15-19
None, None, None, None, None,
for idx in xrange(len(chunks)):
chunk = chunks[idx]
if chunk[2] > 0:
data = fdat[chunk[1]-4:chunks[idx+1][1]-12]
chunk[3] = 0
data = chunk[0]
if chunk[3] == 0:
if crc32(data) == chunk[4]:
print 'VALID %s %2u %11d' % (chunk[0], idx, chunk[4])
out.write(pack('!L', (chunk[2])))
out.write(pack('!l', (chunk[4])))
print 'chunk correct length, but crc does not match :-('
crc_target = chunk[4]
maybe_errors = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(r'\x0a', data, re.M)]
maybe_combos = itertools.combinations(maybe_errors, chunk[3])
if False and known_errors[idx] is not None:
maybe_combos = [known_errors[idx]]
consume(maybe_combos, offset)
maybe_combos = nth(maybe_combos, everyn)
for combo in maybe_combos:
maybe_fixed = fix_data(data, combo)
new_crc = crc32(maybe_fixed)
if crc_target == new_crc:
print 'FIXED %s %2u %11d errors were %s' % (chunk[0], idx, chunk[4], repr(combo))
out.write(pack('!L', (chunk[2])))
out.write(pack('!l', (chunk[4])))
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